download scowl in Lunix using command line - scala

I have to manipulate my OWL file with Scala language. therefore, I found that scowl: facilitates this task. I'm working with Lunix and Virtual Machine.
my questions are:
how to download scowl in Lunix with command line?
how to upload my owl file from github in Lunix?
Thanks in advance

I am the author of Scowl. It is meant to be used as a library in your Scala application. So you would add it as a dependency in your build file, whether you are using SBT or Maven or something else. It's available from Maven Central, and instructions are in the Scowl readme. I'm not sure what you mean by uploading your OWL file. Scowl provides a domain-specific language in Scala to allow you to manipulate OWL axioms in a readable way.


outside lib in GitHub

I just recently used Github, and when I was trying to upload my java project I realized that I was using some external libraries like apahce poi in this project, and these files have to be stored in libs for my application to function, do I need to upload these files because I realize that might violate some issues(maybe ?).
If yes, then what is the correct way to upload or maybe just post a link to those dependency
Use a tool that provides a dependency management system such as Maven or Gradle (these are both common choices in the Java ecosystem). Your project will then include a configuration file that Maven or Gradle will use to download dependencies so you don't need to distribute them with your project.

What's the point of downloading the source jars in a grails project?

I've noticed that in eclipse if you Right click on a project -> Grails Tools -> You have the option to 'Download Source Jars'.
What is the point of this and what are some common reasons as to why you would want to do this?
Grails 2.2.3
I'm not even sure what grails does instead of that.
Many (most) libraries (JARs, "artifacts" in the Maven terminology) publish a sources archive alongside their binary artifacts in the repositories. This can be useful for Eclipse to show you the Javadoc and source code when you're using the library in your projects. As #JonSkeet commented above, it's very useful to have source code available directly in the IDE when using a library.
By default, Grails does not download the sources for artifacts; this option triggers it to do so and attach the sources to the binary JARs.
Agreed with E-Riz.
Here are the reasons I use the sources:
i want to have a deeper understanding of how the library works when debugging my own depending code
i want to find a possible bug in the library, so I can fork it and apply my own patch. i will possibly share this with the maintainers as a pull request if I'm willing to spend that much time on it.
i want to find out what logging systems it uses that might be poorly documented, so I can see better what their code is doing during runtime, to troubleshooting complicated problems.

What is Scala's Simple Build Tool (sbt) and why is it used?

I am new in Scala and I have to learn Scala and SBT, I read the sbt tutorial but i am unable to understand the use of sbt, for what purpose its been used.After reading this tutorial
I am still confused can any one will explain it in simple words, also suggest me if there is some tutorial for simple build tool
When you write small programs that consist of only one, or just two or three source files, then it's easy enough to compile those source files by typing scalac MyProgram.scala in the command line.
But when you start working on a bigger project with dozens or maybe even hundreds of source files, then it becomes too tedious to compile all those source files manually. You will then want to use a build tool to manage compiling all those source files.
sbt is such a tool. There are other tools too, some other well-known build tools that come from the Java world are Ant and Maven.
How it works is that you create a project file that describes what your project looks like; when you use sbt, this file will be called build.sbt. That file lists all the source files your project consists of, along with other information about your project. Sbt will read the file and then it knows what to do to compile the complete project.
Besides managing your project, some build tools, including sbt, can automatically manage dependencies for you. This means that if you need to use some libraries written by others, sbt can automatically download the right versions of those libraries and include them in your project for you.

Project on Google go, imports of libraries

I am new to Go language and currently I am trying to understand the basics of building Go applications. I met the following problem.
For example, I am using other libraries in my project. I have them locally, on my computer, so my project works fine.
I am loading my code on github and another programmer download it. As I understand, my code won't work, because this programmer doesn't have the libraries I used.
So the question is: What is the best way to share my project with all libraries it has? Should I upload these libraries in the separate repositories? Then to use my project, people need to look inside the code to detect which libraries I am using to download them one by one?
For example, in Java there is such thing like Maven or Ant, which downloads all required dependencies. Is there any tools like this for Go?
Let's call the main file of my project main.go
And I am using my own library: mathutil.go
what is the best way to make this project run on other computers?
Go's dependencies work very much like using Maven or IVY transitive dependencies. When someone does "go get" of your package, anything you depend on will automatically download.
For example, in your source:
import ""
go will automatically download that to your $GOPATH/src/ along with your code.
Assuming the third party libs you use are hosted in a public repo (ie: github) then people don't need to do anything.
If the libraries you used are not available on a public repo, you will need to post them somewhere assuming their licensing allows.
Take a look at for more details

Matlab dependency management

I am looking to apply dependency management to a large-scale Matlab project.
This project imports a large number of java libraries, as well as some compiled C++ code, to the extent that some software best practices are now becoming more essential.
Is anyone aware of something along the lines of Maven/Ivy for use with Matlab?
I'm not very familiar with Matlab, but sounds like your issue is that you're trying to put a large set of binary files under some sort of version control?
If those files are available in Maven Central, you can use my ant2ivy script to generate a starting set of ivy.xml and ivysettings.xml files.
One of the great things about ivy is that it can be run stand-alone as follows:
java -jar ivy.jar -retrieve "lib/[artifact].[ext]" -ivy ivy.xml -settings ivysettings.xml
This will download the jars and place them into a "lib" directory (Or whatever directory Matlab uses).
matlab isn't really made for large-scale projects. You'll have to come up with your own code to check for all necessary dependencies.
I created a simple maven based dependency management for matlab projects using and zip as release format.
Sample project -
Simple archetype can be found in
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