I have nested field like below. I want to call flatmap (I think) to produce a flattened row.
My dataset has
I want to convert it to produce output like
This is for Spark 2.0+
Apache DataFu has a generic explodeArray method that will do
exactly what you need.
import datafu.spark.DataFrameOps._
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(("A","B",Array("X","Y","Z"),"C"))).toDF
df.explodeArray(col("_3"), "token").show
This will produce:
| _1| _2| _3| _4|token0|token1|token2|
| A| B|[X, Y, Z]| C| X| Y| Z|
One thing to consider is that this method evaluates the data frame in order to determine how many columns to create - if it's expensive to compute it should be cached.
Full disclosure - I am a member of Apache DataFu.
Try this for RDD:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(("A","B",Array("X","Y","Z"),"C")))
rdd.flatMap(x => (Option(x._3).map(y => (x._1,x._2,y(0),y(1),y(2),x._4 )))).collect.foreach(println)
I am trying to convert a list to a Data frame. Converting a list to a Data frame is simple, but the problem is it creates a single column for all the values in a data Frame. But I want to assign each element in the list to a different column in a Data Frame
Suppose Following is my list
val ListofElements = List(2.0,5.0,3.0)
I want to convert this list to a data frame such that 2.0 is assigned to "firstcolumn", similarly 5.0 to "SecondColumn, and 3.0 to "ThirdColumn"
Any help would be appreciated
Try using .toDF() method with List[(row),(row)]
sc.parallelize(List(2.0,5.0,3.0) match{case List(a,b,c) => List((a,b,c))}).toDF("firstcolumn","SecondColumn","ThirdColumn").show()
//| 2.0| 5.0| 3.0|
Assume your SparkSession instance is named spark, you can first import spark.implicits._, and then do:
> val df = Seq((2.0,5.0,3.0)).toDF("firstcolumn","SecondColumn","ThirdColumn")
> df.show()
| 2.0| 5.0| 3.0|
Notice that your earlier List has now been converted into a Seq of Tuple3 objects..
I have 2 dataframes as below,
val x = Seq((Seq(4,5),"XXX"),(Seq(7),"XYX")).toDF("X","NAME")
val y = Seq((5)).toDF("Y")
I want to join the two dataframes by looking up the value from y and searching the Seq/Array in x.select("X") if exists then join the complete Row with y
How can I acheive this is Spark?
Spark 2.4.3 you could use higher-order function spark
scala> val x = Seq((Seq(4,5),"XXX"),(Seq(7),"XYX")).toDF("X","NAME")
scala> val y = Seq((5)).toDF("Y")
scala> x.join(y,expr("array_contains(X, y)"),"left").show
| X|NAME| Y|
|[4, 5]| XXX| 5|
| [7]| XYX|null|
please confirm that's what you want to achieve?
You can use an UDF for the join, works for all spark versions:
val array_contains = udf((arr:Seq[Int],element:Int) => arr.contains(element))
.join(y, array_contains($"X",$"Y"),"left")
Another approach you can use is to explode your array into rows with the new temporary column. If you run the following code:
x.withColumn("temp", explode('X)).show()
it would show:
| X|NAME|temp|
|[4, 5]| XXX| 4|
|[4, 5]| XXX| 5|
| [7]| XYX| 7|
As you can see you can now just do join using temp and Y columns (and then drop temp):
x.withColumn("temp", explode('X))
.join(y, 'temp === 'Y)
This may fail by creating duplicate rows if X contains duplicates. In this case, you'd have to additionally call distinct:
x.withColumn("temp", explode('X))
.join(y, 'temp === 'Y, "left")
Since this approach is using spark native methods it will be a little bit faster than one using UDF, but arguably is less elegant.
Basic Problem :
I want to copy the "first row" of a Spark Dataframe sdf to another Spark dataframe sdfEmpty.
I do not understand what goes wrong in the following code.
Hence I am looking forward for a solution and an explanation what fails in my minimal example.
A minimal example :
// create a spark data frame
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val sdf = Seq(
(1, "a"),
(12, "b"),
(234, "b")
).toDF("A", "B")
| A| B|
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
| 3| b|
// create an empty spark data frame to store the row
// declare it as var, such that I can change it later
var sdfEmpty = spark.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], sdf.schema)
| A| B|
// take the "first" row of sdf as a spark data frame
val row = sdf.limit(1)
// combine the two spark data frames
sdfEmpty = sdfEmpty.union(row)
As row is:
| A| B|
| 1| a|
the exspected result for sdfEmpty is:
| A| B|
| 1| a|
But I get :
| A| B|
| 2| b|
What confused me is the following: Using val row = sdf.limit(1) I thought I created a permanent/ unchangeable/ well defined object. Such that when I print it once and add it to something, I get the same results.
Remark: (thanks a lot to Daniel's remarks)
I know that in the distributed world of scala there is no well defined notion of "first row". I put it there for simplicity and I hope that people struggling with something similar will "accidentially" use the term "first".
What I try to achieve is the following: (in a simplified example)
I have a data frame with 2 columns A and B. Column A is partially ordered and column B is totally ordered.
I want to filter the data w.r.t. the columns. So the idea is some kind of divide and conquer: split the data frame, such that into pieces both columns are totally ordered and than filter as usual. (and do the obvious iterations)
To achieve this I need to pick a well defined row and split the date w.r.t. row.A. But as the minimal example shows my comands do not produce a well defined object.
Thanks a lot
Spark is distributed, so the notion of 'first' is not something we can rely on. Dependently on partitioning we can get a different result when calling limit or first.
To have consistent results your data has to have an underlying order which we can use - what makes a lot of sense, since unless there is logical ordering to your data, we can't really say what does it mean to take the first row.
Assuming you want to take the first row with respect to column A, you can just run orderBy("A").first()(*) . Although if column A has more than one row with same smallest value there is no guarantee which row you will get.
(* I assume scala API has the same naming as Python so please correct me if they are differently named)
#Christian you can achieve this result by using take function.
take(num) Take the first num elements of the RDD. It works by first scanning one partition, and use the results from that partition to estimate the number of additional partitions needed to satisfy the limit.
here the code snippet.
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
scala> val sdf = Seq(
(1, "a"),
(12, "b"),
(234, "b")
).toDF("A", "B")
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql._
scala> var sdfEmpty = spark.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], sdf.schema)
scala> var first1 =sdf.rdd.take(1)
scala> val first_row = spark.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(first1), sdf.schema)
scala> sdfEmpty.union(first_row).show
| A| B|
| 1| a|
for more about take() and first() function just read spark Documentation.let me know if you have any query related to this.
I am posting this answer as it contains the solution suggested by Daniel. Once I am through literature provided mahesh gupta or some more testing I'll update this answer and give remarks on the runtimes of the different approaches in "real life".
Basic Problem :
I want to copy the "first row" of a Spark Dataframe sdf to another Spark dataframe sdfEmpty.
As in the distributed world of spark there is not a well defined notion of first, but something similar might be achieved due to orderBy.
A minimal working example :
// create a spark data frame
import org.apache.spark.sql._
val sdf = Seq(
(1, "a"),
(12, "b"),
(234, "b")
).toDF("A", "B")
| A| B|
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
| 3| b|
// create an empty spark data frame to store the row
// declare it as var, such that I can change it later
var sdfEmpty = spark.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD[Row], sdf.schema)
| A| B|
// take the "first" row of sdf as a spark data frame
val row = sdf.limit(1).collect()
// combine the two spark data frames
sdfEmpty = sdfEmpty.union(row)
The row is:
| A| B|
| 1| a|
** and the result for sdfEmpty is:**
| A| B|
| 1| a|
Remark: Explanation given by Daniel (see comments above) .limit(n) is a transformation - it does not get evaluated until an action runs like show or collect. Hence depending on the context it can return different value. To use the result of .limit consistently one can .collect it to driver and use it as a local variable.
Based on this article it seems that Spark cannot edit and RDD or column. A new one has to be created with the new type and the old one deleted. The for loop and .withColumn method suggested below seem to be the easiest way to get the job done.
Is there a simple way (for both human and machine) to convert multiple columns to a different data type?
I tried to define the schema manually, then load the data from a parquet file using this schema and save it to another file but I get "Job aborted."..."Task failed while writing rows" every time and on every DF. Somewhat easy for me, laborious for Spark ... and it does not work.
Another option is using:
df = df.withColumn("new_col", df("old_col").cast(type)).drop("old_col").withColumnRenamed("new_col", "old_col")
A bit more work for me as there are close to 100 columns and, if Spark has to duplicate each column in memory, then that doesn't sound optimal either. Is there an easier way?
Depending on how complicated the casting rules are, you can accomplish what you are asking a with this loop:
scala> var df = Seq((1,2),(3,4)).toDF("a", "b")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [a: int, b: int]
scala> df.show
| a| b|
| 1| 2|
| 3| 4|
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
scala> > df.columns.foreach{c => df = df.withColumn(c, df(c).cast(DoubleType))}
scala> df.show
| a| b|
This should be as efficient as any other column operation.
Let say I have a dataframe ( stored in scala val as df) which contains the data from a csv:
which I have no problem reading this from file as a spark dataframe in scala language.
I would like to add a filtered column (by filter I meant signal processing moving average filtering), (say I want to do (T[n]+T[n-1])/2.0):
(Actually, say for the first row, I want 32.5 instead of (65+0)/2.0. I wrote it to clarify the expected 2-time-step filtering operation output)
So how to achieve this? I am not familiar with spark dataframe operation which combine rows iteratively along column...
Spark 3.1+
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.timestamp_seconds
Spark 2.0+
In Spark 2.0 and later it is possible to use window function as a input for groupBy. It allows you to specify windowDuration, slideDuration and startTime (offset). It works only with TimestampType column but it is not that hard to find a workaround for that. In your case it will require some additional steps to correct for boundaries but general solution can expressed as shown below:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{window, avg}
.withColumn("ts", $"time".cast("timestamp"))
.groupBy(window($"ts", windowDuration="2 seconds", slideDuration="1 second"))
Spark < 2.0
If there is a natural way to partition your data you can use window functions as follows:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.mean
val w = Window.partitionBy($"id").orderBy($"time").rowsBetween(-1, 0)
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1L, 0, 65), (1L, 1, 67), (1L, 2, 62), (1L, 3, 59)
)).toDF("id", "time", "temperature")
df.select($"*", mean($"temperature").over(w).alias("temperatureAvg")).show
// +---+----+-----------+--------------+
// | id|time|temperature|temperatureAvg|
// +---+----+-----------+--------------+
// | 1| 0| 65| 65.0|
// | 1| 1| 67| 66.0|
// | 1| 2| 62| 64.5|
// | 1| 3| 59| 60.5|
// +---+----+-----------+--------------+
You can create windows with arbitrary weights using lead / lag functions:
lit(0.6) * $"temperature" +
lit(0.3) * lag($"temperature", 1) +
lit(0.2) * lag($"temperature", 2)
It is still possible without partitionBy clause but will be extremely inefficient. If this is the case you won't be able to use DataFrames. Instead you can use sliding over RDD (see for example Operate on neighbor elements in RDD in Spark). There is also spark-timeseries package you may find useful.