WSO2 API Manager methods are not loaded from WSDL - soap

I'm trying to proxy an SOAP EPR using API Manager.
I follow the procedure of creation of REST API "I have a SOAP End Point" and I provide the WSDL. but in the "design" tab i can't see the methods. Seems like API Manager "does not understand" the WSDL I provided.
I can browse The same WSDL and I used SOAPUI client, the WSDL is correct and I can see the methods and test them.
Does anyone exerienced this kind of issues with API Manager?
Best regards.

Before APIM 2.2.0 you will see only a single resource.
Enhanced support for exposing SOAP services as REST APIs by auto-generating the REST interface by parsing the WSDL of the SOAP Service was introduced in APIM 2.2.0.


Where can I find full documentation for the ArangoDB HTTP REST API?

The HTTP REST API documentation on the ArangoDB website looks incomplete. I need the full reference documentation so I can implement calls to ArangoDB's HTTP REST API from libcurl for C++.
ArangoDB has Swagger UI, go to Support menu in Admin, then select Rest API tab
You can also download swagger.json and generate API clients and server stubs via swagger-codegen (for C++
is supported cpprest, Qt5, Tizen)

How can I use wso2 to publish remote SOAP wsdl to REST APIs

I hava a romote soap webservices wsdl and I need to consume it to publish as a rest api (json). I am using ubuntu 18. what do I have to downlaod and How can I use wso2 to publish remote SOAP wsdl to REST APIs?
You could probably solve the problem with either API Manager or Enterprise Integrator. However if you are just exposing one API to your mobile app, both of these products would probably be serious overkill.

Restful Webservice SAP testing

Is there any way to test rest Webservices in SAP?
I know it's possible to test SOAP Webservices with eCATT but to do that a WSDL file is needed.
The Problem with rest Webservices is, there is no such WSDL file.
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming from your question that you'd like to test the service from within your SAP system rather than by using an external tool.
If you have access to a system that has the Gateway components deployed, you can use the Gateway client (transaction code /IWFND/GW_CLIENT). It provides a very similar set of functionality to Postman, Paw, et al.
You can use some rest clients available on the browsers:
Postman -> Chrome
RESTClient -> Firefox
Futhermore, if you need a more robust client, you can use SoapUI. See this link.
You may use Fiddler.
Here is detailed instructions on how to test a web service (I know the instructions are for web services but the Fiddler part should work for any web services).

CXF Rest Client - Proxy Based API vs CXF WebClient API

I went through documentation but I am still not sure which type of rest client should be used in what use cases?
Can anyone point out the use cases / constraints with examples that would help me in choosing the right client API.
CXF 3.0 implement the JAXRS 2.0 client API, it makes your code can work with other JAXRS implementation without changing anything.
But if you are still using CXF 2.x, you need to chose between the Proxy Based API and WebClient API.
The Proxy Based API is much like the CXF JAXWS Client API, you can just invoke the service from a Proxy which implement the interface of SEI. It has some shortcomings, you cannot specify the http hears or write a generic client to invoke the different JAXRS services.
With the help of CXF WebClient API, you can invoke the JAXRS services in a normal HTTP client way, which just fill the gap of Proxy Based API.
You can find more information about those clients API here.

Calling SOAP in Jersey

I have a requirement from a client which wants to write a wrapper REST web service around a SOAP web service.
I am new to both SOAP and REST. Can anyone please let me know
If we can call SOAP web service inside a REST web service?
If yes, then how to do it in Jersey 2.0?
Thanks in advance.
There is nothing special about calling a SOAP service from inside a JAX-RS Resouce. Just write a JAX-WS client as described in the Java EE 7 Tutorial.