How does WHERE work with empty subqueries in Postgres? - postgresql

Suppose I have a table of events with (indexed) columns id : uuid and created : timestamp.
I would like to fetch the 10 oldest events that were created after a given event was created. If the given event does not exist, then just the oldest 10 should be returned.
This is my attempt:
FROM events
WHERE created >= (
SELECT created FROM events WHERE id = 'dab473dd-aaaa-4885-9717-e4463e2a555e'
ORDER BY created ASC
However, it does not work when the given id (in this example dab473dd-aaaa-4885-9717-e4463e2a555e) does not exist.
How should I go about this in Postgres?

I'd use COALESCE(), since this seems to give the shortest query:
FROM events
WHERE created >= COALESCE(
(SELECT created FROM events WHERE id = 'dab473dd-aaaa-4885-9717-e4463e2a555e'),
ORDER BY created ASC
Note that this assumes that created is a TIMESTAMP.
Scalar subqueries return NULL if the subquery returns an empty set of rows and hence COALESCE() skips to the sentinel.


Selecting an entry from PostgreSQL table based on time and id using psycopg2

I have the following table in PostgreSQL DB:
DB exempt
I need a PostgreSQL command to get a specific value from tbl column, based on time_launched and id columns. More precisely, I need to get a value from tbl column which corresponds to a specific id and latest (time-wise) value from time_launched column. Consequently, the request should return "x" as an output.
I've tried those requests (using psycopg2 module) but they did not work:
db_object.execute("SELECT * FROM check_ids WHERE id = %s AND MIN(time_launched)", (id_variable,))
db_object.execute(SELECT DISTINCT on(id, check_id) id, check_id, time_launched, tbl, tbl_1 FROM check_ids order by id, check_id time_launched desc)
Looks like a simple ORDER BY with a LIMIT 1 should do the trick:
FROM check_ids
WHERE id = %s
ORDER BY time_launched DESC
The WHERE clause filters results by the provided id, the ORDER BY clause ensures results are sorted in reverse chronological order, and LIMIT 1 only returns the first (most recent) row

postgresql: how to get the last record even with WHERE clause

I have the following postgresql command
FROM tablename
LIMIT 1000
) as t
WHERE t.col1="someval"
Now i also want to get the last record of along with the above query
FROM tablename
LIMIT 1000
Currently i am doing
FROM tablename
LIMIT 1000
) as t
WHERE t.col1="someval"
FROM tablename
LIMIT 1000
) as t
Is this is the right way
I would use UNION rather than UNION ALL in this case, since the final row could also be returned by the first query, and I wouldn't want to have it twice in the result set if that happens. The primary key will guarantee that UNION can accidentally remove duplicate result rows.
I don't understand the query, in particular why there is a WHERE condition at the outside query in the first case, but not in the second. But that is unrelated to the question.
Your current effort is wrong, since the LIMIT 1 applies outside the UNION ALL, so you get only one row as a result. That this is wrong should have been immediately obvious upon testing, so it is baffling that you are asking us if it is right.
You should wrap the whole second SELECT in parenthesis, so the LIMIT applies just to it.
Better yet, rather than ordering and taking 1000 rows and then reversing the order and taking the first row, you could just do OFFSET 999 LIMIT 1 to get the 1000th row.
If the 1000th rows matches both conditions, do you want to see it twice?

The last updated data shows first in the postgres selet query?

I have simple query that takes some results from User model.
Query 1:
SELECT,, company_id, updated_at
FROM "users"
WHERE (TRIM(telephone) = '8973847' AND company_id = 90)
Then I have done some update on the customer 341683 and again I run the same query that time the result shows different, means the last updated shows first. So postgres is taking the last updated by default or any other things happens here?
Without an order by clause, the database is free to return rows in any order, and will usually just return them in whichever way is fastest. It stands to reason the row you recently updated will be in some cache, and thus returned first.
If you need to rely on the order of the returned rows, you need to explicitly state it, e.g.:
SELECT,, company_id, updated_at
FROM "users"
WHERE (TRIM(telephone) = '8973847' AND company_id = 90)
ORDER BY id -- Here!

Postgres pagination with non-unique keys?

Suppose I have a table of events with (indexed) columns id : uuid and created : timestamp.
The id column is unique, but the created column is not. I would like to walk the table in chronological order using the created column.
Something like this:
SELECT * FROM events WHERE created >= $<after> ORDER BY created ASC LIMIT 10
Here $<after> is a template parameter that is taken from the previous query.
Now, I can see two issues with this:
Since created is not unique, the order will not be fully defined. Perhaps the sort should be id, created?
Each row should only be on one page, but with this query the last row is always included on the next page.
How should I go about this in Postgres?
SELECT * FROM events
WHERE created >= $<after> and (id >= $<id> OR created > $<after>)
ORDER BY created ASC ,id ASC LIMIT 10
that way the events each timestamp values will be ordered by id. and you can split pages anywhere.
you can say the same thing this way:
SELECT * FROM events
WHERE (created,id) >= ($<after>,$<id>)
ORDER BY created ASC ,id ASC LIMIT 10
and for me this produces a slightly better plan.
An index on (created,id) will help performance most, but for
many circumstances an index on created may suffice.
First, as you said, you should enforce a total ordering. Since the main thing you care about is created, you should start with that. id could be the secondary ordering, a tie breaker invisible to the user that just ensures the ordering is consistent. Secondly, instead of messing around with conditions on created, you could just use an offset clause to return later results:
SELECT * FROM events ORDER BY created ASC, id ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET <10 * page number>
-- Note that page number is zero based

How to get distinct results with max of a field

I have a query :
select distinct(donorig_cdn),cerhue_num_rfa,max(cerhue_dt) from t_certif_hue
group by donorig_cdn,cerhue_num_rfa
order by donorig_cdn
it returns me some repeated ids with different cerhue_num_rfa
how do i return only one line for the repeated ids with cerhue_num_rfa that matches the max of date (cerhue_dt) .. and have at the end only 10 results instead of 15 ?
Postgres has SELECT DISTINCT ON to the rescue. It only returns the first row found for each value of the given column. So, all you need is an order that ensures the latest entry comes first. No need for grouping.
SELECT DISTINCT ON (donorig_cdn) donorig_cdn,cerhue_num_rfa,cerhue_dt
FROM t_certif_hue
ORDER BY donorig_cdn, cerhue_dt DESC;