Instance of MongoDB server shut down when creating an AMI image - mongodb

I was trying to clone an instance of a MongoDB server on EC2. When I selected the instance, and did 'create image', it shut down our MongoDB server completely. The IP has not changed, and we are unable to connect to it. I tried to reboot the server, as well as start it and end it. The clone of the AMI has not been touched. How am I able to get the server back up?
When we try to start the server, the terminal just says 'failed.'

We need some more information about this to give the exact solution. Please provide how you are taking the AMI. But we can assume what might be happened.
As per AWS, the SNAPSHOT and AMI are not consistent. So to make it as a consistent, they provide an option to reboot while taking the AMI. If you are going to take the AMI from the AWS console they will be a CheckBox to prevent it.
If you are using any Lambda or CLI tools just disable the Reboot option.


Can't upgrade azure Postgres flexible server or add more vCores

I am trying to upgrade my postgreSQL server on azure from D2s_v3 to D4s_v3 but the options are not available as shown in the image below.
Sometimes scaling PostgreSQL Flexi Server will require a server restart. It will only allow two-fold increments, and the main point is that it should not allow decreasing existing server storage.
In order to replica the same, created a new flexi server with D2s_v3
configuration shown as below.
Updated storage with D4s_v3
Upon restart request change will be done.

Google Cloud SQL unable to connect and restart master instance

This morning my application could not connect my MySQL master instance in Google Cloud SQL. The master instance does not have more logs, but the replication instance log show that the replication could not connect to the master too.
I tried to restart MySQL, but an hour later, it didn't start.
What should I do?
There are several possible reasons for this issue. For instance, your master instance may have failed due to an error while a dump was being created, or the instance may have been under maintenance and now it cannot restart correctly, etc. If that were the case, you would need to get in touch with Google Cloud Platform Support to have your Cloud SQL instance manually restarted.
Alternatively, you can also check the documentation for instance connection issues and how to diagnose issues in connections.
If nothing of this applies to your case, you should consider adding more information to your question, since there could be a problem with the expiration of your SSL server certificate, with the Proxy, etc.

Is there a way to recover an orphaned confluence pgsql database?

We are experimenting with Kubernetes and Confluence in the cloud and have deployed Confluence connected to a pgsql database. When applying an update, something happened that caused the pgsql pod to tank and lose the persistent volume connections.
Thankfully the volume was set to retain, so we have the volume and I have since been able to point a new pgsql instance to this volume, but I can't find a way to get Confluence to see this existing database. Confluence just proceeds to the initial fresh install screens. I've tried installing it on a temporary database and then modifying the confluence.cfg.xml file to point to the old data once completed but Confluence will not restart when I try this.
Any help is appreciated.
Using the web installer you should have a step to select "My own database". From there you can configure the database credentials and host. Go ahead and let the installer run, it will overwrite the default settings but will retain your existing data.
Also, you may want to get on the psql shell via console and check to make sure that your data actually exists and you haven't ended up with an empty database.
If you're still stuck, reach out here and we can check out the next steps.
In my case the original solution posted here is accurate:
However I had to do this in a non containerized environment. I installed Confluence on a VM using a blank database, then modified the confluence.cfg.xml file to point to the pgsql database in the kubernetes cluster and restarted confluence. I was able to see my data, so I then used confluence's XML export feature to grab the dataset. I then blew away the kubernetes environment and re-created it from scratch and imported the backed up XML into the new instance. Not a super clean way of doing it, but got where I needed to.

MongoDB Amazon Web Service - Do I actually have it installed?

I really want to use mongoDB as my server backend for my android application/ web app that im hosting on the cloud. I ( think ) I installed it on my instance but Im confused as when I run my app its not showing up.
I ssh'd into my EC2 instance ( I am running Elastic Beanstalk on ssh) and I installed mongoDb and created all my tables and when I exit and ssh back into it the same tables are there however after reading up on it, I think the process is a little more complicated than that and more expensive.
Can anyone tell me if what I did was correct and if there actually a way to get mongoDb for free like this on Elastic Beanstalk? Its for my Computer Science masters.
I have now used Cloud Formation and installed mongo DB but now have no idea how to deploy my app without elastic beanstalk as my app runs on apache.
Thank you
No, keypoints to keep in mind:
When you SSH to your Elastic Beanstalk EC2 instances you can see a big message that says that any change that you make directly to your EC2 instances won't be saved anywhere. What I mean, you don't make ANY changes in your EC2s if you are using Elastic Beanstalk.
AWS has a MongoDB on the AWS Cloud: Quick Start Reference Deployment Guide. This document guides you through the process of installing MongoDB (includes a nice CloudFormation template -and it takes only about 15 mins to be ready-)

AMI for EC2 instance with a MongoDB?

I am running an Amazon EC2 instance with a MongoDB running on it.
Since I will need to use it only for some time, I was wondering if it is possible to keep only image of the system for the usage time with Amazon Machine Image. Any idea?
You can actually create an AMI from your server and then terminate the server when you don't need it.
When you need it again you can relaunch a new server based on the AMI you created. The downside to this is that your latest data may not be up to date. So I recommend creating the AMI right before you terminate the server.
Another alternative is to just use EBS backed storage/instances and just shutdown the instance when you don't need it. You can just start the instance when you need it. There's little cost associated with keeping an EBS volume around. Certainly much less than keeping your EC2 instance running all the time.
Hope this helps.
A machine stopped it´s a machine that Amazon don´t charge you.
You get charged for:
Online time
Storage space (assumably you store the image on S3 [EBS])
Elastic IP addresses
But Amazon charge you for your AMI´s created.
So you can stop your machine and just start it when you need to use it.