Child references in Firebase being changed for unknown reason - swift

I am currently working on a project that involves uploading cards to a database. I am using Swift 4 and using google's firebase as the database. I have made the code function for placing cards from your hand onto the playing area, but when they are moved from one tile on the playing area to another tile it creates a duplicate of the card instead of moving the card that is already there. From closer inspection I have found that this is because the snapshot.ref in the retrieveUpdates method does not retrieve the correct reference value of the card that is already in the database. That causes it to call the code to create a new card.
My question is thus: why are the values of the snapshot.ref changing between when they passed by one used and received by another?
//Sends a card and location to the database when a card is moved
func updateDatabase(playingCard: PlayingCard) {
let cardUpdate = Database.database().reference().child("Updates")
//This takes the location that the sender dropped the card.
if let location = game.location(from: playingCard.card) {
if case .battlefield(let field, let stack) = location {
//If the card is already in the database it should keep its old ID but if it is new it should be assigned a new ID
let reference = playingCard.databaseRef ?? cardUpdate.childByAutoId()
let updateDictionary = ["Sender": String(playerNumber),"Card":, "Field": String(field), "Stack": String(stack)]
if playingCard.databaseRef == nil {
playingCard.databaseRef = reference
else {
func retrieveUpdates() {
let cardUpdate = Database.database().reference().child("Updates")
cardUpdate.observe(.childAdded) { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.childrenCount != 0 {
self.processUpdate(snapshot: snapshot)
cardUpdate.observe(.childChanged, with: { (snapshot) in
self.processUpdate(snapshot: snapshot)
func processUpdate(snapshot: DataSnapshot) {
let snapshotValue = snapshot.value as! Dictionary<String,String>
let cardName = snapshotValue["Card"]!
let sender = Int(snapshotValue["Sender"]!)
let stack = Int(snapshotValue["Stack"]!)
let relativeField = snapshotValue["Field"]!
if sender != self.playerNumber {
let fieldNumber = (4 + sender! - self.playerNumber + Int(relativeField)!) % 4
var foundCard = false
for playingCard in {
if let databaseRef = playingCard.databaseRef, databaseRef == snapshot.ref {
foundCard = true
self.currentPlayingCard = CurrentPlayingCard(playingCard: playingCard, startPosition: playingCard.position, touchPoint: playingCard.position, location: Location.dataExtract())
if foundCard == false {
let card = self.gameGraphics.addFromDatabase(name: cardName, field: fieldNumber, stack: stack!, scene: self)
card.databaseRef = snapshot.ref
self.currentPlayingCard = CurrentPlayingCard(playingCard: card, startPosition: card.position, touchPoint: card.position, location: Location.dataExtract())
self.touchUp(atPoint: self.gameGraphics.allBattlefields[fieldNumber][stack!].position)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is one of my first programs written in swift so my coding practices are still not very good.
Here is the scene did load.
override func sceneDidLoad() {
anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 1)
let login = loginInfo()
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: login.username, password: login.password) { (user, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
print("login Successful")


Firestore Listener Document Changes

I am trying to create a Listener for changes to a Document. When I change the data in Firestore (server) it doesn't update in the TableView (App). The TableView only updates when I reopen the App or ViewController.
I have been able to set this up for a Query Snapshot but not for a Document Snapshot.
Can anyone look at the code below to see why this is not updating in realtime?
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
var newDocIDString = newDocID ?? ""
detaliPartNumberListerner = firestore.collection(PARTINFO_REF).document(newDocIDString).addSnapshotListener { documentSnapshot, error in
guard let document = documentSnapshot else {
print("Error fetching document: \(error!)")
guard let data = else {
print("Document data was empty.")
print("Current data: \(data)")
self.partInfos = PartInfo.parseData2(snapshot: documentSnapshot)
In my PartInfo file
class func parseData2(snapshot: DocumentSnapshot?) -> [PartInfo] {
var partNumbers = [PartInfo]()
guard let snap = snapshot else { return partNumbers }
//for document in snap.documents {
// let data =
let area = snapshot?[AREA] as? String ?? "Not Known"
let count = snapshot?[COUNT] as? Int ?? 0
//let documentId = document.documentID
let documentId = snapshot?.documentID ?? ""
let newPartInfo = PartInfo(area: area, count: count, documentId: documentId)
return partNumbers
UI work must always be done on the main thread. So instead of your last line in your first code snippet, do this:
DispatchQueue.main.async {
I think this might be the solution to your problem. (A little late, I know ...)

Why .childAdded is not called when new data is added? Firebase

I am trying to read data from media when data is updated on /media node, but .observe(.childAdded is not called.
For example, I update data at /media/-LKN1j_FLQuOvnhEFfao/caption , but I never receive the event in observeNewMedia .
I can read the data with no problem the first time when ViewDidLoad completes.
The first step is to download the user data, second is to get the locality from currentUser and the last step is to attach a listener .childAdded on media.
I suspect that the event is not triggered because fetchMedia is called inside DDatabaseRReference.users(uid: uid).reference().observe(.value
caption: "santa"
mediaUID: "-LKNRdP4ZsE3YrgaLB30"
locality: "barking"
-LKNReJCxgwtGRU6iJmV: "-LKNRdP4ZsE3YrgaLB30"
email: ""
locality: "barking"
//enables the programmer to create references to different childs in Firebase
enum DDatabaseRReference {
case root
case users(uid:String)
case media //to store photos
func reference() -> DatabaseReference {
return rootRef.child(path)
//return root reference to our database
private var rootRef: DatabaseReference {
return Database.database().reference()
private var path: String {
switch self { //self is the enum DDatabaseReference
case .root:
return ""
case .users(let uid):
return "users/\(uid)"
case .media:
return "media"
}//end of enum DatabaseReference
class NewsfeedTableViewController: UITableViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
//observe ~/users/uid
DDatabaseRReference.users(uid: uid).reference().observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let userDict = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] {
self.currentUser = UserModel(dictionary: userDict)
func fetchMedia() {
Media.observeNewMedia((currentUser?.locality)!) { (newMedia) in
//check if newly downloaded media is already in media array
if ! {, at: 0)
}else {
//remove old media and add the newly updated one
guard let index = newMedia) else {return} index), at: 0)
}//end of NewsfeedTableViewController
class Media {
class func observeNewMedia(_ userLocality: String, _ completion: #escaping (Media) -> Void) { "locality").queryEqual(toValue: userLocality).observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
guard snapshot.exists() else {
print("no snap ")
print("snap is \(snapshot)")
let media = Media(dictionary: snapshot.value as! [String : Any])
} //end of class Media
Let's first update the structure so make it more queryable
assume a users node
-Q6Dm3IMLNLgBH3ny3rv2CMYf47p1 //this is each users uid
email: ""
locality: "barking"
and a media node that contains media for all users
-abcdefg12345 //node created with childByAutoId
caption: "santa"
for_uid: -Q6Dm3IMLNLgBH3ny3rv2CMYf47p1 //matches the uid in the /users node
Then our main viewController which contains a reference to Firebase and logs the user in
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var ref: DatabaseReference!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.ref = Database.database().reference()
//log user in which will populate the Auth.auth.currentUser variable
We need an object to store the media in and then an array to hold those objects
class MediaClass {
var key = ""
var caption = ""
init(k: String, c: String) {
self.key = k
self.caption = c
var mediaArray = [MediaClass]()
then set up the observers which will add, update or remove from the array when media for this user is added, changed or removed.
let thisUid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let mediaRef = self.ref.child("media")
let queryRef = mediaRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "for_uid").queryEqual(toValue: thisUid)
queryRef.observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
let dict = snapshot.value as! [String: Any]
let key = snapshot.key
let caption = dict["caption"] as! String
let m = MediaClass.init(k: key, c: caption)
queryRef.observe(.childChanged, with: { snapshot in
let dict = snapshot.value as! [String: Any]
let key = snapshot.key
let caption = dict["caption"] as! String
let index = self.mediaArray.index { $0.key == key } //locate this object in the array
self.mediaArray[index!].caption = caption //and update it's caption
//leaving this an an exercise
Note we added .childAdded, .childChanged and .childRemoved events to the media node via a query so the only events the app will receive are the ones that pertain to this user.
Also note there's no error checking so that needs to be added.

swift element is empty

I am trying to get the first or current exercise from my core data but swift keeps telling me that the element is empty. When i run the app and set the break points the debugger shows that the element is empty but no errors. here are the functions i am using to get the element data.
func currentWorkout() -> Workout? {
let client = currentClient()
return (appointment?.workouts as? Set<Workout>)?.first(where: { $0.client == client })
private func currentCard() -> Card? {
return currentWorkout()?.card
private func currentClientPlannedExercises() -> [ExerciseInfo] {
if let currentCard = currentCard(), let template = currentCard.template, let exerciseSets = template.exerciseSets?.array as? [ExerciseSet] {
let numCardsWithThis = (template.cardsWithThisTemplate as? Set<Card>)?.filter { $0.client != currentClient() }.count ?? 0
let exercsiseSetNumber = numCardsWithThis % exerciseSets.count
if let result = exerciseSets[exercsiseSetNumber].exercises?.array as? [ExerciseInfo] {
return result
return [ExerciseInfo]()
private func currentExercise() -> Exercise? {
// we can't have an exercise without a selection
guard let selectedExercise = currentExerciseInfo(), let currentCard = currentCard() else{
return nil
// get the first exercise on the current card that has the same exercise info as the one selected
if let exercises = currentWorkout()?.exercises as? Set<Exercise>{
return exercises.first(where: { $0.exerciseInfo == selectedExercise })
let exercise = Exercise(context: context)
exercise.workout = currentWorkout()
exercise.exerciseInfo = selectedExercise
//TODO: Set Seat
return exercise
private func currentExerciseInfo() -> ExerciseInfo? {
guard let selectedRow = exercisesTableView.indexPathForSelectedRow else {
return nil
return currentClientPlannedExercises()[selectedRow.row]
if the Issue is fetching then You can use this Code:
For Fetching the data from Core Data
var tasks: [Task] = [] //Your Entity Name in Bracket
func getData() {
do {
tasks = try context.fetch(Task.fetchRequest()) //Instead of Task your Entity Name
} catch {
print("Fetching Failed")
And use it like:
for data in tasks{
print( // All the Attributes name after data.attributename
If it is in tableView:
let data = tasks[indexPath.row]
You will get the data if it is there.
Edit to Check if Data entered or not
Print the Path like this:
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)
Go to sqlite file and open and check if there is Data or not inside that.
Edit If you are facing the issue in Adding Data to Core Data
Simple code to add Data
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
let task = Task(context: context) //Entity Name here instead of Task = taskTextField.text! // Attribute name here after task.attributename
// Save the data to coredata
(UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).saveContext()
Hope this help.
I found the issue was in the currentExercise function it wasn't calling the first exercise until the it had an exercise. I fixed by rewriting the function
private func currentExercise() -> Exercise? {
// we can't have an exercise without a selection
guard let selectedExercise = currentExerciseInfo() else{
return nil
// get the first exercise on the current card that has the same exercise info as the one selected
if let exercises = currentWorkout()?.exercises as? Set<Exercise>, let firstExercise = exercises.first(where: { $0.exerciseInfo == selectedExercise }) {
return firstExercise
let exercise = Exercise(context: context)
exercise.workout = currentWorkout()
exercise.exerciseInfo = selectedExercise
//TODO: Set Seat
return exercise

Showing just one image at the time from database (Swift and Firebase)

First of all, I am new in this, so please do not make fun of me :)
Basically, I am trying to show and Image of a product but if the client refuses the product this item will not appear on his account. That is why I am creating another table Rejected (setAcceptedOrRejected) where I put the ID of the product and the Id of the client so I wont see the item he rejected before.
What I tried here it was to get the List (Good) with all the items and the (Bad) with the rejected items. Then compare it to display the picture of the item again.
My problem is that I want to show only 1 picture at the time, if the client refuses then it will show the next one and so on but it wont show that picture again.
I hope you can really help me with this one.
Thank you
func updateImage() {
createListProductsBad ()
var badnot = ""
for bad2 in listProductsBad{
badnot = bad2
Database.database().reference().child("Products").child(bad2)queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
let userInfo = snapshot.value as! NSDictionary
let storageRef = profileUrl)
storageRef.downloadURL(completion: { (url, error) in
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url!)
let image = UIImage(data: data as Data)
self.productPhoto.image = image
catch _ {
func setAcceptedOrRejected() {
let notThankyou = [ "ProductID": ProductId,
"UserID": userUID
] as [String : Any]
self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Home")
func createListProductsGood () {
Database.database().reference().child("Products").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
if !snapshot.exists() { return }
let userInfo = snapshot.value as! NSDictionary
let goodID = String(snapshot.key)
for prod in self.listProductsBad{
if (prod == goodID){
print("Not good **********************")
if (goodID != "" ){
func createListProductsBad () {
Database.database().reference().child("Rejected").queryOrderedByKey().observe(.childAdded, with: { snapshot in
let userInfo = snapshot.value as! NSDictionary
let currentID = userInfo["UserID"] as! String
let badProduct = userInfo["ProductID"] as! String
if (self.userUID == currentID ){
//These can also be swift's dictionaries, [String: AnyObject] or possibility arrays if done correctly. All depends on your style of programming - I prefer NSDictionaries just because.
let availableKeys: NSMutableDictionary = [:]
let rejectedKeys: NSMutableDictionary = [:]
//Might be a better way for you. Depends on what you are looking for.
func sortItems2() -> NSMutableDictionary{
for rejKey in rejectedKeys.allKeys{
//Removes if the rejected key is found in the available ones
return availableKeys

Swift 3: How to retry Firebase upload on failure

I'm initializing some data in Firebase that I will use to track a user's activity. I need to make sure this data is written to Firebase so I'm wondering what the best practice is for ensuring a critical upload was successful?
static func createUserActivityCounts(uid: String) { .background).asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(5)) {
let databaseReference = Database.database().reference()
let userCounts: [String: Any] = ["posts": 0,
"comments": 0,
"likes": 0]
databaseReference.child("userActivity").child(uid).child("counts").setValue(userCounts) { (error, ref) -> Void in
if error != nil {
I think the best way to resolve this issue is to check if the value exists whenever you attempt to query a critical upload. If the value isn't there then you initialize it. Here is the function I wrote to handle this.
private func getUserActivityCounts() {
if let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid {
userRef.child("userActivity").child(uid).child("counts").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snap in
if !snap.exists() {
// create user counts
if let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid {
DatabaseFunctions.createUserActivityCounts(uid: uid)
if let counts = snap.value as? [String: Any] {
if let numberOfLikes = counts["likes"] as? Int, let commentCount = counts["comments"] as? Int, let postCount = counts["posts"] as? Int {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.headerRef.postCount.text = String(postCount)
self.headerRef.commentCount.text = String(commentCount)
self.headerRef.likeCount.text = String(numberOfLikes)
self.numberOfUserPosts = postCount
self.commentCount = commentCount
self.likeCount = numberOfLikes