is material v2.0.0-alpha.8-2 support angular version 6? - upgrade

I am using angular 4.0.0 version and material v2.0.0-alpha.8-2. I want to upgrade angular 4.0.0 to angular 6.0.6.
Is there any way can i used materiel old version (v2.0.0-alpha.8-2) and only update angular(6.0.6) version current project?

No. Angular 6 introduced breaking changes because of the update to the RxJS package. Anything that uses RxJS on Angular 2/4/5 is likely to have errors on Angular 6. This includes Angular Material.


Which version of Ag-Grid started supporting suppressRowVirtualisation?

I'm on Enterprise 17.1.1. suppressRowVirtualisation isn't supported. From the documentation, I tell which version started supporting this.
The "suppressRowVirtualization" feature was introduced in version 17.0.0 of ag-Grid

Primevue upgrade from 2 to 3 versions

I am using Vue 2 with composition api at the moment with Primevue2. I want to do Vue3 upgrade to my application and I want to upgrade Primevue version to 3 from 2 along with Vue upgrade. I have been noticing there are different class names for responsiveness in the latest Primevue release. Is there any commands or tools that I can update those changes with Primevue upgrade? Appreciate if anyone could help on this

Should I upgrade to EntityFrameWorkCore 5.x when using .Net Core 3.x?

I have a multi-project solution that contains a data layer on .Net Standard 2.1 and a WebAPI on .Net Core 3.1. Currently, I have no plans to upgrade to .Net 5.x (Note: Core is removed in 5.x naming convention) because it is not LTS - that will be .Net 6.x. So, I will upgrade to 6.x when it comes out.
In one of my data layer solutions, the NuGet Package Manager is recommending that I upgrade Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameWorkCore from v3.1.8 to v5.0.2. It seems like the major version is moving in lockstep with the .Net major version (Note: 4.x is skipped in order to avoid confusion with the venerable .Net Framework 4.x). Should I follow the advice and upgrade?
Specifically, will this cause any problems with the .Net Core 3.1 WebAPI project? Generally, can I do this for other Microsoft.* packages that recommend upgrading to a 5.x version?
I bit the bullet and upgraded all of them. Everything works flawlessly and I am glad that I did it. There were a few breaking changes that needed to be dealt with. I recommend checking Microsoft's breaking change log here:

Do I need to upgrade my ag-grid to newer version if there's any version upgrade for angular?

If I upgrade the angular version of my project to the latest one, do I need to upgrade my ag-grid version also to the latest one to make it work? Or, my ag-grid will work without any change?
Generally, an old version will work without change.
I'm currently using version 20.2.0 with Angular 8 (the current ag-grid version is 23.1.0).
I'm not sure what will happen if you try to use an older version with Angular 9, using the Ivy Renderer. I expect that it will work ok, but I haven't tried it yet.

is filtergrid available in gxt version 2.2.3?

I am using gxt version 2.2.3. i wanted to use filtergrid available on examples demo is it available in 2.2.3 version?
Yes, the same applies for 2.2.x releases. Check out the corresponding example of filter grid in version 2.
The (legacy) showcase for Ext-GWT 2.x.
The official API docs on