How to send a confirm email from swift - swift

In my app I've a button that allows users to send me an e-mail.
When users send me an e-mail I want to send to their a confirm e-mail.
But, from swift code, how can I get their email address in order to send to their the confirm mail?
Thank you

You will not be able to use Swift to grab a user's email address this way. This is intentional, to keep a user's information secure.
I would recommended either using an email service that will automatically respond to emails received, or allowing users to enter their email address elsewhere in the app.


sendgrid/mail wont allow sending 'from' to be dynamically

I have a form on my portfolio that allows a user fill in a form with a question they have and send that to me by email.
When i try to use sendgrid it only allows me as a verified user to send emails from my own email address. but i want the 'from' field to be dynamically filled in by that user and then sent to me.
note: I also tried 'emailjs' but that works fine in development but fails in production.
Any suggestions on how to fix this or any other platforms i can use for that preferabally free since it is a hobby project.
Twilio SendGrid developer evangelist here.
You do need to use a verified email address to send emails from SendGrid, this is to stop people using a form like you describe to spoof anyone's email address.
A better idea is to send emails created in your form from a verified email address and set the reply-to address as the submitted email. That way you can send with SendGrid and then when you reply in your email client it will return to the person that submitted the form.
I added more detail and example code (in Python) in this answer.

Reply to email other than from/reply-to field

My system sends emails on behalf of my users (each user has customers).
When a customer replies to that email, it should reply to my app email instead so I can utilise the inbound parse functionality.
However, I want to display the user's email in the from/reply-to field. Is this possible?
from and reply-to are not the same thing. Send from the user's address in the from field, then use your app's email in the reply-to.

Getting a List of My Email Recipients who have viewed my email?

Trying to get a list of my email recipients who have seen my email, and then to use a different medium to address who didn't see (via SMS/Call).
I could get the number of people who saw the email by having a hit counter set up in a web server, looking for a method to get this done now. Any help?
It can't be done reliably. Popular email clients will not do anything to alert the sender that an email was received because this allows spammers to detect if the email address is valid. That's why most email clients block remote images until the user clicks "Show Images" because the images could be used for this purpose.
Email system support something called a "read receipt" that is intended for this use but most clients will never send one.
You can detect if an email bounces but receiving an email and viewing an email are two different things.

sendmail disabled

My host has Sendmail() disabled. I'm basically looking for a way to bypass this. I want visitors to be able to send me (gmail account) an email where they first fill in their e-mail address, so they become the sender. It's for support questions and remarks.
If there is no way to bypass this, is there and alternative, perhaps using mailchimp..?
You can always use an alternative public send mail servers available. You can use one of them. Here is one Public Send Mail server list
use phpmailer library. you can send email via connecting smtp (works with gmail too.) 1st configure one of your accounts with phpmailer. when the user fills in their email set the sender as user's email.
even though you are actually sending the email through your account to receiver of the email will show as sent by user's email address.

detect if given Email ID is configured in Mail?

I am creating a mail app. I am using MFMailComposeViewController. I am able to check whether the mail client is configured with any of email or not. But can I check that the mail client is configured by a particular email account.
I want to force user to first setup his mail account and then try to send mail. For that I need to check if user is trying to send mail from then it should be configured so is it possible to check that if iphone's Mail app is configured by given email.
If possible then how and if not then any alternatives..
Thanks a lot.
The API doesn't expose that information publicly (for probably good reasons, such as preventing developers from harvesting iPhone users' email addresses).