Double first column in google Timeline Chart - charts

we're using Google's timeline chart and we need it to look sort of like this:
desired output
but Google Charts won't allow more than one column at the beginning of each track.
current output
Is there any way to have two separated columns? Or another chart library that supports this format?


Configuring Data Table from Highcharts Basic Column Chart

I am working with Highcharts and looking to create a data table from the Basic Column chart ( with the following functionality:
Flip the row and columns so that the x-axis of the bar chart is the column headers in the data table. So in the example link above, when I click on "View Data Table", I want to take the x-axis from the chart and make it the column headers in the data table.
Be able to sort the columns.
I see examples online of how to do that by building the table first and then creating the chart from the table. But isn't this possible the other way around - creating the chart first and then just configuring the data table to have the above functionality?
Or do you have to create the table first, and then create the chart from that?
I think that the right approach to your requirements will be creating a custom HTML table and parsing data from it into the chart, just like here:

How Do I generate Line Graph in PowerBI for the following Data

The Data I have looked like the Image below:
I want to create a line Graph,
The x-axis will have the Months (January to June), Y-Axis will have the Tot_QtY.
Considering that the date information is not in a single column but is spread out to multiple columns, How do I make a line chart.
Output I am getting is shown below:
The Output I need would look like this:
your input data is not correct, you need to model it so you get one column with rows of data. Click Edit Queries, this opens query editor.
Click tab Transform, select your columns and click unpivot.
My expectation is that you still need to work a bit more on your data because how the system knows from a column: MayDATE. that you talk about May. The best base data you can have is a column date and a colum value with data.

Grafana Prometheus pie chart time range

I'm using Grafana to chart Prometheus data. I have a set of data in gauges and it's displaying just fine on line charts. When I try and use a pie chart it only seems to show the most recent data point, not the sum for the whole time range selected in the dashboard.
I'm trying this:
Is there something I need to do to get it to sum all the data in the time range?
Ok - I just figured it out thanks to an article about sum_over_time. You can do it like this:
The outer sum is good if you are trying to aggregate multiple series together, otherwise you can do without:

Add column data value labels in Google Drive Spreadsheet chart

Is there an (easy) way to add data-value labels to the columns of a Google Drive Spreadsheet column chart? Either fixed or mouse-over?
I have the charts already made, and would not like to have to define them again.
So I'm basically looking to alter the default behaviour of the existing charts.
The spreadsheet and charts are not (yet) for publishing, only for sharing directly.
Google Sheets embedded charts have text annotations. To use them for values, you could use TEXT() function. I.E. assume that you have a two column chart, then add a third column for annotations. Add the following formula
then fill down as necessary.
Adding annotations to a chart - Docs Editors Help

Named ranges in google spreadsheet charts?

Edit: This question relates to the "old" google spreadsheets that were current in 2013.
Is it possible to use named ranges in google spreadsheet charts?
I need to dynamically update the dimension (starting position and size) of a range and be able to reflect it in a chart, i.e. I need the chart source range to follow the position of moved source data range.
Extra information:
I've got two sheets. One has a header followed by 'input' row and data rows. When I type anything into 'input' row my script automatically adds a row just after this one and moves my new input there, therefore creating new row of data.
About chart: If I assign a data range that includes only data rows, new row won't be included because whole 'old' range got shifted. $ sign is ignored when specifying data range. So what I'm doing is to include in the range my 'input' + 1 header row. They have no values so in the chart you cannot see data points in the first two positions. I'm using a combo chart with another range from another sheet that has no header, so it looks like this:
(usually there is some value for the green histogram right at the origin of the chart).
So the line chart is shifted by two positions to the right, but it should start from position 0, so I want the chart to somehow follow the range or to redefine it, so it always stars from the first data row. I hope it makes sense.
Charts use range as argument, have you tried to simply use getRangeByName to define the range ?
Charts don't support named ranges. However, you can set up your chart so that the source data range is an entire column (for example, Sheet1!D:D). Then the chart will show all the values in that column, taking into account even rows that you will add (or delete) after chart creation. If the first rows (for example 4) contain table headers you can specify something like Sheet1!D5:D as your source data range
In searching for this, I found a solution I thought I'd share.
I have a set of data from which I'd like to create a set of charts. My fairly simple workaround was to create a new tab for each chart with a pivot table to pull in my data based on my criteria for each chart. I inserted a row at the top to hold a SUM of my values in the pivot table below, rather than referencing the moving "Total" cell in the pivot table itself.
Note: I hid the title row of the pivot table and unchecked the "Totals" within it to get the SUM to work correctly. Hope this helps someone!