I do not receive email from a .media domain - email

I am using Gmail (the paid version) and I cannot receive mails from a .media domain.
The company that I am emailing does get my emails, but when they respond it does not arrive in my inbox/spambox.
Next to this, there is no error mail or bounce mail. So I am really wondering what I can do in order to receive mails from person#company.media domains. I already added people as a contact person.

Can you check if the correct mx records are in place?
Also you can contact google support for this issue.


Detecting if emails send by our application is marked as spam

We are developing an application that will send periodic updates and notifications to users as email. The user can opt-in and opt-out of this service via a subscribe option. However we are finding that some users are making the email as spam and as a result our account is getting suspended... Is there any way to track if our emails has been marked as Spam by a user, so that we can stop sending emails to them...
We have a GSuite service and are using Gmail SMTP to send emails
But you can check if your domain is on any blacklist with tools like mxtoolbox.com. And contact those blacklists with the question what you could do to be removed from the list.
In order for a mail to be classified as spam it has to fail a multitude of tests maybe your mails have specific words in the title or the senders address is way to weird or the header is getting corrupted in a certain way or and maybe that's your problem: many people are custom filtering your emails as junk/spam.

Correctly unblocking LSMSGCV filtered email?

Part of our product involves sending users a weekly email with a status report about their account, and once in a while we get the following reply from their spam filtering service saying the following:
LSMSGCV: You just sent an email to foo#bar.com - please reply
Did you send an email to: foo#bar.com from: foo2#bar.com?
If yes, it got caught as unsolicited email by our spam blocker. You can release the mail from spam quarantine by simply replying to this message. At the same time the spam blocker will recognize you as a trusted sender (from this email address) and automatically add you to my Allow list for this and any future communication.
Many illegal spammers forge email addresses to try to get past spam blocking software. These spammers send hundreds of millions of spam messages a day, clogging email servers and wasting people’s time. We regret that these spammers have forced us to send this message to you.
Original From: foo2#bar.com
Original To: foo#bar.com
LSMSGCV For more information about our spam blocking software please visit www.lightspeedsystems.com
The problem is that our from email address is not a real inbox, it's actually a google group (set up through google apps) that we use to make sure everybody who needs to can receive the reply to this email and answer from their personal company accounts.
For LSMSGCV, does it matter if the "unblocking" reply comes NOT from the original from address? Would that successfully whitelist our from address or would that be insufficient?

Email Delayed - Google Apps

I have google app for sending email on behalf of my domain. It’s a free google app account where I have 50 users in it.
The problem is that the users are having issue receiving the emails, emails get delayed sometime we don’t receive the email at all.
I have checked the spam folder no trace of any emails.
Because of this we miss most of our important emails. So I there a way to know why the emails get delayed or not received or how can I contact google(gmail) in this regards for support.
I've been using the same service for a looooong time and no problems whatsoever.
I would bet the problem is either on your registrar or hosting.
Login to your registrar, and check the nameservers(!!!) and dns records.

How to avoid marked as spam by Gmail on sending mass email?

I created event registration web sites (you can imagine something like http://www.eventbrite.com/), which allow users to subscribe for event updates. When subscribed, we send mass emails (with the same content) to those users.
It was ok before, but recently I noticed that GMail always put the email into Spam folder.
As any texts would always go to Spam folder, I suspect that my domain was blacklisted by Gmail.
1) Is there a way to request google to put my domain into the whitelist?
2) Let's say it can't and I decide to register for new domain.
Is there a way to avoid the mass email to be marked as spam by Gmail? (may be something like what Facebook email notification do?)
Yes, don't send mass email :-) If you really want to avoid being considered a spammer, send out emails with less recipients, and don't swamp the mail server with them. Let's say, for example, you have thirty recipients for a given update. You can send out emails with one recipient every minute for a half hour.
Now the numbers may be different (and will of course depend on the success of your site) but the basic theory will stand up for quite a while.
As to how to get yourself whitelisted in GMail, that's really up to the recipient. They can usually do it by simply adding your email address to their contact list.
Keep in mind whitelisting there refers to individual GMail accounts, GMail itself does not whitelist IP addresses.
It does blacklist them if you misbehave but that generally means you get delivery rejects when trying to send. The fact that your messages are going in to the mail system and being delivered to spam folders indicates that this is an account-based thing, not a global GMail blacklisting of your IP/domain.
In any case, the place to report problems for GMail delivery problems is here.
As a school, we send out mass emails to our parents about events and issues. There's no way we have the time to spend sending out one email per minute. What we did was sign up with AOL as a business account, and we are allowed to do "bulk mailings" until they get multiple complaints. However, gmail clients usually have to list us as a valid sender or else those emails end up in spam folders. Works the same for clients using college alumni accounts from edu addresses. Gmail is the only one who regularly gives us this problem for our recipients on their email servers. We let parents know at orientation that they will have to specifically admit our emails via some setting on gmail.

edm being flagged as SPAM by hotmail

I have sent out 5 different edm with different content to a group of people. 4 of them could reach the mailbox of yahoo, gmail and hotmail successfully.
The problem is that the remaining 1 being flagged as SPAM by hotmail. (It can reach the mailbox of yahoo and gmail successfully)
Does anyone know why?
This can be down to a number things.
If you sent the emails out quite quickly then the receiving email server may just flag it as spam.
The other thing that it could be is that you are using a phrase that the hotmail spam filter is picking up on. I suggest running your email through something like spamassassin to see what it would score.
If its still got a good score then maybe you need to be affiliated with the hotmail feedback loop so that they can let you know when someone hits "This is spam" button.
IF that doesnt work then you may need to see if your IP address has been blocked by hotmail. If you want to do email direct marketing, the IP address normally has to be whitelisted by the email provider and potentially spamhaus so they know you aren't a spammer.