Gerrit REST API and web GUI with different results - rest

It seems that the web interface of Gerrit and the REST API show different results for the review votes.
For example, Change I78c787fd5dd09fc7700f3093341532fe23f20eb8 from the Android Gerrit review instance shows that Dima Zavin voted +2 (LGTM, approved).
The default values for the Android instance are
-2: Do not submit
-1: I would prefer that you didn't submit this
0: No score
+1: Looks good to me, but someone else must approve
+2: Looks good to me, approved
However, the REST API returns no +2 at all, only +1:
curl ""
Interestingly, this URL seems to work:
curl ""
What is wrong?

It turned out to be a bug in the Gerrit backend.

You need to add quotation marks to your curl URL:
curl ""


Azure DevOps/VSTS REST API does not get changes of a changeset

I'm trying to to get the changes of a changeset but it returns 404. I used this:
changeset exists
without the '/changes' it works, returns the changeset info but I also need the merge sources
tried to specify the API version (e.g.: api-version-5.0)
I created a full control Personal Access Token for the client app but no luck. I tried to use this link in the browser and I got the same result: it works only without '/changes'.
What did I wrong?
As this is an old Q, this is for anyone else who has same problem, The projectname needs to be removed from the request.
You look at the docs and sure enough it's not there but most other REST calls require a project name, so it can be confusing.
Also the docs are not very clear that you can interchange https://{myName} for the documented{organization}

Actions on google - smart home - REQUEST_SYNC

We have an smart home app with actions on google and already implemented the SYNC, QUERY and EXECUTE intents.
Now, we would like to implement the REQUEST_SYNC intent (mentionned in the fig. 2 here. However, we cannot find any documentation about it's implementation. Did anyone already implemented it?
Google updated their example Node.js code with request sync functionality:
Refer to the last commit.
Maybe you can start here.
Seems to be available now.
I use < KEY > with a json body content of agent_user_id: < agent userid >
search for "request sync" on page:

Bitbucket web hook not posting

I have set up a web hook on Bitbucket to POST to my webserver to log some details. There is two webhooks on the repo, my custom one, and one for I have been pushing random commits to test the POST on my server etc, but after a while it stopped.
Never or my own webserver receives a post request from Bitbucket after I pushed.
How is this possible/how can I fix it?
I had a hard time testing my web hook as well. I figured out that the best way to test is via command line. I copied the sample data shown here, added payload= to the beginning and saved it to a file:
Then via command line I submitted a POST request to my web hook using that file as the POST data: curl --data
This is the best way I found to debug it.
Note: They never mention that when the last commit was from a merge, the "branch" attribute from that commit is null. Instead you need to look at "branches" attribute which is an array of the two branches that created the merge.

Like button on content will not work until URL is submitted to Facebook debug tool

I'm troubleshooting an issue where the Like button won't work on my site unless the URL is submitted to the Facebook debug tool.
When I hit like I'm seeing two requests fire to comment_widget_shell.php. Once succeeds (302 found), while the other fails, showing a status "(canceled)" and type "pending":
The successful request:
Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:302 Found
The failed request:
Request URL:
As of the writing of this question, here is an example URL where like fails:
I iniitally thought it was this Stack Overflow issue, as the site runs on a platform somewhat similar to Heroku, but for Drupal (Pantheon) and I can't reproduce the issue locally. However, I contacted Pantheon support and they reported the Heroku limitation does not exist on Pantheon.
I'm not sure what other tools I can use to debug this. My article pages get a clean report from the Facebook Debugger. Any ideas or tips of what I can look deeper into?
I have had pretty good luck with pantheon. If your just trying to get a like button on drupal why not use I have used this in d7 and d6 and I have never had a problem.
Pantheon should be able to handle a request to facebook for sure

Is there a trick to editing the status of an Ad Group?

According to the Facebook documentation, you can update the run status of an individual ad group via the ads api.
To do this, you submit a POST request to /<AD_GROUP_ID>/ with adgroup_status=X where X is your status (1 for active, 9 for paused, etc). However, making this request results in the status NOT changing, and the only response you get back from Facebook is a JSON representation of the Ad Group.
Has anyone been able to successfully submit ad group status updates to the facebook ads api? If so, are you using the method outlined above, or is there another trick to it?
I cross posted this into the Facebook Bug tracker in hopes to create a trail/awareness/find more people who were having this problem.
An example of the request I'm making. This request is being tested from the Facebook Graph Explorer<access_token>
We have not been experiencing problems with changing adgroup_status. Try submitting the status number as an integer and then as a string (I don't remember which type they expect). Note that if the campaign is paused, setting the adgroup_status to 1 will actually change it to 8 (campaign_paused). The fact that you're getting the adgroup to redownload (I presume you have the redownload=1 parameter) tells me that your call is mostly correct. I just confirmed that this works:
curl -F "adgroup_status=9" \
-F "ids=..." \
-F "access_token=..." \
If you're making that API call and receiving the adgroup's details back instead of a 'true' response, it means you're making a GET request, not a POST request.
Update your code to make a HTTP POST request, and this will resolve your issue, John Pickard's answer above is an example of making a POST request in curl, but it will change depending on your application's language and/or which Facebook SDK you're using.