Displaying multiple images from one directory as one figure in matlab? - matlab

This is my first post, so apologies if I do something wrong or am not clear.
I am trying to display multiple .fig files in one figure to compare them to each other. I tried using montage() but the education license I am on apparently doesn't have that included.
With montage I did..
comp10 = dir('c:\data_figs\location_1\fig10*.fig');
montage(comp10,'size',[1 NaN]);
Is there a way to do something similar without montage? I'm comparing ultrasound imaging analyses, and want them next to each other in order to see which ones have significant movement and which ones can be thrown out.
I am very inexperienced in matlab, so I probably am missing something super simple.
Thank you!


Understanding a code for deep learning NOMA system in MATLAB

I'm trying very hard to understand this code about a Deep Learning-Based NOMA system based in MATLAB. I am really new to MATLAB coding but I really need to understand this entire code as it will help in my school project and I am struggling.
I think as of right now I do not need to know how the mathematical formulas work, but instead, the focus is on what the code is doing and its flow.
This is part of the code in the trainData.m file that I am struggling with right now
Why are the pilot symbols calculated and then replaced right after?
Why is the idx_sc (20) selected to be replaced? What is its significance? Is it the only subcarrier selected for the training of the DL model? Why only that?
This portion of the code in the picture is labeled "generate training data for each class". From my understanding, it is generating OFDM packets for each label, simulating the transmission and reception, and then getting the features and labels for each of the 16 classes. Is that correct?
The code and all relevant function files can be found in the link below.
Please help me understand the code!!! Please! Much thanks!
To get you started, In lines 91 the code initializes the entire variable as 0. Subsequent lines (92-96) are just replacing pieces of the variable based on the indexing inside the “(…)”

Inner workings of Google's Quick Draw

I'm asking this here because I didn't find anything online.
I would be interested in how Google Quick Draw works, specifically:
1) How does it output the answer - does it have a giant output vector with a probability for each type of drawing?
2) How does it read the data - I see they've implemented some sort of order aware input system, but does that mean that they input positions of the interpolated lines that users draw? This is problematic because it's variable length - how did they solve it?
3) And, finally, which training algorithm are they using? The data grows each time someone draws something new, or do they just feed it into the algorithm when it's created?
If you know any papers on this or by miracle you work at Google and/or can explain how it works, I would be really greatful. :)

Matlab BlobAnalysis (for cell counting)

I have been researching on how to program image processing for counting objects and I found the following homepage about Matlab for cell counting
I am not familiar with Matlab, but found their ideas interesting, so reading this, I see that they are using a BlobAnalysis Object to find the centroid of the segmented cells (You can see the image :
Now, this seem very interesting but I wonder what this operation is doing exactly? (please don't give me the definition written in the docs-"it is finding the property in the blobs". How? is it segmenting it? separating it? ) As far as I can see either you separate the cells first (that is the whole point of counting- I am doing this in other program using watersheding) and then finding the centroids is just something added and not so important, OR somehow this blob analysis is doing some interesting segmentation itself that I would like to know.
Anyone familiar with this can give me some pointers or advice here?

Matlab: Publish figures in a sequence

Kindly consider the published output in the attached image. Is it possible to arrange figures in a order, say for example: figure below one another? I searched, but couldn't resolve it.
You could/should use "snapnow" instead of creating figures to get pictures in a well-defined order.

Matlab: Write text to PDF

I'd like to create a PDF out of my matlab m-function. The PDF should contain some text information which I want to style a bit and one image (which is previously generated as figure). Is there any way? The only thing I found is publish to publish source-code. The only alternative I could think off was to programm the texts into the figure window and than export the whole figure to pdf. Perhaps there's a better way to do it?
I would recommend generating your figure with Matlab, outputting it to eps, then converting the figure to pdf using epstopdf. Then embed your figure in a latex document and generate a pdf with pdflatex.
I know this sounds like an incredibly roundabout way of doing it, but
This is the way I've come to do it after years of experience and it always gives me the best results
Every one of my colleagues does it this way for the same reason
The results will be completely reproducible
You're using Matlab to do what it's good at (making scientific figures) and latex to do what it's good at (formatting documents)
The Matlab code to make the eps of the figure would be like this (supposing your figure is figure 1):
print -depsc2 -f1 -loose my_fig.eps
You could pretty easily write a latex template that uses my_fig.pdf and then run everything from your Matlab using bangouts:
!epstopdf my_fig
!pdflatex mydoc.tex
If you're on Windows, you can connect to Word using 'actxserver', insert and style any text you like into a blank document, copy and paste MATLAB figures into the document, and then save it to PDF. You can do all of that from within MATLAB. The first time you do this it's a pain, as you need to learn quite a bit about the Word Object Model; but once you've done it a couple of times it's very simple and quick, and you can achieve very professional results. You can combine this with using the 'export_fig' that others have mentioned.