How to search with 'MATCH' on OrientDB with case-INsensitive? - orientdb

I am using OrientDB version 2.2.30, and I want to search for all persons that related to a WHITE car.
Both vertex (person & entity) are set to case-insensitive on all string-properties.
The problem is that the word "white" is written with upper and lower cases and the MATCH returns only those that are a match to the exact form I write on the query.
MATCH {class:Person, as:E0}.outE(){class:Drive, as:R0}.inV(){class:Car, as:E1 , where:( ( CarColor IN ['white'] ) ) } RETURN $paths
This will return all the match-paths but only if the word "white" is written as the query: 'white' (WHIte or WHITE won't be retreived as a result even though this field is set to be case-INsensitive)
The funny thing is that if I take the condition of the color OUT from the 'match' query and place it in a 'regular' where-clause - it is working just fine and retrieve all upper&lower cases
( MATCH {class:Person, as:E0}.outE(){class:Drive, as:R0}.inV(){class:Car, as:E1 } RETURN $paths )
WHERE ( ( E1.CarColor IN ['white'] ) )
But this solution causes the match query to run much longer...
So I need another solution to use "match" with conditions that will apply as case-INsensitive...

The easiest thing is to use .toLowerCase() eg. CarColor.toLowerCase() IN ['white']


Why am I getting an error that I cannot concat two different datatypes even after casting the fields datatype

I have a query in postgresql where I want to append a minus sign to the transactions.amount field when the transaction.type = 2 (which refers to withdrawals). I am trying to concat a minus sign and the transactions.amount field which is an int. I casted the transactions.amount field to a text/varchar but no matter what I still get the error, "PostgreSql Error: case types numeric and text cannot be matched"
Here is the query I am running,
WHEN "Transactions"."TransactionType" = 2
THEN CONCAT('-', CAST("Transactions"."Amount" AS TEXT))
ELSE "Transactions"."Amount" END AS Text) AS "TransAmount"
FROM "Transactions"
LEFT JOIN "DepositSources"
ON "Transactions"."DepositSourceId" =
LEFT JOIN "WithdrawalSources"
ON "Transactions"."WithdrawalSourceId" =
WHERE "Transactions"."FundId" = 4
AND "Transactions"."ReconciliationId" = 24
What's very perplexing is when i run the below query it works as expected,
SELECT CONCAT('-', CAST("Transactions"."Amount" AS TEXT)) FROM
All branches of a CASE expression need to have the same type. In this case, you're stuck with making all branches text, because what follows THEN can only be text. Try this version:
THEN '0'
WHEN Transactions.TransactionType = 2
THEN CONCAT('-', Transactions.Amount::text)
ELSE Transactions.Amount::text END AS TransAmount
Note that it is unusual to be using the logic you have in a CASE expression. Typically, you would just be checking the values of a single column, not multiple different columns.
It appears that your call to CONCAT mainly serves to negative a value. Here is one more simple way to do this:
WHEN Transactions.TransactionType = 2
THEN -1.0 * Transactions.Amount
ELSE Transactions.Amount END AS TransAmount
In this case, we can make the CASE expression just generate numeric output, which might be really what you are after.

Can you do a sub select within a Case statement

Probably something really trivial but I haven't quite found the answer I am looking for on the internet and I get syntax errors with this. What I want/need to do is to provide a special case in my where clause where the doctype is 1. If it is, then it needs to match the claimID from a sub select of a temp table. If the doctype is not a 1 then we just need to continue on and ignore the select.
I have seen some for if statements but I didn't seem to get that to work and haven't found anything online as of yet that shows a case statement doing what I would like. Is this even possible?
You don't need a case statement, you could do:
AND (#DocType <> 1 or c.ClaimID in (SELECT TNE.ClaimID FROM TNE))
A CASE expression (not statement) returns a single value. SQL Server supports the bit data type. (Valid values are 0, 1, 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'.) There is a boolean data type (with values TRUE, FALSE and UNKNOWN), but you cannot get a firm grip on one. Your CASE expression attempts to return a boolean, give or take the unmatched parenthesis, which is not supported in this context.
You could use something like this, though Luc's answer is more applicable to the stated problem:
when #DocType = 1 and c.ClaimId in ( select TNE.ClaimId from TNE ) then 1
when #DocType = 2 and ... then 1
else 0
end = 1
Note that the CASE returns a value which you must then compare (= 1).

Nested if else Condition in Crystal report

I have a .rpt file , with a view datasource . I have four parameter which i use in filtering the selection. I have written my selection formula like below.
if ({?actype} <> "All") OR ({?actype} <> "All") OR ({?collectorname} <> "All") OR ({?batchno}<> "All") Then
if {?actype} <> "All" Then
{CollectorPerformance.accountType} = {?actype};
if {?collectorname} <> "All" Then
{CollectorPerformance.realname} = {?collectorname};
if {?batchno} <> "All" Then
{CollectorPerformance.batchno} = {?batchno}
{CollectorPerformance.clientid} = {?clientid}
Date({CollectorPerformance.paymentdate}) >= Date({?from})
Date({CollectorPerformance.paymentdate}) <= Date({?to})
My issue with the formula, above is that it does not filter by realname and actType. I understand the reason is because the key word "and" is missing . however, it filters the batchno correctly> please how do i make it filter by the remaining two if's ? any help would appreciated.
A selection formula has to be one long valid boolean statement, which is, I think, what you were already suggesting when you say the "and is missing". So in order to fix the first half, you just need to translate those statements into one simplified boolean statement instead of individual statements (those that end in a ';').
({?actype}="All" or {?actype}={CollectorPerformance.accountType})
({?collectorname}="All" or {?collectorname}={CollectorPerformance.realname})
({?batchno}="All" or {?batchno}={CollectorPerformance.batchno})
For each parameter, a user can either select "All" or enter a specific value to filter by. If "All" is selected, that particular portion of the statement (The part that looks like {?Parameter}="All") will evaluate to True and no filtering will be done. Otherwise, only records matching the entered parameter value will return True.

Select from any of multiple values from a Postgres field

I've got a table that resembles the following:
a 0.3 common
the 0.3 common
gray 1.2 colors
steeple 2 object
I need to pull the weights for several different words out of the database at once. I could do:
SELECT * FROM word_weight WHERE WORD = 'a' OR WORD = 'steeple' OR WORD='the';
but it feels ugly and the code to generate the query is obnoxious. I'm hoping that there's a way I can do something like (pseudocode):
SELECT * FROM word_weight WHERE WORD = 'a','the';
You are describing the functionality of the in clause.
select * from word_weight where word in ('a', 'steeple', 'the');
If you want to pass the whole list in a single parameter, use array datatype:
FROM word_weight
WHERE word = ANY('{a,steeple,the}'); -- or ANY('{a,steeple,the}'::TEXT[]) to make explicit array conversion
If you are not sure about the value and even not sure whether the field will be an empty string or even null then,
.where("column_1 ILIKE ANY(ARRAY['','%abc%','%xyz%']) OR column_1 IS NULL")
Above query will cover all possibility.

Zend Framework: Re-use WHERE clause returned from Zend_Db_Select::getPart()

I have a SELECT object which contains a WHERE.
I can return the WHERE using getPart(Zend_Db_Select::WHERE), this returns something like this:
0 => string "(clienttype = 'agent')"
1 => string "AND (nextpayment < (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY))"
This array seems pretty useless as I cannot do this with it
$client->update(array("paymentstatus" => "lapsed"), $where);
Or even put it into another SELECT object. Is there a way of getting a more useful representation of the WHERE statement from the SELECT object?
The best I have come up with so far is
$where = new Zend_Db_Expr(implode(" ", $select->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::WHERE)));
Your first choice, $client->update(...) would work, if getParts omitted the 'AND' from the second part of the where clause.
I'm pretty sure your only choice is to:
use your second option (probably safest depending on how complex the where clauses are) -or-
iterate through the $where returned and remove the leading 'AND', 'OR' that may exist.