Is it possible to send array slices of qubits as parameters?
Something like this:
using(q : Qubit[5]){
Yes, Q# supports array slicing: You can use Range data type as an index to create a subarray of elements of the array indexed by elements of the range.
Your example will look like this:
using (q = Qubit[5]) {
I have an array , when I suffix array and want to select element , I get error: Index out of bounds.
But when I prefix array and select element, It's sucess.
How should I do that I can select after suffix array?
Here is code:
let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
let suffixArray = array.suffix(5)//[6,7,8,9,10]
let prefixArray = array.prefix(5)//[1,2,3,4,5]
print(suffixArray[2])//Index out of bounds
print(prefixArray[2])//sucess print "3"
The problem you are having is that with .suffix the array does not start with 0. So if you wanted to print the 3rd number in the suffix array, you would have to call print(suffixArray[7].
If you read the description for the return value here. It reads:
A subsequence terminating at the end of the collection with at most maxLength elements.
And if you read the description to subsequence:
A collection representing a contiguous subrange of this collection’s elements. The subsequence shares indices with the original collection.
Full example for playground:
let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
let suffixArray = array.suffix(5) // [6,7,8,9,10]
let prefixArray = array.prefix(5) // [1,2,3,4,5]
var newSuffixArray: [Int] = []
for i in suffixArray {
print(suffixArray[7]) // 8
print(newSuffixArray[2]) // 8
print(prefixArray[2]) // 3
Both prefix and suffix return an ArraySlice rather than another Array.
Here's an excerpt from the ArraySlice documentation:
Unlike Array and ContiguousArray, the starting index for an
ArraySlice instance isn’t always zero. Slices maintain the same
indices of the larger array for the same elements, so the starting
index of a slice depends on how it was created, letting you perform
index-based operations on either a full array or a slice. Sharing
indices between collections and their subsequences is an important
part of the design of Swift’s collection algorithms.
You can see that by looking into the indices property of prefixArray and suffixArray.
Generally you are encouraged to use methods of accessing elements that collections provide instead of assuming values of indices.
I have a bunch of tokens stored in combinedCoinsFromAllWalles and I'm sorting them by who contains the largest monetary value like this:
let sortedCoins = combinedCoinsFromAllWalles.sorted() { Double($0.token!.quote!) > Double($1.token!.quote!) }
The problem is that some tokens are repeated by name, for example, on that sorting I could have 2 tokens with the same name on $0.token!.name
What would be the most efficient way to also combine those similar tokens and add their value? Something like this:
token A (named BTC)
token B (named BTC)
token C (named ETH)
I want to sum token A and B quote ($0.token!.quote! + $0.token!.quote!) while filtering.
How do I do that in the most efficient way?
That first sort in your example is a waste since you have not combined all the different sources for similar coins first and the order may then change.
You should:
Aggregate coin values
Sort by desired order
One simple way to do this would be to create a dictionary, adding new coins or summing totals as you iterate through your data. Then convert the dictionary back to an array and sort how you would like.
var dict: [String: Float] = []
for each in combinedCoinsFromAllWalles {
if dict.contains(each.token) {
dict[each.token] += each.quote
dict[each.token] = each.quote
let sortedCoinValueArray = dict.sorted(by: $0.1 < $1.1)
The resulting array is an array of key-value pairs, so you may iterate over it like this:
for (key, value) in sortedCoinValueArray {
print("${key}: ${value}"
Suppose I have a collection C with items with a property X. Suppose the values of X are themselves objects, list {a:1, b: 2, c: 3}. Can I find (or findOne) on C asking for items whose X property has a value whose a property == 1? I'd like to write C.find({X.a: 1}). Or maybe
C.find({X: function(value) {
return value.a == 1;
Your pseudo code just needs quotes around the property for mongo to understand it. C.find({'X.a': 1}) would return any document where X.a equalled 1.
The key words if you want to learn more are 'subdocuments' and 'dot notation' as described here.
You can use dot notation to access the elements in nested documents but you will need to do $unwind if you need to access elements within a list and then check if X.a equals 1.
Using d3.js, were I after (say) some value x of a parent node, I'd use:
What I'd like, though, is the data (ie datum's) index. Suggestions?
The index of an element is only well-defined within a collection. When you're selecting just a single element, there's no collection and the notion of an index is not really defined. You could, for example, create a number of g elements and then apply different operations to different (overlapping) subsets. Any individual g element would have several indices, depending on the subset you consider.
In order to do what you're trying to achieve, you would have to keep a reference to the specific selection that you want to use. Having this and something that identifies the element, you can then do something like this.
var value =;
var index = -1;
selection.each(function(d, i) { if(d.x == value) index = i; });
This relies on having an attribute that uniquely identifies the element.
If you have only one selection, you could simply save the index as another data attribute and access it later.
var gs = d3.selectAll("g").data(data).append("g")
.each(function(d, i) { d.index = i; });
var something = gs.append(...);
something.each(function() {;
HI! I am looking for a document that will define what the word "rows[0]" means. this is for BIRT in the Eclipse framework. Perhaps this is a Javascript word? I dunno... been searching like mad and have found nothing yet. Any ideas?
rows is a shortcut to dataSet.rows. Returns the current data rows (of type DataRow[]) for the data set associated with this report item instance. If this report element has no data set, this property is undefined.
Typically code like rows[x] is accessing an element inside an array. Any intro to programming book should be able to define that for you.
rows[0] would be accessing the first element in the array.
That operation has several names depending on the language, but generally the same concept. In Java, it's an array access expression in C#, it's an indexer or array access operator. As with just about anything, C++ is more complicated, but basically the [] operator takes a collection of something or an array and pulls out (or assigns to) a specific numbered element in that collection or array (generally starting at 0). So in C# ...
// create a list of integers
List<int> lst = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// access list
int x = lst[0]; // get the first element of the list, x = 1 afterwords
x = lst[2]; // get the third element of the list, x = 3 afterwords
x = lst[4]; // get the fifth element of the list, x = 5 afterwords
x = lst[5]; // IndexOutOfBounds Exception