Why doesn't the DeepLink helper launch my Android app? - actions-on-google

My app is based on this code sample from Google: https://actions-on-google.github.io/actions-on-google-nodejs/classes/conversation_question.deeplink.html
Here is a snippet directly from my code:
app.intent('Default Welcome Intent', conv => {
conv.ask('Great! Looks like we can do that in the app.')
conv.ask(new DeepLink({
destination: 'MyBookApp',
url: 'https://www.mybooksite.com/read/123456789',
package: 'com.mybook.app.reader',
reason: 'handle this for you',
// Create a Dialogflow intent with the `actions_intent_LINK` event
app.intent('Get Link Status', (conv, input, arg, status) => {
// possibly do something with status
conv.close('Okay maybe we can take care of that another time.')
When I run this app I see "Okay maybe we can take care of that another time." instead of my app being launched.
Is there code missing in my handler for the 'Get Link Status' intent? (I created the intent according to the comment above that line).
Am I passing the wrong params to the DeepLink object? I can't find docs for them anywhere.
Note: My app is definitely coded to handle http deep links including verification with Google Digital Asset Links and the deep link URL I'm testing with works perfectly from other apps.
Any suggestions or help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance...

Your welcome intent handler is missing an additional call to conv.ask before the deep link call:
conv.ask('Great! Looks like we can do that in the app.')
All responses should have at least a simple response.


firebase dynamic links in stripe throws err_unknown_url_scheme

I've been developing an app with firebase and stripe payment. I've created a checkout session in stripe and added firebase dynamic links for the success_url and cancel_url. The URLs are working fine. I've tested them outside stripe with a simple html file and it opens the app and takes the user to the correct page. If the page doesn't exist it'll take the user to the assigned website. This is stripe checkout session code:
const session = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
line_items: [{
price_data: { currency: 'INR', unit_amount: amount, product_data: { name: 'name' } },
quantity: 1,
mode: 'payment',
success_url: 'https://-------.page.link/payment-success',
cancel_url: 'https://-------.page.link/payment-failed',
payment_intent_data: {
application_fee_amount: fee
}, {
stripeAccount: req.query.stripeId,
I've changed up the actual link since I don't know how much I'm allowed to share. But I can guarantee the dynamic links works fine. But after payment, the test payment at least, it's suppose to open the app and take the user to a payment success page. AND it was working fine for the first 2 or 3 days. After payment it re-opened the app and took the user to the correct page. But when I tried a few days later, this is what it's taking us to:
Again, I've removed the link since I don't know how much I'm allowed to share. It won't even open the app right now. It just shows this message in the browser. Both success and cancel url are doing the same. Why does the links work outside the function but not in it? Has anyone ever faced any similar issues before? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It seems like you're trying to open the Checkout Session in a WebView which causing the issue in the redirect. Webviews don't know how to handle an URL Scheme other than http:// or https://. That being said, your problem isn't uncommon and there are multiple ways of solving this.
Your first approach would be to open the Checkout Session in an external browser as described in this answer or try to create your own WebViewClient and override shouldOverrideUrlLoading method like described in this answer. Just note that since the last edit of that answer the signature of the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method has changed but the logic should still be used the same way but instead of dealing with the String url, you will have to deal with a WebResourceRequest.
Had the same issue. I solved it by changing the mode like following:
await launchUrl(
mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication, // Add this line
url_launcher version => 6.1.7

Flutter Firebase Authentication with Email Links not working

I'm following this guide, I'm having this code:
var acs = ActionCodeSettings(
url: 'https://example.com/auth/widget',
androidPackageName: 'com.example',
iOSBundleId: 'com.example',
handleCodeInApp: true,
androidInstallApp: true,
androidMinimumVersion: '12',
var emailAuth = 'john.doe#pm.me';
email: emailAuth, actionCodeSettings: acs)
.catchError((onError, stackTrace) {})
.then((value) =>
print('Successfully sent email verification'));
Sending the email works, but when I click on the email, then…
in iOS it opens https://example.com/auth/widget - which is the fallback
in Android it shows a circular loader for about 1s and then it "falls down" and nothing happens
The incoming link handler
FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.onLink.listen((dynamicLinkData) {
print('got dynamic link! $dynamicLinkData');
}).onError((error) {
print('error error!');
I configured dynamic links in Firebase to point to to.example.com. I also added a manual dynamic link to.example.com/test which opens my app (the got dynamic link! message shows up) - so all seems fine, the problem seems to lie in the link generation.
The link structure I get by email is:
After some more painful hours of debugging and reading documentation I finally found it out. Most of this is in the flutter documentation, but since the documentation has broken links and is a bit all over the place it was hard for me to catch it all!
I needed to decrease the androidMinimumVersion from 12 to 1. Then my app opens and I can receive the dynamic link. No idea why. My android simulator is android version 13 but the app never opened.
Before decreasing the android version I also set the sha256 setting in firebase, using gradlew signingReport documented in this answer. Not sure though this was required.
I forgot to do all the steps documented in receiving links on iOS section, namely:
add the dynamic links domain into associated domains
add FirebaseDynamicLinksCustomDomains into Info.plist
Overall, I found that to get this feature working was really really hard for me as a Flutter beginner. But I guess a lot of the setup I can re-use as the dynamic links capability seems to be something which comes in handy in the future.

Google Action prompt link url on Webhook response not working as expected

I am trying to add a prompt link to my Google Action:
My response looks like this:
payload.prompt.link = {
name: 'Open My Website',
open: {
url: 'https://mywebsite.com'
When testing on my Nest Hub, the link does show as a suggestion on the bottom of the page. However, when I click on it, it simply sends it as an utterance to my Action instead of open the web page.
Any idea why this is happening? And what is the expected behavior for prompt links? I cannot find much documentation on them.
This appears to be the Actions Builder implementation of Link-Out Suggestions, which were not originally available when the Actions Builder was released. They were, however, available for Dialogflow previously.
Link-Out Suggestions require the "WEB_LINK" device capability to work. Smart Displays do not have this device capability.

Why does Facebook leadgen ads testing tool give a 102 server error?

I've created a Facebook app, linked it with a business, submitted and passed review, the business is verified, contracts signed, the app has leads_retrieval permission, the app status is now live.
I can test it under the webhooks link in the side menu, my end point receives the test data from Facebook. The data shown below is received by my server.
When I test using the lead ads testing tool I instantly get a 102, server error, and nothing is received by my server. See below for the message.
I've spent so long getting to this stage and every step has been painful!
Can anyone suggest why using the lead ads testing tool results in an error and what I can do to resolve the issue.
I've been struggling with this too.. Apparently you can't use it on development apps anymore. Found the answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57397525/8439792
I think I found your problem! It is when you subscribe to your apps. Here is the link that shows the subscribed_fields and scope should be:
I was going straight from the demo and the subscribed_fields is set to 'feeds' and the scope was only manage_pages. You need to change it like in the example in the above link. I will also provide the snippets I changed below:
subscribed_fields - in subscribe apps function
'/' + page_id + '/subscribed_apps',
{access_token: page_access_token, subscribed_fields: 'leadgen'},
function(response) {
console.log('Successfully subscribed page', response);
scope - end of facebook login function
{scope: ['manage_pages', 'leads_retrieval']});
Hope this helps!
Facebook had the problem in their startup documentation for the webhooks. I have notified them in a bug, and does look like they have fixed the documentation to now subscribe to "leadgen" and not "feeds".

Google Assistant - Action not approved

I have recently create an action and tested it in web simulator and on my Pixel 2 device. It is working fine for me. But during the review process the team at Google mentioned that while reviewing they found that error saying that my app isn't responding right now. Try again soon. (Screenshot attached). Can someone from the community please assist me on how to resolve the issue.
Below is the code in fullfillment, if this helps.
'use strict';
// Import the Dialogflow module from the Actions on Google client library.
const {dialogflow} = require('actions-on-google');
// Import the firebase-functions package for deployment.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// Instantiate the Dialogflow client.
const app = dialogflow({debug: true});
// Handle the Dialogflow intent named 'favorite color'.
// The intent collects a parameter named 'color'.
app.intent('think number', (conv, {nextStep}) => {
conv.close('The result is 9.');
// Set the DialogflowApp object to handle the HTTPS POST request.
exports.dialogflowFirebaseFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
Screenshot of the response from Review Team:
Sometimes they are a bit quick to reject if there are network problems between them and Dialogflow, or if Dialogflow isn't responding. Make sure you turn on Dialogflow's logs to make sure there is no problem.
In general, the easiest thing to do if you haven't seen any errors and things appear to be working on your end is to:
Reply and tell them that you're using Dialogflow and there should be a reply.