Orientjs - Issue with update remove - orientdb

I am sorry if this has been asked before but I did a quick search and did not found something.
I am having a problem with a query similar to "update #48:1 remove tags[0]", where "tags" is an Embedded list. When I ran the command in the console it works just fine but when I use db.query("update #48:1 remove tags[0]"); in node it does nothing.
I was wondering if there is an issue with the brackets because if I choose to remove the whole list, db.query("update #48:1 remove tags");, it works fine. I tried escaping the brackets but still no luck. Tried the code both with Orient2.2 and Orient3.

As far as I can remember, there were no errors in the orientdb window. However, I tried this solution as suggested in https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientjs/issues/320:
`db.query(`UPDATE ${id} REMOVE tags = tags['${index}']`)`
and works fine now.


VSCode built-in snippets fail to to show when consecutive letters are typed

If I type one letter of the trigger/prefix, the snippet suggestion works to show the built-in snippets from extensions. But, once I type the next letter in the trigger/prefix...the built-in snippet from the extension is gone. Meaning, it is no longer found anywhere in the dropdown list (you won't find it by scrolling). .
Here is a snapshot confirming that the trigger/prefix is removed from the list
I found that with some built-in snippets from extensions, if I type out the entire word, it will reappear. For example, if I want: 'trycatch', it will be populated in the list when I type 't', disappear when I have typed 'tr', but then reappear when the entire trigger/prefix is typed.
How can i get a built-in snippet from an extension to show in snippet search when 2 or more letters of the trigger/prefix are typed? I am using version 1.75.0
I tried looking at the docs of VSCode, but it's too simple to help. I tried looking at my settings (keyword: snippets) and play around with any possibilities, but nothing seemed to fix it. Any google search comes up empty as well.

Vim whole word search "pattern not found"

I've been trying to do a whole word search in VS Code's Vim extension. The cursor is at the top of the file, and I try looking for the word "category" with /\<category\>. I've also tried /\v<category> but that doesn't work either. What am I doing wrong?
All you need to do is type /category, I don't think there is a need for '<' or '>'.
The /\<category\> option does work for me in vscode so it must have been fixed. Hopefully your issue is gone

PHP Eclipse - Do not select $ when selecting PHP Variable

I have recently been using PHP Eclipse and have got everything set up the way i like it with just one exception.
When i double click on a variable it also highlights the $ which makes it difficult to move to the next occurrence if it is later used without the $ as part of $this as an example.
Does anybody know how or if this can be achieved?
Just use Ctrl-F and search for the exact text you want.

VS Code multiple cursors under Fedora 25/Gnome 3 not working

(source: visualstudio.com)
This is the functionality I'm missing (Shift+Alt+Down/Up) as well as the entire column selection with (Shift+Alt+MouseDragging). Only Alt+Click adds separate secondary cursors. Actually when pressing the above button combinations instead of additional cursors I get full line selection.
Not really sure why I cant get the multi-cursor working correctly so would appreciate some help.

Remove blank line in Eclipse

How can I remove lines that only contain spaces when using Eclipse Find/Replace prompt. I checked the "Regular Expression" check box, and tried the following, neither of which worked.
Find: ^\s*\n
Replace with: (empty)
sry this might be an different answer but you can set the number of blank lines you wish to have after fields, methods and blocks in the formatting dialog of the eclipse preferences. then you can hit ctrl-shift-f to automatically format your code depending on your custom definitions.
have fun!
I was suprised that for XML files edited with Eclipse there is a good solution:
Select the checkbox value named 'Clear all blank lines' in Formatting panel
Window->Preferences->XML->XML Files-> Editor
Save and use the "Ctrl+Shift+F' shortcut
The blank lines will dissappear!
for the find/replace operation, "\n\r\s" regex will work on windows, for unix based system, "\n\s" can be used
as already suggested, you can format your code by Ctl+Shift+F
for manual work, locate a blank line and press Ctl+D (Cmd+D on Mac) <- gives u satisfaction of killing the line with your own bare hands :)
This one worked for me for years:
Replace this: [\t ]+$
With nothing
Hope this helps!
Many thanks to lamamac.
In genereal, when you want to do search replace with regular expressions in eclipse the $ sign doesn't work as it should.
Use '\s*\n' instead of '$'
As already suggested, regular expression and replacement is the solution, but such response would have been saving some minutes to me:
click on ctrl+f
use this replacement: