Payload body of a HTTP GET request - rest
I am trying to make the canonical request part for this one. On page 6 there is this part: Encoded hash of payload: Hash the entire body, HexEncode, and apply lowercase . I am not sure what is the payload that I should work on here if I'm trying to do a GET request. Is it the GET/POST params, or is it something else?

Payload is some data you send on the body of POST requests.
You can see more information on the docs.
With Postman examples you can see some requests, and notice POST is the only one which has body.

I know I'm late, #Felipe is slightly wrong here. Mistook what OP meant by payload. Generally payload does mean Body, but with Absolutes REST API, you send the payload in the Authorization header. It is a standard. And there is way better documentation available in AWS than Absolute.
Absolute also have C# SDKs.
AWS Signature Version 4 Docs or Signing a Request


Recommended or not: Sending a JSON body via POST HTTP Request without modification

Is it recommended to send a JSON body via a POST HTTP Request which doesn't modify anything?
Based on the link below, a Get request is not recommended to have a body. Thus, the other way is the one above.
HTTP GET with request body
Get the list of users, or anything for that matter based on parameters.
Http GET
... long list of parameters
Is it recommended to send a JSON body via a POST HTTP Request which doesn't modify anything?
The rule is that POST is the default; it should be used unless there is something better.
For a request with "effectively read only" semantics, you want to use GET instead of POST... if it works. The challenge can be those cases where the request-target (aka: the URI) gets long enough that you start running into 414 URI Too Long responses. If your identifier is long enough that general purpose components refuse to pass the request along, then it is not something better, and you fall back to POST.
An origin server SHOULD NOT rely on private agreements to receive content, since participants in HTTP communication are often unaware of intermediaries along the request chain. (HTTP Semantics, 9.3.1)
In other words, introducing a private agreement to include content in a GET request trades away inter-op, which - if you want "web scale" - is not a winning trade. So GET-with-a-body is not better, and you fall back to POST.
The HTTP working group has been working on semantics for a new "effectively-read-only-with-a-body" method token, which could prove to be an alternative for requests where you need to include a bunch of information in the body because it is too long to encode it into the URI. But we don't have a standard for that today, which means that it is not something better, and you fall back to POST.

How do APIs receive the request's method, body, and headers?

The query URL / endpoint below seems to successfully make a request to the API resource and returns a JSON response:
Given that a request is made up of not only the URL, but also of a method, headers, and body, could someone explain how the API knows which method to use, as well as how the headers and body get transmitted (if they did exist)?
Given that a request is made up of not only the URL, but also of a method, headers, and body, could someone explain how the API knows which method to use, as well as how the headers and body get transmitted (if they did exist)?
If I'm understanding your question correctly... the API doesn't know these things, the client knows these things.
Which is to say when I'm looking at your question in my web browser, what I'm really looking at is the web browsers interpretation of an HTML document. Because the web browser speaks HTML, it knows what <a href="..."> means; that the quoted text is an identifier for another resource that I the use might want to navigate to.
The browser also knows RFC 3986, so it knows how to parse the quoted string and extract from it the protocol, the host, and the target uri.
Because the browser also knows about https, it knows which port number it should default to when the port isn't specified.
Because the browser knows HTTP, it knows how to construct a valid HTTP request, and the semantics of the required and optional headers it might want to attach.
Because HTTP follows the REST architectural style, we also know that the interface is uniform -- all HTTP resources use the same semantics. So the browser doesn't need to know what the identifier is in order to know that GET, HEAD, OPTIONS are all safe. Similarly, the rules for authentication, caching, content-negotiation, and so on are all the same, so the browser can craft the appropriate headers as it generates the request.
For instance, the browser knows that it is itself HTML capable, so it includes headers that communicate a preference for an HTML or XHTML+xml representation of the resource, if one is available.
Were I to instead switch to the command line, I could use curl(1) to generate the http request instead, which would produce an HTTP request with different headers.
The browser (and curl) know not to send a body with a HEAD or GET request because the HTTP specification explains that the payload of a GET or HEAD request has no defined semantics.
On the API side of the conversation, the server knows about HTTP, so knows how to correctly interpret the bytes of the HTTP request. Thus, the server knows where to look in the request for the HTTP method, the target URI, the headers that may (or may not) modify the context of the request, and so on. The implementation can then do whatever it likes with that information, and construct a suitable HTTP response (in effect, lifting into the headers of the response the metadata in a representation that can be understood by all of the general purpose components participating in the conversation.

HTTP GET request with body for RESTful API [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
HTTP GET with request body
(23 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I've been looking at how to implement the following:
I am developing a RESTful Web API (using .Net Core 2.2). I need to create an endpoint where the consuming client can send some text to the API, the API replaces some tokens in this text, and returns the text back to the consuming client.
I thought that the client should simply do a GET request, with the text in the body. The reply would then be the new text after the token replacements. However, from my research, it appears one should not stick anything with semantics in the body of a GET request. I'm not sure if arbitrary text with certain tokens that need to be replaced by the API qualifies as semantic? I've also seen it stated at "you should not be able to use the body of a GET request to alter the response". I guess I'm in trouble there, as depending what goes into he body, will affect the response.
So then, I've been struggling to figure out what is the correct way to do this. If anyone has an pointers I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
I thought that the client should simply do a GET request, with the text in the body. The reply would then be the new text after the token replacements. However, from my research, it appears one should not stick anything with semantics in the body of a GET request.
Right - RFC 7231
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request.
In basic HTTP, you've got choices. One is to include a representation of your document in the URI itself
For short documents, that approach can be fine; but implementations are not required to support infinitely long identifiers, so you may discover that intermediate components reject your request, or crop the URI in transit.
A safe mechanism for achieving your goal is to use POST, rather than GET. POST supports a message body, so you can send the blank form to the server, and receive back the edited version in the response.
POST is the wildcard method of HTTP, it can mean anything. In the spec, the body of the response includes "a representation of the status of, or results obtained from, the action".
You might also consider that the response duplicates a lot of the content of the body of the request, and consider instead the possibilities of fetching a map of your template values from the server, and then applying the template on the client.

Passing parameter in request body or request header- what is difference and pros and cons of each?

I have api that is exposed to multiple clients. They all when requesting any resource send me a "sourceId" through which i identify which client the request is coming from:
Should i accept "sourceId" in body or in headers? How would it impact in the future?
Headers make more sense as this is something that would remain static for a particular client but i can't think of a good reason as to how i can decide which parameter to send in body and which in headers?
For some HTTP methods, such as HEAD, GET and DELETE, the request payload has no defined semantics and sending a payload body on a such requests might cause some existing implementations to reject the requests. For further details, check the RFC 7231, the current reference for semantics and content in HTTP/1.1.
Sending the parameter in a HTTP header should work for all HTTP methods though.
If the source identifier is an API key or it's used for authentication, it should be sent in the Authorization header. There are many APIs that define custom HTTP headers like X-API-Key or X-Source-ID. I would avoid that though.
The main reason for it to be in the header is that not all rest methods have a body, for example GET. In most cases the data your request is interested on would be in the body, but information about the request itself would be on the headers.
For example if you want informarion about your sourceid then it would be either in the body or as part of the uri, but if the sourceid is just a way to authenticate the caller when asking for information about something else then it would be in the headers.

Putting together a valid NSMutableURLRequest using POST for TripIt webservice

Im trying to get TripIt OAuth authentication working, but I find the documentation to go a bit over my head. TripIt docs
The paragraph below is from the documentation, I have tried putting together a POST request for a SOAP service where the documentation specified what to put into the headers and how to build an xml for the Http body. In this case I have no idea on how to build my request.
I have all the values the service asks for, just no idea of how to set these using only the info given below?
To obtain an authorized access token,
POST the following request parameters
to the URL:
oauth_consumer_key: The Consumer's public key.
oauth_nonce: A nonce no more than 80 characters in length.
oauth_signature: The signature of the reque…
oauth_signature_method: Current supported methods are HMAC-SHA1.
oauth_timestamp: The timestamp in seconds since the epoch.
oauth_token: The request token obtained in Step 1.
oauth_token_secret: The request token secret obtained in Step 1.
oauth_version: OPTIONAL - Assumed to be '1.0'
Could someone help me with how I'll go about building the POST request from the above?
Thank you:)
The way to do it yourself would be to read up on how the body of a POST request is put together (it looks a lot like a URL query string), build the string out of the various parts, and then use the request's -setHTTPBody: method.
Most people recommend using ASIHTTPRequest, which, among many other things, will do that work for you. See, in particular, the ASIFormDataRequest class, and its -setPostValue:forKey: method.
Here's some more detail on the format of the POST body:
From the W3C HTML4 spec, the section on forms.
The Wikipedia entry on "percent escaping".
From the HTML5 spec draft. These rules should be backwards-compatible, while being more precise than the text in the HTML4 spec, but no promises.