MongoDB aggregation project different fields based on the matched condition? - mongodb

I am writing a query in MongoDB using aggregation such that if condition 1 matches then I want to project some fields and when condition 2 matches I want to project some different fields and when the third condition 3 reaches I want to project some other different fields.
My Query is like below
$match: {
$and: [
{field_a: "henesa"}
$expr: {
$or: [
{ Condition 1}, {Condition 2}, {condition 3}
{$project: { /* Here How To Decide which params to send */}}
Can anyone please tell me how can I do that.

You can use <field>: <expression> syntax of $projection at the projection stage.
In <expression> part you can use conditional operators to project values based on your criteria. E.g.
{ $project: {
field: { $switch: {
branches: [
{ case: Condition 1, then: "$field1" },
{ case: Condition 2, then: "$field2" },
} }
} }
Or more complex combination of $cond if you need to handle cases when more than one $or conditions met.


Find in nested array with compare on last field

I have a collection with documents like this one:
f1: {
firstArray: [
secondArray: [{status: "foo1"}, {status: "foo2"}, {status: "foo3"}]
My expected result includes documents that have at least one item in firstArray, which is last object status on the secondArray is included in an input array of values (eg. ["foo3"]).
I don't must use aggregate.
I tried:
"f1.firstArray": {
$elemMatch: {
"secondArray.status": {
$in: ["foo3"],
otherField: "bar",
You can use an aggregation pipeline with $match and $filter, to keep only documents that their size of matching last items are greater than zero:
{$match: {
$expr: {
$gt: [
{$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$f1.firstArray",
cond: {$in: [{$last: "$$this.secondArray.status"}, ["foo3"]]}
See how it works on the playground example
If you know that the secondArray have always 3 items you can do:
"f1.firstArray": {
$elemMatch: {
"secondArray.2.status": {
$in: ["foo3"]
But otherwise I don't think you can check only the last item without an aggregaation. The idea is that a regular find allows you to write a query that do not use values that are specific for each document. If the size of the array can be different on each document or even on different items on the same document, you need to use an aggregation pipeline

How do i find the total number of subjectsthat has no prerequisites using agregation?

I have tried several codes but it didn't work.
Example from the database,
one has a prerequisite and one does not have prerequisites and I would like to find the total number of the subject with no prerequisites :
"subTitle":"Final Year Project",
"assessments": [
{ "assessNum": 1,
"description":"Prototype demonstration" },
{ "assignNum": 2,
"assessType":"Implementation and Presentation",
"description":"Final product Presentation and assessment of product implementation by panel of project supervisors" }
"subTitle":"Algorithm and Data Structures",
"prerequisite": ["csci103"]
one of the few codes that I tried using :
db.Subject.aggregate({$group:{"prerequisite":{"$exists": null}, count:{$sum:1}}});
Results :
You can use $match to eliminate unwanted documents and $group to calculate sum
$match: {
"subject.prerequisite": {
"$exists": false
$group: {
_id: null,
total: {
$sum: 1
Working Mongo playground
This can be achieved within a single aggregation pipeline stage i.e. the $group step where you can use the BSON Types comparison order to aggregate the
documents where the 'subjects.prerequisites' field exists and has at least an element. The condition can be used as the group by key i.e. the _id field
in $group.
Consider running the following aggregation pipeline to get the desired results:
{ $group: {
_id: {
$cond: [
$or: [
{ $lte: ['$subject.prerequisite', null] },
$eq: [
{ $size: { $ifNull: ['$subject.prerequisite', [] ] } },
count: { $sum: 1 }
} }
The first condition in the OR simply returns true if a document does not have the embedded prerequisites field and the other satisfies these set of conditions:
if length of ( prerequisites || [] ) is zero
In the above, $cond takes a logical condition as its first argument (if) and then returns the second argument where the evaluation is true (then) or the third argument where false (else). When used as an expression in the _id field for $group, it groups all the documents into either true/false which is conditionally projected as "noPrerequisite" (true) OR "havePrerequisite" (false) in the group key.
The results will contain both counts for documents where the prerequisite field exists and for those without the field OR it has an empty array.

MongoDB aggregation - Match input parameter if provided else do not match

I have a MongoDB aggregation query in which I have the following:
{ $match: { version: versionNumber }
The 'versionNumber' is an optional input parameter to the aggreagation. If this versionNumber is not provided, then I do not want this match to be performed.
Currently, if the versionNumber is not supplied, the match still happens and I get a blank query output.
Is there a way in Mongo to do this? Thanks!
There is a way to do that, yes, but it should be done in the application code. When building the pipeline array to pass to the query, only include the $match stage if the necessary information is provided.
var pipeline=[]
if (versionNumber) pipeline.push( {$match: {version: versionNumber }} )
pipeline.push( ... Other Stages ... )
I am not sure what will be the value in versionNumber when its not provided (optional), lets assume versionNumber will be any from "" or undefined or null,
if versionNumebr is not available then it will skip and when its available then it will match $eq condition
you can add more values in array [null, "", "undefined"], 0 zero or anything you wanted to skip
$match: {
$expr: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [versionNumber, [null, "", "undefined"]] },
{ $eq: ["$version", versionNumber] }
if versionNumebr will be always single possible value "" then you can use $eq instead of $in,
$match: {
$expr: {
$cond: [
{ $eq: [versionNumber, ""] },
{ $eq: ["$version", versionNumber] }

MongoDB projections and fields subset

I would like to use mongo projections in order to return less data to my application. I would like to know if it's possible.
user: {
id: 123,
some_list: [{x:1, y:2}, {x:3, y:4}],
other_list: [{x:5, y:2}, {x:3, y:4}]
Given a query for user_id = 123 and some 'projection filter' like user.some_list.x = 1 and user.other_list.x = 1 is it possible to achieve the given result?
user: {
id: 123,
some_list: [{x:1, y:2}],
other_list: []
The ideia is to make mongo work a little more and retrieve less data to the application. In some cases, we are discarding 80% of the elements of the collections at the application's side. So, it would be better not returning then at all.
Is it possible?
How can I achieve this. $elemMatch doesn't seem to help me. I'm trying something with unwind, but not getting there
If it's possible, can this projection filtering benefit from a index on user.some_list.x for example? Or not at all once the user was already found by its id?
Thank you.
What you can do in MongoDB v3.0 is this:
$match: {
"": 123
}, {
$redact: {
$cond: {
if: {
$or: [ // those are the conditions for when to include a (sub-)document
"$user", // if it contains a "user" field (as is the case when we're on the top level
"$some_list", // if it contains a "some_list" field (would be the case for the "user" sub-document)
"$other_list", // the same here for the "other_list" field
{ $eq: [ "$x", 1 ] } // and lastly, when we're looking at the innermost sub-documents, we only want to include items where "x" is equal to 1
then: "$$DESCEND", // descend into sub-document
else: "$$PRUNE" // drop sub-document
Depending on your data setup what you could also do to simplify this query a little is to say: Include everything that does not have a "x" field or if it is present that it needs to be equal to 1 like so:
$redact: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: [ { "$ifNull": [ "$x", 1 ] }, 1 ] // we only want to include items where "x" is equal to 1 or where "x" does not exist
then: "$$DESCEND", // descend into sub-document
else: "$$PRUNE" // drop sub-document
The index you suggested won't do anything for the $redact stage. You can benefit from it, however, if you change the $match stage at the start to get rid of all documents which don't match anyway like so:
$match: {
"": 123,
"user.some_list.x": 1 // this will use your index
Very possible.
With findOne, the query is the first argument and the projection is the second. In Node/Javascript (similar to bash):
db.collections('users').findOne( {
id = 123
}, {
other_list: 0
} )
Will return the who'll object without the other_list field. OR you could specify { some_list: 1 } as the projection and returned will be ONLY the _id and some_list
$filter is your friend here. Below produces the output you seek. Experiment with changing the $eq fields and target values to see more or less items in the array get picked up. Note how we $project the new fields (some_list and other_list) "on top of" the old ones, essentially replacing them with the filtered versions.[
{$match: {"": 123}}
,{$project: { "user.some_list": { $filter: {
input: "$user.some_list",
as: "z",
cond: {$eq: [ "$$z.x", 1 ]}
"user.other_list": { $filter: {
input: "$user.other_list",
as: "z",
cond: {$eq: [ "$$z.x", 1 ]}

Compare document array size to other document field

The document might look like:
_id: 'abc',
programId: 'xyz',
enrollment: 'open',
people: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
maxPeople: 5
I need to return all documents where enrollment is open and the length of people is less than maxPeople
I got this to work with $where:
exists = ['enrollment', 'maxPeople', 'people'],
query = _.reduce(exists, (existsQuery, field) => {
existsQuery[field] = {'$exists': true}; return existsQuery;
}, {});
query['$and'] = [{enrollment: 'open'}];
query['$where'] = 'this.people.length<this.maxPeople';
return db.coll.find(query, {fields: {programId: 1, maxPeople: 1, people: 1}});
But could I do this with aggregation, and why would it be better?
Also, if aggregation is better/faster, I don't understand how I could convert the above query to use aggregation. I'm stuck at:
{$project: {ab: {$cmp: ['$maxPeople','$someHowComputePeopleLength']}}},
{$match: {ab:{$gt:0}}}
Based on #chridam answer, I was able to implement a solution like so, note the $and in the $match, for those of you that need a similar query:
return Coll.aggregate([
$match: {
$and: [
{"enrollment": "open"},
{"times.start.dateTime": {$gte: new Date()}}
"$redact": {
"$cond": [
{"$lt": [{"$size": "$students" }, "$maxStudents" ] },
The $redact pipeline operator in the aggregation framework should work for you in this case. This will recursively descend through the document structure and do some actions based on an evaluation of specified conditions at each level. The concept can be a bit tricky to grasp but basically the operator allows you to proccess the logical condition with the $cond operator and uses the special operations $$KEEP to "keep" the document where the logical condition is true or $$PRUNE to "remove" the document where the condition was false.
This operation is similar to having a $project pipeline that selects the fields in the collection and creates a new field that holds the result from the logical condition query and then a subsequent $match, except that $redact uses a single pipeline stage which restricts contents of the result set based on the access required to view the data and is more efficient.
To run a query on all documents where enrollment is open and the length of people is less than maxPeople, include a $redact stage as in the following::
{ "$match": { "enrollment": "open" } },
"$redact": {
"$cond": [
{ "$lt": [ { "$size": "$people" }, "$maxPeople" ] },
You can do :
1 $project that create a new field featuring the result of the comparison for the array size of people to maxPeople
1 $match that match the previous comparison result & enrollment to open
Query is :
$project: {
_id: 1,
programId: 1,
enrollment: 1,
cmp: {
$cmp: ["$maxPeople", { $size: "$people" }]
}, {
$match: {
$and: [
{ cmp: { $gt: 0 } },
{ enrollment: "open" }