Code.Grandtotal() variable Resetting on new page in SSRS - ssrs-2008

I have a complex expression that calculates the revenue depending on a bill type. It basically says if Bill type = Progress use X calculation , If Bill type = NTE use Y calculation , for everything else use Z. Because this is an Aggregate you can not sum up a total simply by using a sum function in SSRS. You need to use custom code. I have been using the following that I found on Stack. See below.
Public Shared Dim grandTotal as Decimal
Public Shared Dim costCenterTotal as Decimal
Public Shared Dim workerTotal as Decimal
Public Shared Function Initialize()
grandTotal = 0
costCenterTotal = 0
workerTotal = 0
End Function
Public Function AddTotal(ByVal b AS Decimal) AS Decimal
grandTotal = grandTotal + b
costCenterTotal = costCenterTotal + b
workerTotal = workerTotal + b
return b
End Function
Public Function GetWorkerTotal()
Dim ret as Decimal = workerTotal
workerTotal = 0
return ret
End Function
Public Function GetCostCenterTotal()
Dim ret as Decimal = costCenterTotal
costCenterTotal = 0
return ret
End Function
Public Function GetGrandTotal()
Dim ret as Decimal = grandTotal
grandTotal= 0
return ret
End Function
In my main expression I added the code.AddTotal() function to the expression and in the total line I used the code.GetGrandTotal() Function in the column.
The issue is that when I run the report I do not get the right total in the Grand Total Line . It seems to change depending on if I view each page of the report and even if I view all pages the Grand total is not correct. It seems to reset . Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong.


how to pass cellrange to a user defined macro paramenter

i would like to work with cellranges within my macro.
Function SumIfColor(SumRange)
Dim oRange as object
Dim oSheet as object
' Get Access to the Active Spreadsheet
oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
' Get access to the Range listed in Sum Range
oRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByName(SumRange).RangeAddress
End Function
The question is how can I call this function with real cellRange object instead of String. Because getCellRangeByName works only with String variable.
Because when I call the function like this
I got the following error:
"Object variable not set"
I read some hint here but it did not helped me.
It is not possible to pass an actual CellRange object. One solution is to pass the row and column number, similar to the second part of #Axel Richter's answer in the link:
Function SumIfColor(lcol1, lrow1, lcol2, lrow2)
sum = 0
oCellRange = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(_
For lCol = 0 To oCellRange.Columns.Count -1
For lRow = 0 To oCellRange.Rows.Count -1
oCell = oCellRange.getCellByPosition(lCol, lRow)
If oCell.CellBackColor > -1 Then
sum = sum + oCell.Value
End If
SumIfColor = sum
End Function
To call it:
The sum will be recalculated whenever a value in the range B1:B3 is changed, because of COLUMN(B1:B3). However, apparently changing only the color of a cell does not cause it to be recalculated.

Excel creating autofilling form

I'm trying to create a form which contains two entries:
-folder number
-list of toms which are in folders
This is for archiving purpose. Form is divided on 4 section which will be printed on labels for archive boxes.
Folders are numbered from 1 to 1500, some of them contain 1 tom of documents, some of them up to 10. For now I'm doing this manualy by just copying from the table which looks like this:
Only thing I need in form is TOM NUMBER from this table
I was trying to use VLOOKUP but it only returns first row which has searched folder number.
So bascially I want a function which will take folder number from label form and find all toms which are assigned to and write it below. first 3 digits in folder number aren't important, only last 4 digits are considered most important variable
Unfortunately vlookup will not work, you are going to have to use an array folder. I am making an assumption that you will have a table that is called [Folders]
and I am going to create a form form with some vba on how to do this.
1. Create a Table by selecting the folder dataset and push ctl+T.
Alt + F11 to enter Visual basic editor
At the top choose insert ==> UserForm
Push F4 and in the properties window name your form FileFinder
Your toolbox maynot appear if it doesn't choose view => toolbox to open
drag 2 labels, 2 listboxes, and 2 buttons, you can format it however you like.
7.Create a new Module same as adding userform only choose module
Copy paste this code
Public Function CreateWorksheet(Optional name As String = "") As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
If name <> "" Then = name
Set Create = ws
End Function
Public Function LastRow() As Integer 'gets last row from column A
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End Function
Public Function DistintFolders() As String()
Dim list() As String
Dim counter As Integer
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("E2:E" & LastRow)
If Not IsInList(list, cell.Value, counter) Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve list(1 To counter)
list(counter) = cell.Value
End If
Next cell
DistintFolders = list
End Function
Public Function TomNumberByFolder(folderName As Variant) As String()
Dim list() As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim rowNumber As Integer
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("B2:B" & LastRow)
rowNumber = rowNumber + 1
If IsCorrectFolder(folderName, rowNumber) Then
counter = counter + 1
ReDim Preserve list(1 To counter)
list(counter) = cell.Value
End If
Next cell
TomNumberByFolder = list
End Function
Public Function IsInList(ByRef list() As String, compare As String, count As Integer) As Boolean
Dim l As Variant
If compare = "" Then
IsInList = True
Exit Function
End If
If count = 0 Then
IsInList = False
Exit Function
End If
For Each l In list
If l = compare Then
IsInList = True
Exit Function
End If
Next l
IsInList = False
End Function
Public Function IsCorrectFolder(folderName As Variant, rowNumber As Integer) As Boolean
IsCorrectFolder = (ActiveSheet.Range("E" & rowNumber).Value = folderName)
End Function
double click your form and paste this code
Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub btnCreate_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
If lstTom.ListCount = 0 Then
MessageBox "Please select a folder"
End If
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
ws.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Tom Number"
ws.Cells(2, 1).Resize(Me.lstTom.ListCount, 1) = Me.lstTom.list
End Sub
Private Sub lstFolder_Click()
Dim folder As String
If <> "Data" Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Activate 'please name this whatever your datasheet is called
For i = 0 To lstFolder.ListCount - 1
If lstFolder.Selected(i) Then
For Each s In TomNumberByFolder(lstFolder.list(i))
With lstTom
.AddItem s
End With
Next s
End If
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
For Each s In DistintFolders
With lstFolder
.AddItem s
End With
Next s
End Sub
please note that you may have to change sheet names if you would like I will send you this.
Download Here

How to end a Basic function properly

I'm trying to write a function in Basic for LibreOffice Calc to get the first letter of each word of the selected cell using the following code:
Function GetFirstLetters(rng) As String
Dim arr
Dim I As Long
arr = Split(rng, " ")
If IsArray(arr) Then
For I = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
GetFirstLetters = GetFirstLetters & Left(arr(I), 1)
Next I
GetFirstLetters = Left(arr, 1)
End If
End Function
And it works correctly, unless I try to execute it again, then it seems that the new result gets appended to that of any previous execution and it will return both strings together, example:
It also doesn't matter if I delete some or even all cells, or if I call it using an empty cell or even in another page, it will always append the result to the previous one:
Why does this happen? How can I fix this behaviour?
I don't know anything about Basic, so please don't bash on me if this is something very simple.
The original function is this:
Function GetFirstLetters(rng As Range) As String
'Update 20140325
Dim arr
Dim I As Long
arr = VBA.Split(rng, " ")
If IsArray(arr) Then
For I = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
GetFirstLetters = GetFirstLetters & Left(arr(I), 1)
Next I
GetFirstLetters = Left(arr, 1)
End If
End Function
And I got it from here:
The code you have found is VBA for Excel. Openoffice or Libreoffice uses StarBasic, not VBA. This is similar but not equal. So you can't simply use the same code as in Excel.
First difference is, there is no Range object. This you have noticed and have used rng as an Variant.
But another difference is, function names are like variable names in the global scope. And they will not be reseted if the function is called again. So in StarBasic we better do:
Function GetFirstLetters(sCellValue as String) As String
Dim arr As Variant
Dim I As Long
Dim sResult As String
arr = Split(sCellValue, " ")
If IsArray(arr) Then
For I = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
sResult = sResult & Left(arr(I), 1)
Next I
sResult = Left(arr, 1)
End If
GetFirstLetters = sResult
End Function
sResult is reseted (new Dimed) every time the function is called. So even the function's return value.

vba error 438 but object class does contain sub

I am writing code which is supposed to read in data from an Excel worksheet, save it as strings into variables contained in an object of a class which I have defined and then add this object to an object tree of a class which I have also defined.
Dim ProdTreeMain As New CProdTree
Dim nR As Range
Dim nnR As Range
Set nR = oXS.Range("A1")
Set nnR = oXS.Range("A1")
dim r as integer
r = 1
Do While Not (nR.Text = "" And nnR.Text = "")
Dim currProd As New CProduct
ProdTreeMain.addProduct (currProd) '<-- error 438 "Object doesn't support property or method
End If
r = r + 1
Set nR = oXS.Range("A" & CStr(r + 1))
Set nR = oXS.Range("A" & CStr(r + 2))
The class CProdTree contains a sub "addProduct" which takes an input object of class CProduct by reference.
Public Sub addProduct(ByRef Prod As CProduct)
What the hell is going on? The class is defined, the sub correct, the variable type being passed to the sub is of the correct class and yet I get this error ... :/
You need to drop the parentheses around the argument. My favorite explanation is this Daily Dose of Excel post.
This line:
ProdTreeMain.addProduct (currProd)
ProdTreeMain.addProduct currProd

Type mismatch when tring to extract the date by calling a function in macro

I am using the below code. I am getting the "Type Mismatch : Error 13" when i am trying to execute it. I tried by putting all variable type (long, double, date, string) but non of them worked out.
Function DefectCreateDate()
Dim j
Dim DateString
Dim CreatedDate
j = GetClm("Created Date")
i = 2
DateString = "19-03-2013 21:41:01"
DefectCreateDate = DateValue(DateString)
End Function
Sub testnewde()
Dim K
Dim j
k= 2
j = DefectCreateDate(k)
MsgBox (j)
End Sub
You have an errant parameter 'k' being passed into DefectCreateDate; its defintion is parameterles.