Suppress groups when page count exceeds 1 - crystal-reports

I have an invoice that is sent annually to thousands of owners. Transactions are grouped by contract and then again by Owner#, meaning there can be multiple contracts for one Owner#. There is a PageNofM in the footer that resets on the change of Owner# grouping.
Our mailing company will only accept invoices that are the same for each recipient. So we remove all the multi-page invoices manually. I would like to output the single page invoices first and then the multi-page invoices.
I have been racking my brain trying to get this to work. I have tried suppressing based on totalpagecount>1 and Googled it in as many different ways I can come up with. So now I'm coming to the experts with my first post. Any thoughts?


Store Google Form Responses in 3 different spreadsheets depending on form choices

I have created a form in which students have to tell if they've formed a group of 4, 5 or 6 members and correspondingly fill out the email id's of all members in the group.
Right now, all the responses land in a single document, like this
I want that depending on the group size, 3 different spreadsheets be created. To say, All group of 4 responses in 1 spreadsheet, all group of 5 in one spreadsheet and all group of 6 responses in one spreadsheet. So 3 spreadsheets for the 3 group options.
I was going through the web and I see its possible via App scripts but I couldnt figure out how. Any leads on this?
no need to use script for this which is not trivial to do and handle all possible errors.
instead simply use a combination of importRange and filter/query to the other spreadsheets from the master responses.
by using spreadsheet formulas your spreadsheets will always update correctly and instantly.
The easiest way would be to use an installable trigger on the form which is called on form submission. Rather than using the default functionality of adding all responses to a "Form Responses" sheet, your script would then take the raw form data and add it to the appropriate sheet based on the group size.

Filemaker GetSummary from related table

I'm been using FM for the first time and have a need to use Get Summary on a financial information table. This generates various summaries of different income by customer, year and type. The layout generated from this table is good. The use of Get Summary allows me to do math with the various results, whereas sub summary totals by income type (as far as I know) cannot be added and divided by each other.
The problem I'm facing is that I wish now to create a layout based on customers and include some of the Get Summary detail from the financial table. Because my new layout is based on customers, I understand I cannot use Get Summary from financial as either a related field or in a portal.
The end game is simply to scroll through customer records, one after the other, and have key financial information show on their 'home' screen if you will, for years and type.
Any help gratefully appreciated. Thanks
I understand I cannot use Get Summary from financial as either a
related field or in a portal.
No, that's not quite correct. The GetSummary() function returns the sub-summary value by breakfield - if records are sorted by breakfield. Thus if the portal (or the underlying relationship) sorts the related records by type, you will see sub-summary values in the portal. However, you won't be able to see only sub-summary values, since a portal has no sub-summary parts.
There are other ways to show summarized related data. If you don't have (and don't expect to have) a large amount of records, considering filtering a (one-row) portal to show only a specific type of related records, then place the summary field inside it. Of course, this assumes the types are known in advance and unchanging.

Grouping Jasper Report horizontally

I have a fairly straightforward Jasper Report that uses Grouping for up to 8 groups. When I run it, it correctly groups and prints, but each group is on a new page. Although there are several SO and other questions that ask this same thing, I have not been able to get this to work.
What I want is exactly what I have now, but instead, for each group to lay out horizontally on the page.
The report property "print order", which several people allude to, is not changing this behavior. And when I tried setting "columns" to 3, it simply takes the first group and spreads its data over 3 columns, and then starts the next group on a new page.
I have tried every other combination of parameters that might prevent this, but without success. Does anyone know if I can show the groups horizontally across the page?

Crystal Reports Splitting Page up into Thirds

I have been asked to mock up a report in Crystal (i would normally use SSRS but the application uses crystal for report), and i need to split the page up into thirds. The idea is that the top 2 thirds are for the customer, then there will be a tear line on the paper and under that will be the section for us to keep.
What is the best way to accomplish this, baring in mind the report could go over 2 pages?
Based on my understanding of the requirements, you just want to space things out over a customer's order (or something similar). I am assuming the grouping will be by customer with items in the details sections.
1) If all fields required are in a single records, and you can stick by the "2/3's page" visually, you can force the spacing simply by extending the reporting band sections. i.e., Increase the page header and include some customer information, or do the same with a group header, etc. and then space out a single details band with fields spread out as is visually pleasing.
With the spacing done this way, you can also embed a small band that holds only a dashed line, which will be a visual tear line.
Fields placed in the next band will be the portion that you intend to keep.
2) If the customer section will have multiple items in details -- be smaller or larger (i.e., if you are pulling in an inventory list that may have 1 or 21 items), then you can still something similar, but not using enlarged, fixed band sizes. You can put customer general information in a group header, followed by multiple details (records), and end with a two-band group footer. The first band can be any closing information for that customer, followed with a visual tear-bar, and the last band can be the information you wish to keep.
Grouping by customer and forcing new pages for each customer should give you what you're looking for.
I hope that's clear enough to give you two alternatives.
D'Oh... and, forgot to include: You can use the Section Expert to format a group footer to Print At the Bottom Of Page, forcing the portion that you want to keep to the lower part of the page. On a multi-page printout, it would be forced to the bottom of the nth page.

Adding a new group in Crystal Reports causes all of my existing groups to disappear

My problem in a nutshell: I create a new report, I insert a number of groups one at a time, and everything goes fine until I add the final group and suddenly I get zero results back for the entire report.
I'm new to Crystal Reports, so I'm not even sure I'm using the right vocabulary, and I'm sure this is one of the reasons I'm having such a hard time googling this. I have a book I'm going through (Pro VS 2005 Reporting Using SQL Server and Crystal Reports) but it's very specific about putting forth a set of steps to follow and it doesn't really explain the why of things.
I'm using VS 2005, C#, with built in Crystal Reports; I don't have a fancy stand alone version.
I am creating a DataSet and passing it into the report as the report Database. The DataSet has four tables: a user table (which includes a user Group ID), a course table with a list of courses that the user has taken, an exam details table with details about each exam in the course (including an exam score), and a topic details table, with information about exam topics (including a score for each topic on the exam).
I can add a user group group, a users group, a courses group, and an exam group, and return the details for each exam. But when I add a topic group everything disappears. If I add a topic group by itself I see a list of topics, but making the topic group an inner group of any other group only gives me a blank report.
I checked and I have relations defined between all my tables that should indicate which topic goes with which exam, etc.
Let me know if you need any additional information. I'm sure this is something simple that I'm overlooking because I don't have a dedicated Crystal Reports book.
Can you try and re-create the essential SQL that is being used, directly in the database? It sounds like you're getting data back until that last group is added, and that makes the query now return an empty set.
One of the remedies I found was removing underscore from sql fields, to keep the other tags from disappearing. I was initially having the field "abc_xyz" in sql, had to change it to "abcxyz" to make it work in crystal.