Make a TestProbe to forget all the messgaes - scala

I am writing a code in a test driven way, and after having written many tests, I introduced a new actor, and in my test environment I use a TestProbe for it.
Now in the n-th test, I am testing that the new actor receives a message.
But the message he actually receives is not the expected one, because he receives many message from other tests, before the expected one.
So is there a way to tell the TestProbe to forget all the messages received until now, without specifying the number, and start listening the messages from now?
Some code:
class MyTest extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test")) {
var myActorRef: ActorRef = _
var myTestProbe = TestProbe()
before {
myActorRef = system.actorOf(MyActor.props(myTestProbe.ref))
"MyActor" must {
//.... many tests here
"trigger notification to myTestProbe" in {
// here I would like myTestProbe to forget all the messages he received before
myActorRef ! AMessageThatShoudCauseAnotherMessageToBeSentToMyProbe(..)
TheExpectedMessage(...) //this fails, because the message received has been sent before this test.
I can do myTestProbe.receiveN(200) but I need the exact number of messages, and if I then add another test before, this number could change... it's really bad.
I could also to re-create the testProbe and the actor under test:
myTestProbe = TestProbe()
myActorRef = system.actorOf(MyActor.props(myTestProbe.ref))
but for other reasons, I would prefer to avoid it... any other suggestion?


Throttling akka-actor that keeps only the newest messages

I am using akka actors to update data on my web-client. One of those actors is solely repsonsible for sending updates concerning single Agents. These agents are updated very rapidly (every 10ms). My goal now is to throttle this updating mechanism so that the newest version of every Agent is sent every 300ms.
My code
This is what I came up with so far:
* Single agents are updated very rapidly. To limit the burden on the web-frontend, we throttle the messages here.
class BroadcastSingleAgentActor extends Actor {
private implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = context.dispatcher
private var queue = Set[Agent]()
context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 300 milliseconds) {
queue.foreach { a =>
broadcastAgent(self)(a) // sends the message to all connected clients
queue = Set()
override def receive: Receive = {
// this message is received every 10 ms for every agent present
case BroadcastAgent(agent) =>
// only keep the newest version of the agent
queue = queue.filter( != + agent
This actor (BroadcastSingleAgentActor) works as expected, but I am not 100% sure if this is thread safe (updating the queue while potentionally clearing it). Also, this does not feel like I am making the best out of the tools akka provides me with. I found this article (Throttling Messages in Akka 2), but my problem is that I need to keep the newest Agent message while dropping any old version of it. Is there an example somewhere similar to what I need?
No, this isn't thread safe because the scheduling via the ActorSystem will happen on another thread than the receive. One potential idea is to do the scheduling within the receive method because incoming messages to the BroadcastSingleAgentActor will be handled sequentially.
override def receive: Receive = {
case Refresh =>
context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 300 milliseconds) {
queue.foreach { a =>
broadcastAgent(self)(a) // sends the message to all connected clients
queue = Set()
// this message is received every 10 ms for every agent present
case BroadcastAgent(agent) =>
// only keep the newest version of the agent
queue = queue.filter( != + agent

Why does the Identify message find an actor in an actor selection after its termination?

Within a test-program, I want to check that an Actor (child) remains terminated and is not created again after some computation. My test looks like (it is part of a TestKit subclass):
val childSelection = system.actorSelection(parent.path / "*")
childSelection ! Identify(0)
val child = expectMsgPF {
case ActorIdentity(0, Some(ref)) => ref
// some computation that should end in stopping child
// some computation that should not create a new child
childSelection ! Identify(1)
expectMsg(ActorIdentity(1, None))
The last line sometimes unexpectedly fails, stating that the message ActorIdentity(1, Some(parent.path/child-name)) was received instead of the expected one. This means that, even after receiving the Terminated message (resulting from the expectTerminated(...) test), sending the Identify message to an actor selection does not necessarily result in the ActorIdentity(..., None) response.
Does anybody know what the akka framework actually does and how it works in this case? Thanks in advance for your help!
Meanwhile, I replaced the last line of my test with:
val identities = receiveWhile() {
case ActorIdentity(1, Some(ref)) => ref == child
if (identities.isEmpty) {
expectMsg(ActorIdentity(1, None))
} else {
which seems to work fine but is quite more complex to read (and write)...
Since you selection is on parent.path / "*", your parent actor probably have another child that is responding to the Identity message. Check what identity your receive after stopping the child, to figure out what other child is responding.

Can I safely create a Thread in an Akka Actor?

I have an Akka Actor that I want to send "control" messages to.
This Actor's core mission is to listen on a Kafka queue, which is a polling process inside a loop.
I've found that the following simply locks up the Actor and it won't receive the "stop" (or any other) message:
class Worker() extends Actor {
private var done = false
def receive = {
case "stop" =>
done = true
// other messages here
// Start digesting messages!
while (!done) {
kafkaConsumer.poll(100) { cr: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], String] =>
// process the record
), null)
I could wrap the loop in a Thread started by the Actor, but is it ok/safe to start a Thread from inside an Actor? Is there a better way?
Basically you can but keep in mind that this actor will be blocking and a thumb of rule is to never block inside actors. If you still want to do this, make sure that this actor runs in a separate thread pool than the native one so you don't affect Actor System performances. One another way to do it would be to send messages to itself to poll new messages.
1) receive a order to poll a message from kafka
2) Hand over the
message to the relevant actor
3) Send a message to itself to order
to pull a new message
4) Hand it over...
Code wise :
case object PollMessage
class Worker() extends Actor {
private var done = false
def receive = {
case PollMessage ⇒ {
self ! PollMessage
case "stop" =>
done = true
// other messages here
// Start digesting messages!
def poll() = {
kafkaConsumer.poll(100) { cr: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], String] =>
// process the record
), null)
I am not sure though that you will ever receive the stop message if you continuously block on the actor.
Adding #Louis F. answer; depending on the configuration of your actors they will either drop all messages that they receive if at the given moment they are busy or put them in a mailbox aka queue and the messages will be processed later (usually in FIFO manner). However, in this particular case you are flooding the actor with PollMessage and you have no guarantee that your message will not be dropped - which appears to happen in your case.

How to implement a self-cancelling poller without using a var?

I'm curious if it's possible to safely implement a self-cancelling poller without using a var to keep the instance of
So far, I came up with something like what you see in the example below. However, I'm curious if it's safe to assume that the "tick" message will never be dispatched before the hotswap happens, i.e the line that schedules the poller:
tick(1, 5, context.system.scheduler.schedule(Duration.Zero, 3 seconds, self, "tick"))
is basically the same as:
val poll = context.system.scheduler.schedule(Duration.Zero, 3 seconds, self, "tick")
tick(1, 5, poll)
So, I would think that in some cases the first tick would be received before the hotswap has a chance to happen... Thoughts?
import{Cancellable, ActorSystem}
import concurrent.duration._
object PollerDemo {
def run() {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("DemoPoller")
import system.dispatcher
actor(new Act{
become {
case "tick" => println("UH-OH!")
case "start" =>
become {
tick(1, 5, context.system.scheduler.schedule(Duration.Zero, 3 seconds, self, "tick"))
def tick(curr:Long, max:Long, poll:Cancellable):Receive = {
case "tick" => {
println(s"poll $curr/$max")
if(curr > max)
become{ tick(curr + 1, max, poll) }
def cancel(poll:Cancellable) {
println(s"cancelled successfully? ${poll.isCancelled}")
println("shutting down")
}) ! "start"
system.awaitTermination(1 minute)
My guess is that your code will be okay. Remember, actors only process their mailbox one at a time. When you receive the start message, you setup a timer that will deliver another message to the mailbox and then you swap the receive implementation. Because you do the receive swap while you are still processing the start message, then you will have already changed the actors's receive behavior before it processes the next message in the mailbox. So when it moves on to process the tick message you can be sure that it will be using the new receive behavior.
You could verify this by sending an additional tick message inside the first become like so:
become {
self ! "tick"
tick(1, 5, context.system.scheduler.schedule(Duration.Zero, 3 seconds, self, "tick"))
Here we are really eliminating the timer from the equation when asking if a message sent during the become block will be processed by the old receive or the new receive. I did not run this, but from my understanding or akka, both of these ticks should be handled by the new receive.
You really can't do pure functional programming with actors. Sending them messages is a side-effect. Since their receive function doesn't return a result, all the actor can do when receiving a message is to side effect. Just about every single thing your code does is for side-effects
You might be avoiding vars in your implementation of the code, but become is mutating a var in the Actor superclass. context.system.scheduler.schedule is clearly side-effecting and mutating state somewhere. Every single thing that cancel does is a side effect. system.awaitTermination(1 minute) is not a function...

How can one verify messages sent to self are delivered when testing Akka actors?

I have an Actor that is similar to the following Actor in function.
case class SupervisingActor() extends Actor {
protected val processRouter = //round robin router to remote workers
override def receive = {
case StartProcessing => { //sent from main or someplace else
for (some specified number of process actions ){
processRouter ! WorkInstructions
case ProcessResults(resultDetails) => { //sent from the remote workers when they complete their work
//do something with the results
if(all of the results have been received){
self ! EndProcess //This is the line in question
case EndProcess {
//do some reporting
//shutdown the ActorSystem
How can I verify the EndProcess message is sent to self in tests?
I'm using scalatest 2.0.M4, Akka 2.0.3 and Scala 1.9.2.
An actor sending to itself is very much an intimiate detail of how that actor performs a certain function, hence I would rather test the effect of that message than whether or not that message has been delivered. I’d argue that sending to self is the same as having a private helper method on an object in classical OOP: you also do not test whether that one is invoked, you test whether the right thing happened in the end.
As a side note: you could implement your own message queue type (see and have that allow the inspection or tracing of message sends. The beauty of this approach is that it can be inserted purely by configuration into the actor under test.
In the past, I have overridden the implementation for ! so that I could add debug/logging. Just call super.! when you're done, and be extra careful not to do anything that would throw an exception.
I had the same issue with an FSM actor. I tried setting up a custom mailbox as per the accepted answer but a few minutes didn't get it working. I also attempted to override the tell operator as per another answer but that was not possible as self is a final val. Eventually I just replaced:
self ! whatever
and added that method into the actor as:
// test can override this
protected def sendToSelf(msg: Any) {
self ! msg
then in the test overrode the method to capture the self sent message and sent it back into the fsm to complete the work:
#transient var sent: Seq[Any] = Seq.empty
val fsm = TestFSMRef(new MyActor(x,yz) {
override def sendToSelf(msg: Any) {
sent = sent :+ msg
// yes this is clunky but it works
var wait = 100
while( sent.isEmpty && wait > 0 ){
wait = wait - 10
fsm ! sent.head