Postgresql query construction - postgresql

I need to write a query to poll a database table only if I ( the application process ) am leader. I plan on implementing leader election via database reservation ( lock a table and update leader record if available every so often ). How can I combine the leader election query with the polling query such that I am guaranteed that the polling query doesn't run if being run by a process that is not leader. This needs to be a db only solution ( for a variety of reasons ).
I'm thinking something like
FROM outbound_messages
WHERE status = 'READY'
AND 'JVM1' IN (SELECT jvm_name
FROM leader
WHERE leader_status = active)
Will this work ?

This seems overly complicated.
In PostgreSQL you can do that easily with advisory locks. Choose a bigint lock number (I chose 42) and query like this:
WITH ok(ok) AS (
FROM outbound_messages o
WHERE ok AND o.status = 'READY';
Only the first caller will obtain the lock and get a result.
You can release the lock by ending your session or calling
SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(42);


How to lock row for multi worker rate limit?

I have multiple workers distributed across multiple nodes that scrape HTML. I need to specify a rate limit in the system so no domain gets more than 1 request every 5 seconds.
Each worker has access to a shared database (PostgreSQL) so I created a table with 2 columns:
domain key, last scan date
In the worker code I want to check the last scan date before making a request. The problem is thousands of workers could get the same domain at almost the same instant if tasks are distributed round robin so if they all read at once they will see no recent scan and all fire off requests. So I need a way to lock the field so the first worker to check engages a lock, makes the scan and then updates the scan date and releases the lock. Then all the other workers can check to see if a lock exists on the row and reject the task so it is re-scheduled.
I read the manual page of locks and found it very confusing. It said all locks are table lock and I didn't really understand what it means about conflicts. I am going to need multiple workers to be able to lock/unlock different rows at the same time and also check if a lock exists before placing lock so that the worker doesn't hang waiting for the lock to release and can move onto next task.
What type of lock do I need? Are there any good examples showing this type of lock?
If I just wrap each process in a transaction will that work?
Your core code would be the block:
set transaction isolation level read committed; -- should already be the default
select domain_key
from your_table
where last_scan_date < now() - interval '5 seconds'
for update skip locked
limit 1;
-- Do your stuff here, and issue a rollback if it fails
update your_table
set last_scan_date = <value goes here>
where domain_key = <value goes here>;
I expect this will be used in a host language. The following example snippet of a worker is in python:
conn = psycopg2.connect('<db connect parameters>')
conn.autocommit = false
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("set transaction isolation level read committed;")
select domain_key
from your_table
where last_scan_date < now() - interval '5 seconds'
order by last_scan_date
for update skip locked
limit 1
domain_key = c.fetchone()[0]
if domain_key:
result = process_url(domain_key) # <-- This is your scraping routine
if result == 'Ok':
update your_table
set last_scan_date = now()
where domain_key = %s
""", (domain_key,))

job queue with multiple consumers did the same job twice

Actually a lot of things might be covered here: Job queue as SQL table with multiple consumers (PostgreSQL)
However I just wanted to ask for my specific query.
Currently I have a job queue that actually should emit a new job for every consumer, however we found out that we sometimes gotten the same job twice on different consumer (probably a race condition.
This was our query (run inside a transaction):
UPDATE invoice_job SET status = 'working', date_time_start = now(),
node = $ip
WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM invoice_job WHERE status = 'created' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)
Currently the Table is pretty simple and has a status (can be "created", "working", "done", date_time_start field, created field (not used for query), id field, node (where the job was run).
However this emitted the same job twice at one point.
Currently I changed the query now to:
UPDATE invoice_job SET status = 'working', date_time_start = now(),
node = $ip
WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM invoice_job WHERE status = 'created' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED)
would that actually help and only emit the same job once?
Your solution with FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED is fine. It'll ensure a row is locked by exactly one session before being updated for processing. No transaction can choose a row already locked by another transaction, and when the lock is released on commit, subsequent SELECT clauses will no longer match the row.
The original failed because the subquery's SELECT can choose the same row concurrently in multiple sessions, each of which then tries to UPDATE the row. There's no WHERE clause in the UPDATE that'd make that fail; it's perectly fine for two concurrent sessions to UPDATE invoice_job SET status = 'working' WHERE node = 42 or whatever. The second update will happily run and commit once the first update succeeds.
You could also make it safe by repeating the WHERE clause in the UPDATE
UPDATE invoice_job SET status = 'working', date_time_start = now(),
node = $ip
WHERE id = (SELECT id FROM invoice_job WHERE status = 'created' ORDER BY id LIMIT 1)
AND status = 'created'
... but this will often return zero rows under high concurrency.
In fact it will return zero rows for all but one of a set of concurrent executions, so it's no better than a serial queue worker. This is true of most of the other "clever" tricks people use to try to do concurrent queues, and one of the main reasons SKIP LOCKED was introduced.
The fact that you only noticed this problem now tells me that you would actually be fine with a simple, serial queue dispatch where you LOCK TABLE before picking the first row. But SKIP LOCKED will scale better if your workload grows.

Transaction Isolation Across Multiple Tables using PostgreSQL MVCC

Question Summary
This is a question about serializability of queries within a SQL transaction.
Specifically, I am using PostgreSQL. It may be assumed that I am using the most current version of PostgreSQL. From what I have read, I believe the technology used to support what I am trying to do is known as "MultiVersion Concurrency Control", or "MVCC".
To sum it up: If I have one primary table, and more-than-1 foreign-key-linked table connected to that primary table, how do I guarantee that, for a given key in the tables, and any number of SELECT statements using that key inside one transaction, each of which is SELECTing from any of the linked tables, I will get data as it existed at the time I started the transaction?
Other Questions
This question is similar, but broader, and the question and answer did not relate specifically to PostgreSQL:
Transaction isolation and reading from multiple tables on SQL Server Express and SQL Server 2005
Let's say I have 3 tables:
brickworks (primary key)
completion_time (primary key)
brickworks (primary key, foreign key pointing to "bricks")
completion_time (primary key, foreign key pointing to "bricks")
quadrant (primary key)
brickworks (primary key, foreign key pointing to "bricks")
completion_time (primary key, foreign key pointing to "bricks")
A brickworks produces one brick at a time. It makes bricks that may be of different colors in each of its 4 quadrants.
Someone later analyzes the bricks to determine their color combination, and writes the results to the brick_colors table.
Someone else analyzes the bricks to determine their weight, and writes the results to the brick_weight table.
At any given time, an existing brick may or may not have a recorded color, and may or may not have a recorded weight.
An application exists, and this application receives word that someone wants to buy a particular brick (already known at this point to the application by its brickworks/completion_time composite key).
The application wants to select all known properties of the brick AT THE EXACT TIME IT STARTS THE QUERY.
If color or weight information is added MID-TRANSACTION, the application does NOT want to know about it.
The application wants to perform SEPARATE QUERIES (not a SELECT with multiple JOINs to the foreign-key-linked tables, which might return multiple rows because of the brick_colors table).
This example is deliberately simple; the desire to do this without one SELECT with multiple JOINs would be clearer if my example included, say, 10 foreign-key-linked tables, and many or all of them could return multiple rows for the same primary key (like brick_colors does in the example as I have it above).
Attempted Solution
Here's what I've come up with so far:
-- All this statement accomplishes is telling the database what rows should be returned from the present point-in-time in future queries within the transaction
FROM bricks b
LEFT JOIN brick_colors bc ON bc.brickworks = b.brickworks AND bc.completion_time = b.completion_time
LEFT JOIN brick_weight bw ON bw.brickworks = b.brickworks AND bw.completion_time = b.completion_time
WHERE b.brickworks = 'Brick-o-Matic' AND b.completion_time = '2017-02-01T07:35:00.000Z' ;
SELECT * FROM brick_colors WHERE b.brickworks = 'Brick-o-Matic' AND b.completion_time = '2017-02-01T07:35:00.000Z' ;
SELECT * FROM brick_weight WHERE b.brickworks = 'Brick-o-Matic' AND b.completion_time = '2017-02-01T07:35:00.000Z' ;
It just seems wasteful to use that first SELECT with the JOINs solely for purposes of ensuring serializability.
Is there any other way to do this?
PostgreSQL Concurrency Control
PostgreSQL Transcation Isolation
PostgreSQL SET TRANSACTION statement
This is the essence of your question:
how do I guarantee that, for ...... any number of SELECT statements
..... inside one transaction ....... I will get data as it existed at
the time I started the transaction?
This is exactly what Repeatable Read Isolation Level guarantees:
The Repeatable Read isolation level only sees data committed before
the transaction began; it never sees either uncommitted data or
changes committed during transaction execution by concurrent
transactions. (However, the query does see the effects of previous
updates executed within its own transaction, even though they are not
yet committed.) This is a stronger guarantee than is required by the
SQL standard for this isolation level, and prevents all of the
phenomena described in Table 13-1. As mentioned above, this is
specifically allowed by the standard, which only describes the minimum
protections each isolation level must provide.
This level is different from Read Committed in that a query in a
repeatable read transaction sees a snapshot as of the start of the
transaction, not as of the start of the current query within the
transaction. Thus, successive SELECT commands within a single
transaction see the same data, i.e., they do not see changes made by
other transactions that committed after their own transaction started.
A practical example - let say we have 2 simple tables:
CREATE TABLE t1( x int );
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3);
CREATE TABLE t2( y int );
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1),(2),(3);
A number of tables, their structures, primary keys, foreign keys etc. are unimportant here.
Lets open a first session, start repeatable read isolation level, and run two simple and separate SELECT statements:
test=# SELECT * FROM t1;
(3 wiersze)
test=# SELECT * FROM t2;
(3 wiersze)
Note that START TRANSACTION command automatically disables autocommit mode in the session.
Now in another session (with default autocommit mode enabled)insert a few records into t1:
test2=# INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(10),(11);
New values were inserded and automatically commited (because autocommit is on).
Now go back to the first session and run SELECT again:
test=# select * from t1;
(3 wiersze)
As you see, session1 (with active repeatable read transaction) doesn't see any changes commited after the start of the transation.
Lets do the same experiment whit table t2 - go to the second session and issue:
test2=# DELETE FROM t2 WHERE y = 2;
Now go back to the first session and run SELECT again:
test=# SELECT * FROM t2;
(3 wiersze)
As you see, again, session1 (with active repeatable read transaction) doesn't see any changes commited after the start of the transation.
And now, in session1, finish the transaction issuing COMMIT, and then SELECT:
test=# SELECT * FROM t1;
(3 wiersze)
test=# SELECT * FROM t2;
(3 wiersze)
test=# COMMIT;
test=# select * from t1;
(5 wierszy)
test=# select * from t2;
(2 wiersze)
As you see, when the repeatable read transaction is started and active, you can run many separate select statement multiple times, and all of these select statements see the same stable snapshot of data as of the start of the transaction, regardles of any commited data in other sessions.

PostgreSql 9.3 -> several consumers + locking

There are 2 tables:
"id" SERIAL,
"processed" BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE "job_result"
"id" SERIAL,
"job_id" INT NOT NULL,
There are several consumers, that do the following (sequentially):
1) start transaction
2) search for job not processed yet
3) process it
4) save result ( set processed field to true and insert into job_result )
5) commit
1) Is the following sql code correct, so no job could be processed more than one time?
2) If it is correct, can it be rewritten in more clean way ? ( I am confused about "UPDATE job SET id = id" )
SET id = id
WHERE id =
FROM job
WHERE processed = false AND pg_try_advisory_lock(id) = true
AND processed = false
with job_update as (
update job
set processed = true
where id = (
select id
from (
select min(id)
from job
where processed = false
) s
for update
returning id
insert into job_result (job_id)
select id
from job_update
Question 1
To answer your first question, the processing can be done twice if the database crashes between step 3 and step 5. When the server/service recovers, it will be processed again.
If the processing step only computes results which are sent to the database in the same connection as the queuing queries, then no one will be able to see that it was processed twice, as the results of the first time were never visible.
However if the processing step talks to the outside world, such as sending an email or charging a credit card, that action will be taken twice and both will be visible. The only way to avoid that is to use two-phase commits for all dealings with the outside world. Also, if the worker keeps two connections to the database and is not disciplined about their use, then that can also lead to visible double-processing.
Question 2
For your second question, there are several ways it can be made cleaner.
Most importantly, you will want to change the advisory lock from session-duration to transaction-duration. If you leave it at session-duration, long-lived workers will be become slower and slower and will use more and more memory as time goes on. This is safe to do, because in the query as written you are checking the processed flag in both the sub-select and in the update itself.
You could make the table structure itself cleaner. You could have one table with both the processed flag and the results field, instead of two tables. Or if you want two tables, you could remove the processed flag from the job table and signify completion simply be deleting the completed record from the table, rather than updating the processed flag.
Assuming you don't want to make such changes, you could still clean up the SQL without changing the table structure or semantics. You do need to lock the tuple to avoid a race condition with the release of the advisory lock. But rather than using the degenerate id=id construct (which some future maintainer is likely to remove, because it is not intuitively obvious why it is even there), you might as well just set the tuple to its final state by setting processed=true, and then removing that second update step from your step 4. This is safe to do because you do not issue an intermediate commit, so no one can see the tuple in this intermediate state of having processed=true but not yet really being processed.
SET processed = true
WHERE id =
FROM job
WHERE processed = false AND pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id) = true
AND processed = false
However, this query still has the unwanted feature that often someone looking for the next job to process will find no rows. That is because it suffered a race condition which was then filtered out by the outer processed=false condition. This is OK as long as your workers are prepared to retry, but it leads to needless contention in the database. This can be improved by making the inner select lock the tuple when it first encounters it by switching from a min(id) to a LIMIT 1 query:
SET processed=true
WHERE id =
FROM job
WHERE processed = false AND pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id) = true
order by id limit 1 for update
If PostgreSQL allowed ORDER BY and LIMIT on UPDATES, then you could avoid the subselect altogether, but that is currently implemented (maybe it will be in 9.5).
For good performance (or even to avoid memory errors), you will need an index like:
create index on job (id) where processed = false;

Postgres deadlock with read_commited isolation

We have noticed a rare occurrence of a deadlock on a Postgresql 9.2 server on the following situation:
T1 starts the batch operation:
UPDATE BB bb SET status = 'PROCESSING', chunk_id = 0 WHERE bb.status ='PENDING'
AND bb.bulk_id = 1 AND bb.user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM BB WHERE bulk_id = 1
AND chunk_id IS NULL AND status ='PENDING' LIMIT 2000)
When T1 commits after a few hundred milliseconds or so (BB has many millions of rows), multiple threads begin new Transactions (one transaction per thread) that read items from BB, do some processing and update them in batches of 50 or so with the queries:
For select:
SELECT *, RANK() as rno OVER(ORDER BY user_id) FROM BB WHERE status = 'PROCESSING' AND bulk_id = 1 and rno = $1
And Update:
UPDATE BB set datetime=$1, status='DONE', message_id=$2 WHERE bulk_id=1 AND user_id=$3
(user_id, bulk_id have a UNIQUE constraint).
Due to an external to the situation problem, another transaction T2 executes the same query with T1 almost immediately after T1 has committed (the initial batch operation where items are marked as 'PROCESSING').
UPDATE BB bb SET status = 'PROCESSING', chunk_id = 0 WHERE bb.status ='PENDING'
AND bb.bulk_id = 1 AND bb.user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM BB WHERE bulk_id = 1
AND chunk_id IS NULL AND status ='PENDING' LIMIT 2000)
However although these items are marked as 'PROCESSING' this query deadlocks with some of the updates (which are done in batches as i said) off the worker threads. To my understanding this should not happen with READ_COMMITTED isolation level (default) that we use. I am sure that T1 has committed because the worker threads execute after it has done so.
edit: One thing i should clear up is that T2 starts after T1 but before it commits. However due to a write_exclusive tuple lock that we acquire with a SELECT for UPDATE on the same row (that is not affected by any of the above queries), it waits for T1 to commit before it runs the batch update query.
When T1 commits after a few hundred milliseconds or so (BB has many millions of rows), multiple threads begin new Transactions (one transaction per thread) that read items from BB, do some processing and update them in batches of 50 or so with the queries:
This strikes me as a concurrency problem. I think you are far better off to have one transaction read the rows and hand them off to worker processes, and then update them in batches, when they come back. Your fundamental problem is going to be that these rows are effectively working on uncertain state, holding the rows during transactions, and the like. You have to handle rollbacks and so forth separately, and consequently the locking is a real problem.
Now, if that solution is not possible, I would have a separate locking table. In this case, each thread spins up separately, locks the locking table, claims a bunch of rows, inserts records into the locking table, and commits. In this way each one thread has claimed records. Then they can work on their record sets, update them, etc. You may want to have a process which periodically clears out stale locks.
In essence your problem is that rows go from state A -> processing -> state B and may be rolled back. Since the other threads have no way of knowing what rows are processing and by which threads, you can't safely allocate records. One option is to change the model to:
state A -> claimed state -> processing -> state B. However you have to have some way of ensuring that rows are effectively allocated and that the threads know which rows have been allocated to eachother.