Apache FOP PDF not showing Persian font correctly - apache-fop

I want to try to use an Apache FOP for printing Persian language PDF, but the PDF font does not display properly.
In fact, the letters appear in reverse and apart. Anyone can help?

In Apache OFBiz I have used the Google NotoSans font which is Apache licensed
You can see it in action at bottom of PDF there (credential admin/ofbiz): https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org/example/control/fonts.pdf
It should work for Persian language I guess, did not test.


What is the difference between IText and Headless chrome

We have a usecase to generate PDF from HTML for both RTL and LTR languages. Can anyone share the differences between headless and Itext to evaluate which is better for us?
It depends on your expectations of the PDF. If you just want an ordinary PDF, then you can choose any tool that converts HTML to PDF.
However, if you want an archivable PDF (PDF/A), an accessible PDF (PDF/UA) or a PDF 2.0 document, then iText 7 + the pdfHTML add-on + the pdfCalligraph add-on is the better choice. I don't know of any other HTML to PDF conversion software that is PDF 2.0-ready, nor do I think many HTML to PDF convertors support PDF/A or PDF/UA. For instance: with an ordinary HTML to PDF convertor you can convert Arabic content to a PDF, but when you try to convert the PDF to Arabic content, you will get a result that is slightly different. With iText 7, you create PDF documents that can be extracted correctly.
See How to convert HTML containing Arabic/Hebrew characters to PDF? for an RTL example. This FAQ entry is part of the HTML to PDF tutorial.
NOTE: I'm the original developer of iText; you should get the point of view of the people developing Headless Chrome too.

Crystal Reports 2008, PDF export, Chinese Characters are not visible for Arial Font

We have windows application with C#, using vs2008.
In this application we are using Crystal report 10.5, with Arial Font as application font.
While exporting to PDF, its not showing Chinese characters.
It seems that using font "MS UI Gothic", we can see the chinese character in pdf file.
But as per requirement we must use Arial Font.
Please let us know if any one has any solution to this problem.
We resolved issue by following steps:
First export the report in RTF format.
Use office interop to convert RTF to PDF format.

How can i create iTextSharp pdf in Hindi font?

I am trying to build desktop application for Hindi PDFs in c#. But the Unicode encoding is not well supported.Any idea to fix this.
string ARIALUNI_TTF = path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "ARIALUNI.TTF");
bf = iTextSharp.text.pdf.BaseFont.CreateFont(ARIALUNI_TTF, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H,BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
iTextSharp.text.Font font = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 8, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
Can Identity_H will give support for Hindi Encoding?
Hindi is not supported yet. A font like mangal.ttf, that supports the Devanagari script, will show you in iTextSharp the glyphs but not the ligatures. Work is being done on the Indic front not only for Hindi support but also for Telegu, Gujarati and others.
You basically require support for Asian Characters. A similar thread can be found here(stackoverflow). The implementation revolve around usage of BaseFont (use createFont method), which indicates using font and appropriate encoding. You can find the example on the official site of iText here. Note that the example is in Java, but the same implementation is available in .Net as well.

Displaying Rich Text (.rtf) in JavaFX

I have a .rtf file that I need to display within a JavaFX GUI.
My research indicates that the JavaFX TextFlow supports rich text through a tree of Node objects. However, I am at a loss on how to get my .rtf file represented as this tree of Nodes.
I feel like there should be an intuitive way to parse the .rtf file into the Node tree, but I just can't seem to find a way to do it!
Parsing RTF and Rendering in a TextFlow
You could parse the rtf and generate a TextFlow representation of it (similar as is done for this markdown editor for markdown markup). I believe this would be a difficult task for you (the RTF 1.9.1 specification is 277 pages long). Describing how to do this would be too long and complicated for a StackOverflow answer (even if I could describe it, which I probably could not).
Converting RTF to a format JavaFX can more easily render
I suggest using a converter (either offline or using an online service) to convert your RTF to another format before trying to render it in JavaFX. If you know the documents in advance you can pre-convert before shipping your application, if you don't then you will have to provide a real-time conversion facility with your application. I won't recommend a particular service, but you can google and do some research on RTF conversion to see if there is one that fits. As a target format you could choose PDF or HTML, or an image (e.g. PNG).
JavaFX will natively display:
Images using an ImageView.
HTML using a WebView.
A 3rd party library can be used to display PDF documents or other formats using JavaFX.

Images in OOXML (Office Open XML) standard documents are damaged. Where I can find a good one?

We are working on a project to deal with OOXML format, specifically DOCX format. We downloaded PDFs from ISO site (http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/index.html) but found all images in the PDF are black. Some images have colored lines but none of them has text.
Is there anyone read the standard?
Where I can get a good document with good images.
You can take a look at the ECMA-376 version of the standard at the following link. I would download the third edition set of the pdf's as they are the most recent to date.