get latitude and longitude from node id in overpass API - openstreetmap

I use this query to get the latitude and longitude from node id in overpass API:
[out:json]; (
); (._;>;); out;
I get this answer:
"version": 0.6,
"generator": "Overpass API 9da5e7ae",
"osm3s": {
"timestamp_osm_base": "2018-06-28T07:47:01Z",
"copyright": "The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL."
"elements": [
"type": "node",
"id": 30223035,
"lat": 52.2917680,
"lon": 10.5265481
"type": "node",
"id": 30223039,
"lat": 52.2894248,
"lon": 10.5268394
"type": "node",
"id": 268195434,
"lat": 52.2897618,
"lon": 10.5267852
"type": "node",
"id": 2314028892,
"lat": 52.2919739,
"lon": 10.5265271,
"tags": {
"bus": "yes",
"name": "Rühmer Weg",
"network": "VRB",
"operator": "Braunschweiger Verkehrs-GmbH",
"public_transport": "stop_position",
"ref": "464"
It seems that the elements in the answer have another order. I would like to now if I can get the answer in the same order as in the query. (First the node 2314028892, then 30223035, ... )
Anybody has any idea how could I get this done?

Use "out" after each query statement:
For performance reasons, I would recommend to do this as post processing step on your end. You already know the correct sequence, so you can easily apply this to the query result. Also, you can specify multiple node id values in a single query:
[out:json]; node(id:2314028892, 30223035, 268195434, 30223039);out;
Side note: you can also leave out (._;>;); in your query. It's not needed in case of nodes.


Getting speed limit based on a single coordinate using here REST API

I want to retrieve speed limit based on a single coordinate(of a road in the USA) using HERE REST API(not PDE). So, I only got the api_key(no app code). I searched and found some solutions which were deprecated and required the PDE api. If anybody knows the latest solution please let me know. Thanks. Anyway I got something which gives speed limit for two coordinates(not my case) and if I put the two coordinates same I get the wrong(very small) value for speed limit. which is given bellow:,145.220673&destination=-37.956650,145.220673&spans=speedLimit&return=polyline
"routes": [
"id": "0a903f38-aecd-4850-a87e-0848c7583b8a",
"sections": [
"id": "4aa23cb0-0209-4e31-bca8-32f4cfb9f98e",
"type": "vehicle",
"departure": {
"time": "2021-02-25T12:52:34+11:00",
"place": {
"type": "place",
"location": {
"lat": -37.9566675,
"lng": 145.2206532
"originalLocation": {
"lat": -37.9566501,
"lng": 145.220673
"arrival": {
"time": "2021-02-25T12:52:34+11:00",
"place": {
"type": "place",
"location": {
"lat": -37.9566675,
"lng": 145.2206532
"originalLocation": {
"lat": -37.9566501,
"lng": 145.220673
"polyline": "BG1j2soC6iy_0IAA",
"spans": [
"offset": 0,
"speedLimit": 27.7777786
"transport": {
"mode": "car"
Is there any latest rest api service provided by Here that gives speed limit for a geo coordinate(not the pde one)?

How to get a region list in IBM cloud object storage using Rest API

I need a Get Region List in IBM Cloud Object Storage using Rest API. For Example :us-east,au-syd etc.I didn't find any API references related to get Region List.
You may want to retrieve the region endpoints.
Try using the following rest api call:
"legacy": true,
"location": "us-south",
"region": "regional",
"type": "public",
"url": ""
"legacy": true,
"location": "us-east",
"region": "regional",
"type": "public",
"url": ""
"legacy": true,
"location": "eu-gb",
"region": "regional",
"type": "public",
"url": ""
Hope this helps.

A good example of using the Mapbox distance API

I am trying to use Mapbox to calculate the duration between two locations however the examples here are incomplete (at least with my limited experience). I would like to connect to this API using server-side Java, however I can't even get a basic example working in javaScript, Python or simply in the address bar in my browser.
I can get an example working in my browser using this url and substituting in my API key:
However I can't get a similar example working with the distance API. The best I can manage is something like this:[13.41894,52.50055],[14.10293,52.50055]&
But I have no idea how to format my coordinates as I can't find a single example.
Has anyone been able to get this working. Ideally in Java, but client-side JavaScript or a valid url would be a great start.
I should also add that I can't get the JavaScript or Python ones working as they rely on external librarys that aren't referenced anywhere in the documentation!.
Thanks in advance.
Looks like you can provide a list of 2 or more semi-colon separated coordinates:,52.50055;14.10293,52.50055?access_token=pk.your_token
{"distance":91.0575241567836,"name":"Berliner Chaussee","location":[14.103096,52.499738],"waypoint_index":1,"trips_index":0}
I don't know if this is better now, but I had to work through it right now and can give you this example
curl ",54.47004;13.5096410,50.0716190;6.8614070,48.5206360;14.1304840,51.0856060?sources=0&access_token={token}"`
This will return the following json for driving durations. I made use of the sources attribute, which is my search lng/lat and all other points are places in my database.
"code": "Ok",
"durations": [
[0.0, 29407.9, 34504.7, 24163.5]
"destinations": [{
"distance": 131.946157371,
"name": "",
"location": [9.514914, 54.468939]
}, {
"distance": 34.636975593,
"name": "",
"location": [13.509868, 50.071344]
}, {
"distance": 295.206928933,
"name": "",
"location": [6.863566, 48.52287]
}, {
"distance": 1186.975749670,
"name": "",
"location": [14.115694, 51.080408]
"sources": [{
"distance": 131.946157371,
"name": "",
"location": [9.514914, 54.468939]
Adding the annotations=distance parameter to the url will return the distances instead of the durations if you need that.
"code": "Ok",
"distances": [
[0.0, 738127.3, 902547.6, 616060.8] // distances in meters
"destinations": [{ // destinations including the source
"distance": 131.946157371, // result 0
"name": "",
"location": [9.514914, 54.468939]
}, {
"distance": 34.636975593, // result 1
"name": "",
"location": [13.509868, 50.071344]
}, {
"distance": 295.206928933, // result 2
"name": "",
"location": [6.863566, 48.52287]
}, {
"distance": 1186.975749670, // result 3
"name": "",
"location": [14.115694, 51.080408]
"sources": [{ // source where we start from
"distance": 131.946157371,
"name": "",
"location": [9.514914, 54.468939]

overpass-api ways query include coordinates

I'm trying to query Hotels in a specific area. Unfortunately I need to query nodes and ways, because some Hotels are only stored as way and some as nodes.[tourism~hotel]%28around:5000,50.10707,8.76040%29%29;out;
The result of a way-query doesn't contain any coordinates, only lots of node-refs:
<nd ref="1438833423"/>
Is there a way also to include the coordinates of the nodes in the output or do have to start lots of additional queries for each node?
Yes, there are several ways to also get geometries for non-node features via the Overpass API. The easiest is probably to use the center output mode (replace out; with out center;): Other options would be to fetch the node references in a recursion step: or using the full geometry output mode.
PS: Don't forget that a hotel can also be mapped as a (multipolygon) relation in OSM, not just as a node or way.
And to actually answer the question:
out ids geom;
Which will give you the geometries for each point in the selected way.
"version": 0.6,
"generator": "Overpass API",
"osm3s": {
"timestamp_osm_base": "2017-10-06T13:59:02Z",
"copyright": "The data included in this document is from The data is made available under ODbL."
"elements": [
"type": "way",
"id": 29858799,
"bounds": {
"minlat": 47.3604067,
"minlon": 8.5342631,
"maxlat": 47.3612503,
"maxlon": 8.5352457
"geometry": [
{ "lat": 47.3612503, "lon": 8.5351944 },
{ "lat": 47.3612252, "lon": 8.5342631 },
{ "lat": 47.3610145, "lon": 8.5342755 },
{ "lat": 47.3610212, "lon": 8.5345227 },
{ "lat": 47.3606405, "lon": 8.5345451 },
{ "lat": 47.3606350, "lon": 8.5343411 },
{ "lat": 47.3604067, "lon": 8.5343545 },
{ "lat": 47.3604120, "lon": 8.5345623 },
{ "lat": 47.3604308, "lon": 8.5352457 },
{ "lat": 47.3606508, "lon": 8.5352328 },
{ "lat": 47.3606413, "lon": 8.5348784 },
{ "lat": 47.3610383, "lon": 8.5348551 },
{ "lat": 47.3610477, "lon": 8.5352063 },
{ "lat": 47.3612503, "lon": 8.5351944 }
All the options for out are listed here:

Can I retrieve house number on mapbox reverse geocoder?

Currently when I would like to retrieve address for coordinates I make following request as an example:
I get address information up to the street level but NO house number. Is there way to retrieve it as well? I think it's such an obvious need and cannot think of any problems extracting this date when you already extracted the rest.
"attribution": {
"mapbox-places": "<a href='' target='_blank'>© Mapbox © OpenStreetMap</a> <a class='mapbox-improve-map' href='' target='_blank'>Improve this map</a>"
"query": [
"results": [
"id": "street.31973701",
"lat": 51.0476559,
"lon": -114.0703042,
"name": "3 St SW",
"type": "street"
"bounds": [
"id": "mapbox-places.10008775",
"lat": 51.03095,
"lon": -114.108491,
"name": "Calgary",
"type": "city"
"bounds": [
"id": "province.2553712403",
"lat": 54.872006,
"lon": -115.003552,
"name": "Alberta",
"type": "province"
"bounds": [
"id": "country.1833980151",
"lat": 76.304456,
"lon": -105.801333,
"name": "Canada",
"type": "country"
#rbrundritt is correct.
Most mapping applications (Google, Bing, etc) merely interpolate the location when given a street address. They are aware of the starting and ending address on a given block and then make an educated guess as to where the address you are search for is located on that block based on that. They don't actually store the outlines and the addresses of each property.