VS code `\` underlining for insufficiently long - visual-studio-code

I am using Lean, an open source theorem prover and programming language on VS Code. Lots of commands require '\' to write math symbols, in the same way that LaTeX does.
The essential difference between Lean on VS Code and LaTeX is that in order to have the math symbol compile (e.g the difference between getting \forall and the maths 'forall' sign) is that an underline must appear whilst you're typing the characters after the \ sign.
The issue that I'm experiencing is that this underline
1) Doesn't always appear when I type \
2) Disappears way too quickly.
My question is: Is this a bug, or is there a way to change the settings in VS code such that an underline always appears after the \?
Any answers would be much appreciated.


Disable automatic LaTeX symbol replacement in VS Code

When editing RMarkdown files in Visual Studio Code, the editor automatically replaces many LaTeX-style sequences with their unicode 'equivalents'. E.g., when I type \sum followed by a space, it is converted to ∑. While this is convenient in some cases, it is catastrophic when trying to embed LaTeX source into my file for rendering later on. Typing something like $\sum \sqrt {x_i}$ is converted to $∑ √ {x_i}$, which renders quite differently. Even pressing "escape" when the suggested replacements show up does not prevent the substitution.
Is there a way to turn this off? I've looked through the settings quite thoroughly and cannot find a way to do so. Any help would be appreciated!
(The workaround I've come up with is to copy a single space character and paste it after my symbol instead of pressing the space key on the keyboard.)
Visual Studio Code Version: 1.63.2
Mac OS 10.14.6
It turns out I had an extension installed called "Fast Unicode Math Characters" which, true to it's name, was inserting unicode math characters 😅
Disabling this fixed the issue.
(I decided to answer my own question rather than deleting the question in case someone else has a similar issue)

VSCode - Align All Chars Prettify Settings

Prettier (VSCode) does a great job beautifying my code on save.
There is one feature that I consider important in code formatting which I can't find in Prettier.
I want to align chars =, :, =>, etc., in multiple lines like this VSCode plugin does.
The universal answer to questions like "How can I make Prettier format my code in such a way that ...?" is "You can't."
Prettier's purpose is to facilitate collaboration in projects and teams by taking care of code style, not to be a customizable code formatter that does whatever the user wants. In other words, the formatting it produces isn't really customizable, and this is intentional. Read more here. If you need that degree of control over formatting, you're likely not the target audience for Prettier.
This specific code style (alignment) that you want to have is considered diff-unfriendly (e.g., see here or here). Prettier's line breaking algorithm by itself has similar problems (e.g, adding one argument to a call might lead to a multiline diff if the line becomes too long), but they're inevitable, so Prettier's strategy is to compensate for that by avoiding other diff-unfriendly things.
You could always utilise the Alt key or Code Maid to clean up.
If you hold the Alt Key and drag down then you can highlight the spacing to either remove or align your code.

How do I use Latex in a Jupyter notebook inside Visual Studio code?

I have already seen some other links related to this question, which are mentioned as below:
How to write LaTeX in IPython Notebook?
However, I am still facing some problems while using the Latex code inside Jupyter notebook.
For example,
f(x) &= x^2\\
g(x) &= \frac{1}{x}\\
F(x) &= \int^a_b \frac{1}{3}x^3
This works fine as Markdown but
f(x) &= x^2\\
g(x) &= \frac{1}{x}\\
F(x) &= \int^a_b \frac{1}{3}x^3
does not.
While trying to create an ordered list using the following
\item The labels consists of sequential numbers.
\item The numbers starts at 1 with every call to the enumerate environment.
However, $\textbf{This is a bold text.}$ works.
It's really confusing what I can use and whatnot. Is there any way so that I can use only Latex code (and no HTML or other code) inside Visual Studio code to format my texts and equations without worrying about which will work and which not?
The short and very pragmatic answer is: you can't.
When you type something like $ a^2 $ in a markdown cell, what Jupyter Notebook actually does is send it to a library called MathJax. Mathjax, in its turn, does not compile the TeX code you typed using a standard LaTeX compiler. It, instead, just looks for mathematics environments and try to process the TeX-like syntax into something MathJax can understand.
Diving in LaTeX-stuff
There are two modes in (La)TeX: the text mode and the math mode, which are treated separately by the TeX compiler. For example, open your TeX editor and try to compile the following code.
$ ação $
You'll receive that error:
! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
I've inserted a begin-math/end-math symbol since I think
you left one out. Proceed, with fingers crossed.
Missing character: There is no ç (U+00E7) in font cmmi10!
Missing character: There is no ç (U+00E7) in font cmmi10!
Missing character: There is no ã (U+00E3) in font cmmi10!
Missing character: There is no ã (U+00E3) in font cmmi10!
It's telling you that (1) you can't use ^ in text mode; (2) you can't use unicode characters such as ç and ã in math mode.
At this point, it's important to remember that align environments are courtesy of amsmath or mathtools packages, and doesn't exists in "plain" LaTeX
Back to MathJax
Unlike a real LaTeX compiler, MathJax does not implement the entire TeX macros universe, but only those related to the math mode (as the name suggests). From documentation:
Note that the TeX input processor implements only the math-mode macros of TeX and LaTeX, not the text-mode macros. MathJax expects that you will use standard HTML tags to handle formatting the text of your page; it only handles the mathematics. So, for example, MathJax does not implement \emph or \begin{enumerate}...\end{enumerate} or other text-mode macros or environments. You must use HTML to handle such formatting tasks. If you need a LaTeX-to-HTML converter, you should consider other options.
However, there are some exceptions. The default configuration of TeX input processor allow detecting environments outside math mode, so those environment related to math (equation, align, matrix, etc) can be correctly typeset. Recall that LaTeX does not implements align out-of-the-box, while MathJax does.
And what about the buggy equation environment?
Regarding your buggy equation environment, it's more a LaTeX stuff. equation environments does not support line breaks (\\) neither & (the first one I can't explain exactly why, but certainly someone in TeX SE can), so your input is invalid.
You can now with the latest version of VS Code. The feature is still in preview (as of writing) so you have to enable it in settings.json by adding "notebook.experimental.useMarkdownRenderer": true
Restart VS Code and try $$y=x^2$$ and press ctrl+enter to see it rendered. I think for now the equation needs to be on a separate line by itself.
Here's the announcement: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_55#_preview-features

Why does Visual Studio Code eat space characters after typing a colon?

Very often (but not always) when I'm typing fast* Visual Studio Code ignores space characters following a colon.
For example, I go to type a hash or keyword argument list in Ruby:
myhash = {space: :nope}
and I get
myhash = {space::nope}
If I type more deliberately it doesn't happen.
In cases like above, auto-formatting doesn't save me either -- it doesn't parse because :: is ruby's module delimiter.
Is there anything I can do about it? In a project I know well it's literally enough to almost completely offset the productivity advantages of Intellisense.
(*) I'm not particularly fast, but I might get up to the equivalent of around 80wpm for a few lines of code at a time.
I figured it out! shift-space was bound to the Trigger Suggestcommand.

Emacs Mode for a c-like language

I'm trying to write a new emacs mode for a new template c-like language, which I have to use for some academic research.
I want the code to be colored and indented like in c-mode, with the following exceptions:
The '%' is not used as an operator, but as the first character in some specific keywords (like: "%p", "%action", etc.)
The code lines do not end with a semicolon.
Is it possible to create a derived-mode (from c-mode) and set it to ignore the original purposes of '%' and ';'? Is it possible to make the feature of "automatic-indentation after pressing RET" work without ';'?
Are there similar modes for similar languages (with '{}' brackets, but without semicolons) that I could try to patch?
Should I try to write a major mode from scratch?
I thought about patching the R-mode from http://ess.r-project.org/, but this mode does not support comments of the form "/* comment */".
The most important feature that I'm looking for is the brackets-indentation, i.e. indenting code inside a '{}' block after pressing RET (and without the extra-indentation after lines that do not end with ';'). Partial solutions will help too.
More generally, CC-mode has been extended and generalized over time to accomodate ever more languages, and the latest CC-mode is supposed to be reasonably good at isolating the generic code from the language-specific code. So take a look at some of the major modes that use CC-mode (e.g. awk-mode), and get in touch with CC-mode's maintainer who will be able to help you figure out hwo to do what you want.
If you don't mind something really simple, you can look at Gosu mode. Gosu is a language that has curly braces and no semi-colons, so you should be all set for your minimum. It also uses the same comment syntax as C.
The implementation of the mode for it is really simple and based on generic mode, so modifying it to work the way you want should be easy. It is not based on C-mode.
This is what I used to make a mode for the language I was working on for my compilers class, and it was really easy even with limited elisp experience. On the other hand, the indentation is fairly simple--it works for most code, but is not as complete as C-mode's.
Check out arduino-mode: https://github.com/bookest/arduino-mode/blob/master/arduino-mode.el
It is a C based mode that uses the cc-mode features to quickly create something very useful and unique to arduino programming. Using this as a simple template should help a lot.