Subroutine returning a string warns about "Useless use of a constant in void context" - perl

I have a simple function blurb in a module that returns some text
package Il::NetApp::Dox::FlashCache;
use strict;
use warnings;
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
use Carp;
use Carp::Heavy;
use Data::Dumper;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Il::SysMon::Tools 3.2.1 qw( :debug :special_chars :text_format :help_snippets);
use Il::NetApp::Tools qw( :help_snippets );
# ===========================================================================
# = Texte - ab hier wird übersetzt =
# ===========================================================================
# ===========================================================================
# Markdown Syntax in blurb, extra und examples=>txt!
# Verwendbare Variablen in den Texten:
# $VERBOSE_HINT = Hinweis -v einzusetzen
# ===========================================================================
sub blurb {
q{Checks several metrics of NetApps FlashCache (PAM II).}; # Line 27
sub extra {
This plugin checks various performance counters of the NetApp-system.
A list of supported counters is printed via the `--counter` switch.
# Examples: Hier ist jeweils nur txt => zu übersetzen
sub simple_examples {
my $examples =
cmd => q{--explore=counters},
txt => q{List all available and supported counters on the target system.}
cmd => q{-z hit_percent -w 0 -c 0},
txt => q{Monitor the hitrate for trendanalyses but do not alarm.}
; # Ende von my $examples =
return $examples;
# sub advanced_examples {
# my $examples =
# [
# {
# cmd => q{},
# txt => q{}
# },
# ]
# ; # Ende von my $examples =
# return $examples;
# }
# ===========================================================================
# = ENDE der Texte - ab hier ist nichts mehr zu übersetzen =
# ===========================================================================
1; # return true
On one server we are getting occasional warnings:
Useless use of a constant ("Checks several metrics of "...) in void context at .../lib/Il/NetApp/Dox/ line 27.
A Perl subroutine returns the value of the last statement executed if it is an expression, and this technique has worked before. I can't reproduce the problem with Perl v5.10.1 or v5.18.2.
The site having these warnings is running Perl v5.16.3
# perl --version
This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi
(with 33 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
Could this be a bug in a specific Perl version?

Void context is a context where there's nothing to consume what's been returned.
The warnings occurs where the sub is defined with an empty prototype:
use warnings;
sub blurb () { q(some string) }
Can you show NetApp/Dox/ line 27?

Oh no, finally we have found the reason for that error message "Useless use of a constant" on some customers server. The problem had been introduced by a bug in the distribution chain on the way to the customer.
The code we have sent was (example, reduced):
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.10";
say blurb();
say "\n\n\nDESCRIPTION and EXAMPLES\n\n" . extra();
sub blurb {
q{I am the blurb - print me wherever you want me to be shown.};
sub extra {
Some extra documentation - spanning several lines including indents.
# so something -H <hostname>
Does something with hostname.
HINT: Da also lag der Hund begraben (German saying, "that's where the dog is buried" translates to "there's the fly in the ointment")
The code which had actually been run on the customers server and which caused that error was slightly different:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.10";
say blurb();
say "\n\n\nDESCRIPTION and EXAMPLES\n\n" . extra();
sub blurb {
q{I am the blurb - print me wherever you want me to be shown.};
my $status;
sub extra {
Some extra documentation - spanning several lines including indents.
# so something -H <hostname>
Does something with hostname.
HINT: Da also lag der Hund begraben (German saying, "that's where the dog is buried" translates to "there's the fly in the ointment")
The cause for the error-message was the additional line in the blurb-sub.
Beside of fixing the distribution chain future code will be made a bit more robust by either storing the text in a variable and returning that variable later or leaving out the last semicolon which would have thrown a clear error during compile-time and would have saved hours of debugging.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ":5.10";
say blurb();
say "\n\n\nDESCRIPTION and EXAMPLES\n\n" . extra();
sub blurb {
q{I am the blurb - print me wherever you want me to be shown.}
sub extra {
my $extra =
Some extra documentation - spanning several lines including indents.
# so something -H <hostname>
Does something with hostname.
HINT: Da also lag der Hund begraben (German saying, "that's where the dog is buried" translates to "there's the fly in the ointment")
return $extra;
Sorry for the first miss-leading code-example and thanks for all your comments!


Text::SpellChecker module and Unicode

use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::SpellChecker;
my $text = "coördinator";
my $checker = Text::SpellChecker->new( text => $text );
while ( my $word = $checker->next_word ) {
print "Bad word is $word\n";
Output: Bad word is rdinator
Desired: Bad word is coördinator
The module is breaking if I have Unicode in $text. Any idea how can this be solved?
I have Aspell 0.50.5 installed which is being used by this module. I think this might be the culprit.
Edit: As Text::SpellChecker requires either Text::Aspell or Text::Hunspell, I removed Text::Aspell and installed Hunspell, Text::Hunspell, then:
$ hunspell -d en_US -l < badword.txt
Shows correct result. This means there's something wrong either with my code or Text::SpellChecker.
Taking Miller's suggestion in consideration I did the below
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::SpellChecker;
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(utf8)";
my $text = "coördinator";
my $flag = utf8::is_utf8($text);
print "Flag is $flag\n";
print "Text is $text\n";
my $checker = Text::SpellChecker->new(text => $text);
while (my $word = $checker->next_word) {
print "Bad word is $word\n";
Flag is 1
Text is coördinator
Bad word is rdinator
Does this mean the module is not able to handle utf8 characters properly?
It is Text::SpellChecker bug - the current version assumes ASCII only words.
# next_word
# Get the next misspelled word.
# Returns false if there are no more.
sub next_word {
while ($self->{text} =~ m/([a-zA-Z]+(?:'[a-zA-Z]+)?)/g) {
IMHO the best fix would use per language/locale word splitting regular expression or leave word splitting to underlaying library used. aspell list reports coördinator as single word.
I've incorporated Chankey's solution and released version 0.12 to the CPAN, give it a try.
The validity of diaeresis in words like coördinator is interesting. The default aspell and hunspell dictionaries seem to mark it as incorrect, though some publications may disagree.

what does '$::n' mean for perl?

Do you know what "$::n;" means ? The section of codes is like below.
use JSON::XS;
# ...
open (YI, "| $cmd");
my $msg = { test => test };
my $emsg = encode_json($msg);
print YI "$msg_inject\n" unless $::n;
close YI;`
I remmeber that I also met $::v before. What is $::v ? Does it have additional usage ?
I only know $: is reserved word for a perl statment with more lines being filling in a field.
Best regards,
$::n is same as $main::n or just $n where $n is residing in main:: package.
Such notation ignores eventual lexical (defined with my) definition of $n, ie.
perl -Mstrict -we 'our $n=3; my $n=1; print $::n'
output is 3

How can I use "member" variables of a module inside a function?

I have this code:
package Modules::TextStuff;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT = qw(get_text);
my $author;
my $text_tmp1 =<<'ENG';
This is a template text
by $author.
sub get_text {
my $tmp = shift #_;
$author = shift #_;
print "In sub author= $author lang = $tmp \n";
my $final_str = eval('$text_'.$tmp);
print "$final_str \n";
return $final_str;
Test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Modules::TextStuff;
my $str = get_text('tmp1','jim');
print $str;
When I run the test script it does not work. I get:
In sub author=jim lang = eng
Variable "$text_tmp1" is not available at (eval 1) line 2. Use of
uninitialized value $final_str in concatenation (.) or string
How can I fix this?
Combining strings to create variables names is usually a bad idea. You could salvage your current program using our $text_tmp1 = ... instead of my $text_tmp1 = ..., but I think you should consider a different approach, like a hash:
my %templates = (
tmp1 => <<ENG,
This is a template text
by \$author.
tmp2 => <<ESP,
Esta es templata texta de \$author.
sub get_text {
my $final_str = eval( $templates{$tmp} );
The error you asked about is generated when eval EXPR tries to grab the value of a variable that did exist, but no longer exists.
>perl -wE"{ my $x = 123; sub f { eval '$x' } } say '<'.f().'>';"
Variable "$x" is not available at (eval 1) line 2.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at -e line 1.
Remember, executing a file (such as a script or a module) is done in its own a lexical scope, just like the one the curlies create above.
It can be fixed by keeping the variable alive by not letting it go out of scope
>perl -wE"my $x = 123; sub f { eval '$x' } say '<'.f().'>';"
But that's not an option for you.
Other options include making the variable a global variable.
>perl -wE"{ our $x = 123; sub f { eval '$x' } } say '<'.f().'>';"
Or forcing the sub to capture it so it doesn't cease to exist.
>perl -wE"{ my $x = 123; sub f { $x if 0; eval '$x' } } say '<'.f().'>';"
(The if 0 silences the "void context" warning.)
That said, it looks like you're trying to re-invent the wheel. Don't invent another half-assed templating system.
I'm looking at several things:
First of all, $text_tmp1 is not a package variable. It's lexically scoped since you declared it with my. If you need it as a package variable and for it to be visible in all or your subroutines, you need to declare it with our.
Your module doesn't compile as written. You are trying to source in $author, but it's not defined.
What are you doing with eval? This is wrong on so many levels.
Here's how I would do it:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
package Modules::TextStuff;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter qw(import);
use Carp;
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(get_text);
our %templates; # This is now a package variable
$templates{tmp1}=<<TEMPLATE; # We'll use `%s` for replacements
This is a template text
by %s.
This is another template and we will substitute
in %s in this one too.
sub get_text {
my $template = shift;
my $author = shift;
if ( not exists $templates{$template} ) {
croak qq(Invalid template name "$template");
return sprintf $templates{$template}, $author;
I'll make each of these templates an entry in my %templates hash. No need for eval to calculate out a variable name for the template. Also notice that I can now actually test whether the user passed in a valid template or not with the exists.
Also note that %template is declared with our and not my. This makes it available in the entire package including any subroutines in my package.
I also use #EXPORT_OK instead of #EXPORT. It's considered more polite. You're requesting permission to pollute the user's namespace. It's like knocking on someone's door and asking if you can have a beer rather than barging in and rummaging through their fridge for a beer.
Note how I use sprintf to handle the replaceable parameters. This again removes the need for eval.
I also prefer to use #! /usr/bin/env perl on my program header since it's more compatible with things like Perlbrew. You're using /usr/bin/env to find the executable Perl program that's in the user's path. This way, you don't have to know whether it's /bin/perl, /usr/bin/perl, /usr/local/bin/perl, or $HOME/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.18.0/bin/perl
To use your module, I would do this:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
use Modules::TextStuff qw(get_text);
say get_text('tmp1','jim');
Pretty much the same call you made. This prints out:
This is a template text
by jim.

Perl Syntax Error : Sample Program to read a file

I am getting the an error while reading a file and below is the script.
$file = "SampleLogFile.txt"; #--- line 2
open(MYINPUTFILE,$file); #--- line 3
while(<**MYINPUTFILE**>) {
# Good practice to store $_ value because
# subsequent operations may change it.
my($line) = $_;
# Good practice to always strip the trailing
# newline from the line.
# Convert the line to upper case.
print "$line" if $line = ~ /sent/;
Output :
PerlTesting_New.ksh[2]: =: not found
PerlTesting_New.ksh[3]: syntax error at line 3 : `(' unexpected
Any idea what the issue is ?
Otherwise Perl will not be interpreting your script. Change path accordingly as per your system
Okay, whoever is teaching you to write Perl like this needs to move out of the nineties.
use strict; # ALWAYS
use warnings; # Also always.
# When you learn more you can selectively turn off bits of strict and warnings
# functionality on an as needed basis.
use IO::File; # A nice OO module for working with files.
my $file_name = "SampleLogFile.txt"; # note that we have to declare $file now.
my $input_fh = IO::File->new( $file_name, '<' ); # Open the file read-only using IO::File.
# You can avoid assignment through $_ by assigning to a variable, even when you use <$fh>
while( my $line = $input_fh->getline() ) {
# chomp($line); # Chomping is usually a good idea.
# In this case it does nothing but screw up
# your output, so I commented it out.
# This does nothing of the sort:
# Convert the line to upper case.
print "$line" if $line = ~ /sent/;
You can also do this with a one liner:
perl -pe '$_ = "" unless /sent/;' SampleLogFile.txt
See perlrun for more info on one-liners.
hmm, your first line : #!/bin/bash
/bin/bash : This is the Bash shell.
You may need to change to

Simple Perl Script: Two questions

I have a small program:
use strict;
system ("clear");
my($option, $path);
print "\tEnter the number of your chosen option:\n";
print "\n";
print "\tOption\t\tCommand\n";
print "\t======\t\t=======\n";
print "\t1\t\tDate\n";
print "\t2\t\tDirectory Listing\n";
print "\t3\t\tCalendar\n";
print "\t4\t\tVi Editor\n";
print "\t5\t\tCalculator\n";
print "\t6\t\tExit\n\n";
($option =="1") and do
($option =="2") and do
print "Enter the path:"; ############################
chomp($path=<STDIN>); #This is giving me an error#
system(ls $path); ############################
($option =="3") and do
($option =="4") and do
($option =="5") and do
}while ($option!=6);
print "Goodbye!\n";
sleep 2;
First question: Can anyone help me how to write the proper command to create a directory listing in case 2.
Second Question: Why do I get a loop if I use
$date = `date`;
print "$date";
instead of
You should be able to solve a lot of your problems by remembering to put quotes around literal arguments to system():
system("ls $path");
and the same for most other places you call system() (your first call to system("clear") is correct).
It is a quirk of Perl that calling something like system(cal) works at all, because the unquoted cal is treated as a "bareword" by Perl, which happens to be roughly equivalent to a string when passed to a function such as system(). Relying on this behaviour would be terribly bad practice, and so you should always quote literal strings.
You could read the path like:
system("ls $path");
Not sure why you'd get the loop for $date =date;print "$date";. But I don't think there's a date function unless you're using a package for it. You can show a time like:
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;
printf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year, $mday, $mon,
$hour, $min, $sec;
On most unix systems perl resides in /usr/bin, without the e in user, so you might consider double-checking the first line of your script.
Your immediate problems were caused by quoting issues and the lack of use warnings in your script.
It's also worth noting that menu-driven scripts like yours are ideal candidates for dispatch tables. A dispatch table is a technique for defining actions as data. The actions are Perl subroutines. The data is usually a set of key-value pairs that end up getting stored in a hash.
The keys to the hash are the choices made by the user (menu items 1-6 in your case).
The values in the hash are called code references. There are two ways to set up these code references: (1) Directly in the dispatch table, using anonymous subroutines; or (2) using the &\foo syntax, which would create a reference to a subroutine named foo.
The handy thing about this approach is that your menu() method can be reused -- simply with a different dispatch table and a different usage message.
This example is so small that the benefit of reuse might not seem compelling, but the general technique of having data -- in the form of a dispatch table -- control program behavior is powerful in many contexts.
# Always use both of these.
use strict;
use warnings;
sub dispatch_table {
1 => sub { system 'date' },
2 => \&ls_path,
3 => sub { system 'cal' },
4 => sub { system 'vi' },
5 => sub { system 'bc' },
6 => sub { print "Goodbye!\n"; sleep 2 },
sub ls_path {
print "\nEnter the path: ";
chomp(my $path=<STDIN>);
# Note quoting. To be super robust, you would
# need to escape apostrophes in the path.
system "ls '$path'";
sub usage_message {
return "Choose wisely:
Option Command
====== =======
1 Date
2 Directory Listing
3 Calendar
4 Vi Editor
5 Calculator
6 Exit
sub menu {
system 'clear';
my %dt = dispatch_table();
my $option;
print usage_message();
while (1){
print "> ";
chomp($option = <STDIN>);
last if exists $dt{$option};
I can not reproduce your loop with:
$date =date;print "$date";
I doubt that is exactly how you coded it since I get a compile error
with use strict;. If you can show a reduced code example which still illustrates the problem, we could help debug it further.
If you are trying to capture the output of an external command into a variable, you could use backticks or qx:
my $date = qx(date);
print "$date";
On a side note, whenever I see a series of print statements, I think here-doc:
print <<"EOF";
Enter the number of your chosen option:
Option Command
====== =======
1 Date
2 Directory Listing
A little easier to read and maintain, no?
Finally, it is also a good idea to use warnings;.
The first couple of suggests I have are, first like others have already suggested, use warnings is strongly encouraged. Older Perl interpreters may require you use the older form #!/usr/bin/perl -w as the first line of your Perl script. Second, there is a Switch module available, to make the switch statement look less ugly. I've also shown usage of subroutines to clean up the appearance of the program.
I've attached a alternative version of your script with some potential suggestions. Note it uses a slightly different alternative for switch. If available, I'd recommend using the Switch module. It includes a different way of printing the time, and of course fixes your problem with the system calls.
I hope that helps.
use strict;
use warnings; # otherwise /usr/bin/perl -w in first line
sub menu() {
print <<EOM;
Enter the number of your chosen option:
Option Command
====== =======
1 Date
2 Directory Listing
3 Calendar
4 Vi Editor
5 Calculator
6 Exit
sub showtime() {
my $time = localtime;
print $time,"\n";
sub listdir() {
my $path;
print "Enter the path: ";
chomp($path = <STDIN>);
system("ls $path");
print "\n";
my $option;
do {
chomp($option = <STDIN>);
for ($option) {
/1/ and do {
/2/ and do {
/3/ and do {
/4/ and do {
/5/ and do {
} while ($option != 6);
print "Goodbye!\n";
sleep 2;