Unity - World canvas not seen in build executable - unity3d

I am working on a moba game in unity, with photon and i use world canvas to display the player life. In the edit mode, i can play without any problem, but in build exe, i can't see the world space canvas. i tried using other cameras, the only way i can see those canvases is to set a camera to render target and display the render result in a raw image. Here are the settings:
Is this an unity bug? I am using the lightweight render pipeline from unity 2018.1.3. Or am I doing something wrong?

I fixed it by using 2D sprites


Unity LWPR does not see some layers

I have 2D Unity project with two cameras: the main one and one designed for parallax effect.
After I installed LWPR for setting lights the second camera stopped showing its layer in game.
Is there a way to fix this?
The practice of rendering two cameras at the same time as you are describing, "camera stacking", is not currently supported on LWRP or URP. There is some discussion about adding support for it again.
You could try using a camera to render onto a render texture and display that as your background.
For the 2D light, it is present but is greyed out. You should be able to enable experimental feature use in the player settings for the project.

What objects and APIs would I use to fill the unity game window with custom graphics?

I need to build an app using Unity which doesn't use a traditional camera to generate the graphics. I'll build them using some custom shaders and a few cameras whose results get stuffed in rendertextures and then frobbed. (Think http://www.purplefrog.com/~thoth/art/kaleidescope/kaleid1.html but even weirder)
I'm not sure what objects I would put in the scene to accomplish this. In any normal app you just put a camera and point it at the right spot and Unity gets the pixels into the window, but that is just not how this thing will work.
I'm not sure if I should be using a UI Canvas or what APIs would be used to copy various render textures into the proper locations.
If you are not targeting WebGL you can create a RenderTexture of the proper size (maybe using RenderTexture.GetTemporary) and use Graphics.CopyTexture or other techniques to assemble the image you want displayed in the game window.
Once you have the pixels you want in the RenderTexture you can use Graphics.Blit(src, (RenderTexture)null); which will copy the pixels into the game window. These pixels will be stretched if the game window is not the same size as the RenderTexture.
This technique worked for me in the editor's game window, but when I compile it to WebGL, all I get is a mostly-grey screen with a really big black rectangle in the bottom left.

Unity UI canvas not working with VR

I have been trying to get a very simple demo of a native Unity UI canvas working with VR.
I have read the oculus blog post here: https://developer3.oculus.com/blog/unitys-ui-system-in-vr/ but i need to use the native unity UI as i want to redistribute the code without license worries.I followed this tutorial https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/virtual-reality/interaction-vr?playlist=22946 and downloaded the unity vr samples project from the asset store. In this they provide some scripts to place on the camera (VRInput and VREyeRaycaster) and some scripts to place on the target object (VRInteractiveItem and ExampleInteractiveItem).
When i apply the target scripts to a regular GameObject in the scene (e.g. a cube) the raycast works fine and the appropriate calls are made when fire1 is activated. When i try and do this for a canvas object (e.g. a button) - no hit is detected. I have tried placing the two target scripts (VRInteractiveItem and ExampleInteractiveItem) on the canvas, the image containing the button and the button itself and none work. What am i doing wrong? Why would it work on a regular gameobject and not on a UI canvas? I have made sure all my canvas elements have their raycast target boolean property ticked
It seems to work when i attach a box collider to the UI element, is this required? i thought it should just work with a GraphicsRaycaster attached. but the configuration below doesn't work (when box collider is disabled and graphics raycaster is enabled)
This is what is on my players camera:
I dont have a problem using box colliders if i have to but i wanted to take advantage of the UI buttons changes in highlighted and pressed color properties
In Unity raycasting works only with game objects having colliders. Raycast returns true when it hits a collider. Without colliders there is nothing the ray can hit.
Unity Physics.Raycast documentation
I believe, for anyone just seeing this for the first time, a potential reason it is not working is because the canvas from the above picture is using a "Graphics Raycaster" element and not an "OVR Raycaster" element. The OVR Raycaster is meant to replace the graphics raycaster to connect Oculus to Unity UI.
If you want to use the unity's UI in VR you might want to take a look at this asset: VRTK
There are some examples of VR UI using controllers or camera targeting.
Go to your canvas, you should have an option that is "Plane Distance" it's set to 100 , I change it to 0.5 and it works quite well.

Canvas UI does not render in GVR (Google Cardboard) in Unity 5.3.5

I am using Unity3D 5.3.5 to develop a Google VR (Cardboard) project
I added a canvas button to my scene. It shows up in scene mode and sometimes in Game mode but never when I run the project
What I have tried
Turning off Direct Render for Main Camera
Setting up Render Mode of canvas to World Space
Adding Main Camera to Event Camera
Button shows up in Scene and Game Mode but not during Play mode
Though the UI does not show up, Physics Raycaster in the reticle hits the button.
Screenshots Below
This is a Unity bug. In the forums they mentioned it will be fixed in 5.3.5p5.
Its also noted in known issues for gvr:
Starting with 5.3.4p2, a bug in Unity prevents rendering World Space
uGUI Canvases into a RenderTexture
It works in older version(5.3.4f1), if you need to test it right now.
in your canvas change Render Mode to-> Screen Space Camera
change Render Camera to -> Your camera
change Plane Distance to a very low number but not negative

Unity- Photosphere Photo Viewer for Google Cardboard

I am trying to build a Photosphere-like application with Unity3D and use it along with Google cardboard.
I need to load different panoramic view photos and be able to view them stereoscopically, by using the Cardboard goggles.
I am having problem to use the pano images and render it into stereoscopic view in Unity.
Any suggestions will be gratefully received.
Simplest solution that I can give to you:
A. Install your Unity Pro with Android Pro plugins, setup
Cardboard SDK For Unity, install Android Build tools and SDK.
B Setup Skybox
Get a stereoscopic panorama image (Might take a while to load the image as it is a high resolution image).
In Unity, import the image, change the Texture Type to Cubemap. Select the Mapping as Cylindrical (Lat and Long).
Create a Material, change the Shader to Skybox/Cubemap.
Assign the texture to the material.
In Unity 5 Pro topbar, select Window -> Ligthing, drag the material to the Skybox property. In this step you can do it programmatically. Combine these steps with the Cardboard assets and game objects. Voila, you've made a VR panorama stereoscopic Cardboard app! The whole setup is just take out your five minutes(excluding setup your tools :D).
If you're familiar with Unity, you know exactly what to do on my instructions. If you stuck at somewhere in my steps, feel free to ask me. Happy coding :)
Extra tips:
You can make the large textures files into Asset Bundles, act like a dynamic content which is stored in the server. Your app is just simply a small-size empty app. When app launches, request and download the asset bundles from server then manipulate the textures. :)
Super extra tip: Don't forget to generate asset bundles under Android Build Settings. If not, your textures will be corrupted when the bundle is downloaded to Android phones.
Make a sphere, write a shader so that it is not back culled and it can be seen from the inside. Use the pano image as a texture on the sphere. Place a VR camera rig in the center of the sphere. If you want true stereo, create two such spheres with separate textures for the left and right eye. Place the spheres at the lcoations of the cameras in the rig. Use layer culling so that each camera only sees the proper sphere.