Multi user connection in massive.js - massivejs

I wish to have connected more than 1 users at the same time, as follows:
const massive = require('massive');
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
database: 'appdb',
user: 'user_1',
password: 'pwd_1',
ssl: false,
poolSize: 10
}).then(instance_1 => {...});
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
database: 'appdb',
user: 'user_2',
password: 'pwd_2',
ssl: false,
poolSize: 10
}).then(instance_2 => {...});
user_1 and user_2 obviously have different privileges.
So, my question is: in which way the two instances 1 and 2 are related?
In the beginning, I suspect they are identical. Later, do they get synchronized? Do I have to run db.reload()?

The short answer is that you don't have anything to worry about unless and until you make schema changes. If you do modify the schema at runtime you will need to call db.reload() from each instance to ensure that they're current. However, modifying the schema at runtime is an uncommon use case to say the least.
The two instances are completely independent and are never automatically synchronized. The database objects (tables, views, etc) that both users have access to will be identical until a change is made and one is reloaded.


running migration for multiple schema - typeorm/postgres

I have a schema based multitenancy setup in postgres.
Typeorm allows us to run migration using a single command:
typeorm migration:run -d db.connection.js
the connection is defined like this:
type: 'postgres',
host: process.env.DB_HOST,
port: Number(process.env.DB_PORT),
username: process.env.DB_USER,
password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
database: process.env.DB_NAME,
ssl: process.env.DB_SSL === 'true',
migrations: migrations || ['./**/*.migration.js'],
Now, I have 3 schema in my database: A, B and C, how do I run the migration for all 3 of them at once? This is a really big issue for me as manually triggering migration for each schema individually is time consuming and cumbersome. Does typeorm have a method to specify multiple schemas?

I can not connect to Postgres DB with Strapi on Heroku

Trying to deploy Strapi on Heroku with Postgres as described here
But I get this error
error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "ssqqeaz***", database "d6gtu***", SSL off
I use Heroku Postgres add-on.
My database config:
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
defaultConnection: 'default',
connections: {
default: {
connector: 'bookshelf',
settings: {
client: 'postgres',
host: env('DATABASE_HOST', ''),
port:'DATABASE_PORT', 27017),
database: env('DATABASE_NAME', 'strapi'),
username: env('DATABASE_USERNAME', ''),
password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD', ''),
options: {
ssl: true
Why? Please help!
try to change ssl : true into ssl : false
The current configuration you've posted will not work with a Heroku Postgres database. The primary concern here is that you're reading components of your postgres database url out of manually set config vars. This is very much recommended against by Heroku because they may need to move the database to a new host in the case of disasters. DATABASE_URL is set by Heroku when you create a database on an app and it's the one config var you can rely on to stay up-to-date. Moving on...
You will need to parse the username, password, host, port and database name out of the DATABASE_URL config var and supply those to the attributes of the settings block. Based on the error you provided, I can tell you're not presently doing this because Heroku databse usernames all start with a 'u', so something is very wrong if you get the error user "ssqqeaz***". As a first step you might try hard coding these values in the settings block to make sure it works (make sure to rotate the credentials after you do it, or otherwise clean up your git history to prevent leaked creds). The pattern for a postgres connection url is something like this: postgres:// $USERNAME : $PASSWORD # $HOSTNAME : $PORT / $DATABASE_NAME.
Not sure if it will help moving your config around...
remove ssl from option Key
insert ssl after password inside of settings Key
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false),
also check your app config vars inside of Heroku and make sure you have the required postgres config vars setup and they match the heroku generated DATABASE_URL config var.
lastly check your ./config/server.js file and make sure your host is
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
host: env('HOST', ''),
port:'PORT', 1337),
admin: {
auth: {
secret: env('ADMIN_JWT_SECRET', '**********************************'),

Sails.js - Authorisation issues with remote MongoDB on mLab but working fine locally

Recently, I took over a Sails.js application created for our company by a small team of web developers. They provided me with the source and a database dump. Now, my task is to get it up and running on Heroku. While everything is working okay when I run the app locally, with the remote connection there is an error on startup that says:
MongoError: not authorized on heroku_gbntc8sf to execute command { createIndexes: "agendaJobs", indexes: [ { key: { name: 1, priority: -1, lockedAt: 1, nextRunAt: 1, disabled: 1 }, name: "findAndLockNextJobIndex1" }, { key: { name: 1, lockedAt: 1, priority: -1, nextRunAt: 1, disabled: 1 }, name: "findAndLockNextJobIndex2" } ] }
at Function.MongoError.create ([ROOT_DIR]/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/error.js:31:11)
at [ROOT_DIR]/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:793:66
at Callbacks.emit ([ROOT_DIR]/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:94:3)
at null.messageHandler ([ROOT_DIR]/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/topologies/server.js:235:23)
at Socket.<anonymous> ([ROOT_DIR]/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/connection.js:259:22)
at emitOne (events.js:77:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:146:16)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:110:10)
at TCP.onread (net.js:523:20)
Here's a quick checklist of what I've done already:
checked the build log on Heroku - no errors or warnings;
set up mLab Heroku add-on, exported the database, done some manual checks from the mLab dashboard - everything looks okay;
logged in to the database remotely from the mongo command and a mongo:// URL, ran a few simple queries, and obtained information on the database user privileges;
created an identical user (with the heroku_gbntc8sf username, same password, same role, etc.) in the local database.
Here's what the connection configuration looks like:
// config/connections.js
module.exports.connections = {
mongodb: {
adapter: 'sails-mongo',
user: 'heroku_gbntc8sf',
password: [HIDDEN],
host: '',
port: 59387,
database: 'heroku_gbntc8sf'
// ...
// config/env/development.js
module.exports = {
models: {
connection: 'mongodb'
// ...
// config/env/production.js
module.exports = {
models: {
connection: 'mongodb'
// ...
At the moment I'm running the server locally, trying to connect to the remote database, to eliminate as many variables as possible. Like I mentioned above, when I set host to '' and port to 27017, everything works okay. The heroku_gbntc8sf user has basic readWrite permissions in both databases (local and remote). In fact, those two databases are pretty much identical, as far as I know. And yet...
I've read a sizeable chunk of the Sails.js documentation, as well as, the documentation on the sails-mongo adapter. I've searched for similar questions, but I couldn't find anything relevant. I've tried many different things, including a couple of different ways to configure the database connection, but that error is always there.
The reason why I'm posting to StackOverflow is that I cannot rely on the support from the original authors of the app at the moment. Also, I'm new to Sails.js, so I might be doing something wrong without even knowing. I was hoping that I could get away with treating the app as a 'black box' (or like a generic Node application), since my job is only to start the app on Heroku.
I've successfully used mLab in a Sails project recently, but I've used the Mongo URL string format, for example...
mongodbServer: {
adapter: 'sails-mongo',
url : "mongodb://"
Not sure if it helps, but can't hurt to try! It's also the only way I've successfully got a replicaSet working in Sails incidentally.
It's confusing, but I read the sails-mongo docs as "URL is the way forward, and passing an object is legacy usage" (here)

Doctrine. Turn off prepare statement

I using symfony2 with doctrine for my project.
How I can turn off prepare statement for every sql query?
I need it because, I use pgbouncer for PostgreSQL connect and prepare statement doesn't support.
You can use this:
driver: "%database_driver%"
host: "%database_host%"
port: "%database_port%"
dbname: "%database_name%"
user: "%database_user%"
password: "%database_password%"
PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES equals to 20, but the last time I checked, you weren't allowed to use it as a hash key, thus 20.
I am still searching for solution. But you can use native pg_connect() function

Sail.js multiple connections on start

I've got an odd problem - on start of my sails app (which is connecting with postgres and deployed on heroku ) there are multiple connections (around 10) to database, and since it's free account, if I then try to launch app on localhost to test some new code I get an error "too many connections for a role". So does anyone know why there are so many connections to database and can I change it, to have only one connection per app?
Error creating a connection to Postgresql: error: too many connections for role
Error creating a connection to Postgresql: error: too many connections for role
error: Hook failed to load: orm (error: too many connections for role "xwoellnkv
error: Error encountered while loading Sails core!
error: error: too many connections for role "xwoellnkvjcupt"
at Connection.parseE (C:\Studia\szachman2\node_modules\sails-postgresql\node
at Connection.parseMessage (C:\Studia\szachman2\node_modules\sails-postgresq
at null. (C:\Studia\szachman2\node_modules\sails-postgresql\node_
at CleartextStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
at CleartextStream. (_stream_readable.js:746:14)
at CleartextStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:92:17)
at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js:408:10)
at _stream_readable.js:401:7
at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:459:13)
this is an error I am getting often when trying to test some new code on localhost.
#jantar #sgress454 I just added a troubleshooting message in sails-postgresql to try and make this better. Here's what it says:
-> Maybe your poolSize configuration is set too high? e.g. If your Postgresql database only supports 20 concurrent connections, you should make sure you have your poolSize set as something < 20. The default poolSize is 10.
To override the default poolSize, specify a poolSize property on the relevant Postgresql "connection" config object. If you're using Sails, this is generally located in config/connections.js, or wherever your environment-specific database configuration is set.
-> Do you have multiple Sails instances sharing the same Postgresql database? Each Sails instance may use up to the configured poolSize # of connections. Assuming all of the Sails instances are just copies of one another (a reasonable best practice) we can calculate the actual # of Postgresql connections used (C) by multiplying the configured poolSize (P) by the number of Sails instances (N). If the actual number of connections (C) exceeds the total # of AVAILABLE connections to your Postgresql database (V), then you have problems. If this applies to you, try reducing your poolSize configuration. A reasonable poolSize setting would be V/N.
This is due to Sails's auto-migration feature which attempts to keep your models and database synced up. It's not intended to be used in production. You can turn auto-migration off on a single model by adding migrate: safe to the model definition:
module.exports = {
migrate: 'safe',
attributes: {...}
You can turn auto-migration off for all models by adding a model config, usually in your config/locals.js:
module.exports = {
model: {
migrate: 'safe'
environment: 'production',
...other local config...
A little update for the V1. Your adapter in config/datastore.js should look like this if you want to set a maximum size for the connection pool :
adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
url: 'yourconnectionurl',
max: 1 // This is the important part for poolSize, I set 1 because I don't want more than 1 connection ^^
If you want to know all infos you can set, look here : , at line 162 :
// Basic:
'host', 'port', 'database', 'user', 'password', 'ssl',
// Advanced Client Config:
'application_name', 'fallback_application_name',
// General Pool Config:
'max', 'min', 'refreshIdle', 'idleTimeoutMillis',
// Advanced Pool Config:
// These should only be used if you know what you are doing.
'name', 'create', 'destroy', 'reapIntervalMillis', 'returnToHead',
'priorityRange', 'validate', 'validateAsync', 'log'