Error in jumps in IBM Watson - ibm-cloud

We are implementing Watson technology for an assistant to help certain users.
The dialogues are somewhat complex, and sometimes it is necessary to do jump answers that relate with certain questions, the downside of this is that it may be that the user can ask the question once more, in case it was not clear and that is where the problem arises.
When wanting to enter the node where it is subsequently entered and said node made a jump, I mark the following error
"Did not match the condition of the target node nor any of the
conditions of its subsequent siblings."
Can someone tell me with clarity why that happens?
Reference image

"Did not match the condition of the target node nor any of the conditions of its subsequent siblings."
This error occurs if no final node is matched. If your last node was in a branch where the parent is a node, then it will fall back to root to find the answer. You get an endless loop which will stop after 50 iterations.
Like this example, if the user types in "error" it jumps to the branch, doesn't find a match, returns to root to find where to stop and loops:
If the branch is in a folder, then it continues on past the folder to find the match.
To fix the issue, you need to add a final node in the branch that will capture anything_else like so.
The other option is to use a folder node. It will it allow it to fall through back to the tree where it entered, and your final node should capture it.

After so many tests, I finally found the error. This was because I was leaving some variables of context with values, and when I returned to the nodes, I no longer validated them again. What I did was that at the end of the answer I set the variables to null so that when I was processing them again in the nodes, they had to validate them again.
Greetings and many thanks.


How to get around using Enter and Exit blocks in "Prepare" flowchart (Execution error "0 isn't supported for building resource behavior flowcharts")

I have an airlock (small room called AL_2216) between 2 areas. The airlock has many different agent types passing through it (cart, product, operator, etc). There are queuing areas on either side of the airlock.
Because the space is small, I built a short flowchart that has a queue and restricted area blocks that all agents must pass through when going through this space. If the restricted area's capacity is full, the agents wait in either the InsideQueueArea or OutsideQueueArea depending on the direction they're going.
I send agents via Exit and Enter blocks to this flowchart and it works great on the top portion of the flowchart.
BUT if I try to use an Enter or Exit block in the prepare flowchart, I get this error:
I tried using a custom block instead of Enter and Exit blocks, but that creates a new instance of the code each time and the restrictions don't work together across the multiple custom blocks.
This airlock is just one of many in my model. Without referring to the same code, I'll have multiple copies that need to refer to each other's restricted areas and the flowcharts become huge and complicated. Is there a way to get around this?
I'm not sure what to do with these ports. They have no properties that do anything:
Here's a file to see the behavior -
The Prepared flowchart portion is set to "ignore" so the code will run. You can see the operators and the carts passing through AL_2216 with only 2 being allowed at a time. If you uncheck "ignore" for the prepare flowchart, the error will trigger.
AnyLogic sent the right answer!!
So I was asking Anylogic a different question and they recognized my name from this post! They sent a fix to me and it works exactly the way it should! The exception error message I was getting "out: 0 isn't supported for..." made me think the exit/enter blocks were not supported in perparation flowcharts.
But actually, the seizeCart block didn't know where to start the prep flowchart because it wasn't directly connected to the resource task start block. A quick setting change under the Advanced section of the seizeCart block defining which resource task start block to start at did the trick! Here's the email from AnyLogic:
-The error text and documentation are not sufficient for understanding this (the error text is confusing), I suppose it is obsolete error text. We will rectify the description;
-Under the question there is a more generic discussion which seems to be unrelated to the initial problem. Please let me know if I miss something or if your model does not work as you expect even after adjustment of seizeCart block property.
I think you should replace the Enter and Exit blocks that lead to the bottom input of your seizeCart Seize block with simple Port objects (from the Agent palette).
As per the help for Seize:
So it wants a direct link to a ResourceTaskStart flow and your Enter/Exit combinations might be ... not "direct" enough... Try it.
So here's what I ended up doing. It's the best I could come up with that could be easily replicated for lots of airlocks.
I've added a wait block (dummyThruAL_2216) to my Product flowchart prior to seizing the cart. This wait block injects a new Agent into sourceDummy at the cartHome node. The dummy then seizes a cart and moves through the airlock and it's restriction. Upon exiting the restriction, I check what type of agent and direct the agent to the correct exit block. The dummy agent and cart move to the Product where the dummy agent releases the cart and sinks. The sink frees the wait block and the Product seizes the cart that is right next to it and continues on it's journey.
It's an easy copy/paste to add more airlocks. Not as nice as my original, but what are you going to do... Thanks for everyone's help and suggestions.
As others have said, there are (not really documented) restrictions on what blocks you can use in preparation and wrap-up flowcharts, which mean what you're attempting won't work.
As you say, it's important to keep a single 'instance' of the airlock flow so that the restrictions (queue and restricted area) are 'global' when this represents the same physical airlock. (Otherwise a repeated custom block is precisely what you should use for each different physical airlock.)
Your best option (and assuming you needed to attach the Cart resource to the Product) is probably to
Add dummy agents (via Source block inject calls) to a separate mini-process that represents your resource preparation requirement (but now not attached to the Seize block).
Replace the Seize in your main process with a Seize-Wait-Release-Seize combination:
The Seize block seizes the cart as normal (without moving or attaching it; no 'Send seized resources' or 'Attach seized resources' options) and then injects an agent into your mini-process (which can use Exit and Enter blocks to use the airlock sub-process). This agent represents the seized resource agent (Cart) and thus should start where it starts and be animated so it looks like it. (You can make the actual Cart temporarily non-visible during this mini-process.)
When the agent reaches the end of the mini-process (at a Sink block), instantly move the related Cart to your node (use jumpTo), make it visible again and free the Product agent from the Wait block
Release the seized Cart and then immediately re-Seize it, but now attaching it (so the animation looks correct). If you use the Resource selection 'Nearest to the agent' option you should be guaranteed to seize the correct cart. (You can also use the 'Customise resource choice' option with some code to ensure that you absolutely always choose the same Cart.)
(It is simpler than the above if you don't care about having a correct animation, and you can use custom blocks to make this block combination reusable and thus not too clunky.)
Edit: A very similar alternative which also works (and is the basis for your own answer) is to have a dummy agent representing your Product in the sub-flow which seizes (and attaches) the actual Cart agent, leaving it at the Product's location to be immediately seized as above. This is slightly better since you don't have to worry about the visibility and 'jumping' of the real resource agent, plus you can move a Seize and a Release from the main flow (which now just has Wait-Seize) to the sub-flow (thus 'hiding them away').

How I can match bags an passenger in the reclaim area?

I'm simulating a security control process, and i can't do that each passenger pickup their baggage. I have tried with Match, Combine, Pickup, but I still can't execute the commands correctly.
I've created the follow flowchart, and the problem is in the wReclaimPax, pickup and wReclaimBags blocks (you can see them in the picture).
I saw this link Anylogic - Combined multiple items back to original owner to understand something, but I still need help.
I've created 3 functions:
return true;
return false;
for(int i=0;i<wait.size();i++){
Pasajero p=(Pasajero)wait.get(i);
return p;
return null;
for(int i=0;i<wait.size();i++){
Equipaje e=(Equipaje)wait.get(i);
return e;
return null;
Assumed context
You haven't really explained how your code is related to your process but I'm assuming the following:
Because this is luggage-retrieval, you want to ensure that a passenger
agent (Pasajero) only enters the Pickup block (representing taking bag from
carousel) when his bag (Equipaje agent by the look of it) has
arrived into the wReclaimBag Wait, and been released from it to
queue4 Queue.
For this you need triggers (to remove agents from Wait blocks) when
either a passenger (Pasajero) arrives in wReclaimPax Wait, or a bag (Equipaje) arrives
in the wReclaimBag Wait (because you don't know whether the passenger or their bag will get to their respective Wait blocks first).
So your paxBags function is called in on-entry action of the wReclaimBag Wait, and your bagsPax function in the on-entry action of the wReclaimPax Wait.
Possible problems with current approach
Without knowing more of your model it's hard to say but problems I can think of based on what you've supplied are:
Your functions return the Pasajero or Equipaje if there is one that matches. Your match check relies seemingly on bidirectional connections (links) between Pasajero and Equipaje. Obviously if they're not setup properly the model won't work and, if you're using bidirectional connections you shouldn't need to check both ends.
Your functions need calling so that, if they return non null, they then free the matching agent from the other Wait block, and free themselves. Are you doing that? Without checking, there may be issues with calling free for yourself as you enter a Wait block (since this kind of depends on AnyLogic internals as to whether you count as being 'in' the block at this stage and can be freed). If this seems to be the problem you could create a timeout 0 dynamic event instance to do the free so that you're not doing it within the scope of the on-enter action.
Your pickup block (since it's been setup so that the entering agent will always want to pickup the first agent (Equipaje) in queue4) just needs to be set as waiting for quantity 1 (though see below).
If you've done all this the most likely problem is that the underlying events ordering of AnyLogic is affecting things. When you free agents I'm fairly sure the freeing actually happens in a timeout 0 event scheduled under-the-covers. So it may be that the passenger arrives at the Pickup before their Equipment arrives in queue4 though, if you set the Pickup to be "Exact quantity (wait for)", with quantity of 1, it should handle that.
The animation of the process (numbers in/out/within each block and details when clicking on blocks) should also help you debug what is going wrong; e.g., are bags being left in the Wait when they should have been released, etc.
P.S. With this kind of thing you should always create a minimal example model to make testing the issue/solution easier (and for sharing in help forums such as this where the rest of the complexity of your model is irrelevant). Often you find the problem 'naturally' in the process of trying to construct such a model that reproduces your problem in a minimal way.

minisat randomize variable selection is not working on gcloud

I want to get different solution every time I run minisat on the same problem. I can do that with using "rnd-seed" parameter of minisat. It simply randomize the variable selection so each time I can get different solution. Even though this parameter works perfectly on my machine (Ubuntu16) it does not work on gcloud (Google Cloud) running on Ubuntu machine.
I think I am missing a small part but I can not figure out what that is.
Note: I do not want to feed negotation of a solution to minisat to get different solution. I actually need to randomize the variable selection.
Edit: Let me explain why I need randomized solution. I solve lots of SAT problems and usually these SAT problems look like each other a lot. So, if I can not randomized variable selection, I get most of the time very similar solutions which I do not want. Therefore, I actually do not run minisat on the same problem.
Edit-2: #sascha wanted me to explain what I mean by "works" and "not works". When I run a cnf file on my PC, each time I get different solution. However, when I run the same cnf file on gcloud machine, I get always same solution.
The option -rnd-seed doesn't randomize branch variable selection. Rather, it allows you to set a seed for the pseudo-random number generator that Minisat uses.
Variable selection for branching does not involve randomness unless the -rnd-freq option is used. Pass in a floating point value between 0 and 1. 0 means no randomness, 1 means try to use a random variable every branch. The code only makes one attempt to choose a variable randomly, presumably because searching for an unset variable in an arbitrarily large priority queue can get pretty expensive. If that one attempt fails, Minisat branches using the normal priority queue.

how to debug in simpy

I have a general question about how to debug in Simpy. Normal debugging tools don't seem to work, since everything is working on the event loop, and you can't step through the code line by line and inspect what exists at any point in time.
Primarily, I'm interested in finding what kinds of processes and callbacks are in existence at a particular time, and how to remove them at the appropriate point. Are there any best practices surrounding debugging in discrete event simulation generally?
I would just use a bunch of print()s.
One thing you might find useful is the specific requests that can be passed to primitives such as resources. For example you can ask a resource how many users it currently has or how big the queue to use the resource is with:
All of these commands can be found in the documentation, here is the resource example:

Determine what salt state files will be pushed to node

Given a node id or matcher, is there a way to determine what state files will be pushed on a state.highstate - without actually running them? i.e. like a dry run.
I have a lot of templating going on in my state files and would like to see what would actually be affected before committing to a run.
You can see what states are being applied by top to a given set of servers with salt $MATCHER state.show_top.
You can do a dry run with salt $MATCHER state.highstate test=True (case sensitive). I don't entirely trust it; sometimes it claims something should get changed, but when I run a real highstate, it turns up clean. I have never had the opposite occur, thankfully.