Back4app issue in registering device with ionic 3 - ionic-framework

I m trying to use back4app for push notification. For this I have installed back4app's ionic sdk ( like this
npm install parse
then in my app.component.ts I imported parse
import Parse from 'parse';
and in platform ready
Parse.serverURL = "";
Parse.initialize("APP_ID_HERE", "JAVASCRIPT_KEY"); //I have used real keys from back4app dashboard.
let install = new Parse.Installation();, {
success: (install) => {
// Execute any logic that should take place after the object is saved.
// console.clear();
console.error('New object created with objectId: ' +;
error: (install, error) => {
// Execute any logic that should take place if the save fails.
// error is a Parse.Error with an error code and message.
console.error('Failed to create new object, with error code:' + error.message.toString());
When I do Ionic serve or test it in device, it should register device/installation id to their backend but it gives 400 Bad Request error on the error was -
{"code":135,"error":"deviceType must be specified in this operation"}
I m not sure where to mention deviceType as their documentation doesn't seem that good.
Can anybody help me on this??

This is not mentioned in their documentation but I have found it in one of their example.
Replacing -
let install = new Parse.Installation();
let install = new Parse.Installation();
install.set("deviceType", platform.platforms().toString());
Solved the issue.
Here is the link to their repository

Parse SDK now supports Promises.
I'd recommend using it instead of passing in callbacks.
You can accomplish that by: => {
// success
}, err => {
// error


Testing Cloud Function - Cannot read property 'data' of undefined

I've got a Raspberry Pi and setup a weather (and soil moisture) rig.
I found this guide: which I followed and got stuck around Step 6-7.
From what I understand - when I send data to PubSub - nothing happens. On the Raspberry End I sort of get the idea that data is being sent but it doesn't get passed into BigQuery. I did some print statements at various points to try and see where it got stuck.
As I was trying to find the error I slowly backtracked to Step 5 (Create a Cloud Function).
Step 5 along with associated code I copied can be seen here:
In GCP - I click into Cloud Function -> function-weatherPubSubToBQ -> Testing (tab)
Under the heading - Trigger event - I filled out the JSON below:
"timecollected":"2020-09-11 06:45:19",
When I click on - Test the function - the output is as below
**Error: function execution failed. Details:
Cannot read property 'data' of undefined**
Screen capture of JSON and error message
I am guessing one of these two things are causing the problem. or
I tried to make some changes to the code but I am just shooting in the dark.
I was wondering if:
I did something wrong which means there might be some other
issues somewhere else.
This guide is slightly old and there have
been some updates which make the older code in the guide not
function as desired. (not step/image in the guide matches with what
I saw online, as of Sep 2020)
If someone knows what is wrong in
the code and is able to let me know how to solve it that would be
much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
TLDR: The tutorial is outdated, don't use it, unless you want to face multiple problems and want to learn in the hard way
I went through the tutorial and I was able to replicate the issue.. and many more. As you already mentioned it, the tutorial is outdated and many things have changed, you can infer that by looking at the images and noticing that the UI is even different, so I wouldn't recommend this tutorial to anyone who is new to GCP.
The first issue:
**Error: function execution failed. Details: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined**
Can be easily resolved by looking at the structure of what it's expected from a pub/sub message:
"data": string,
"attributes": {
string: string,
"messageId": string,
"publishTime": string,
"orderingKey": string
So easy right? However once you mimic the structure of the message with your own variables as I did:
"data": "",
"attributes": {
"timecollected":"2020-09-11 06:45:19",
"messageId": "id_1",
"publishTime": "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z",
"orderingKey": ""
You will get an error regarding the JSON:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ' in JSON at position 1
This error is due to the use of ' on the construction of the JSON inside the variable incomingData so you have to change the first variable declaration, I did it by using template literals:
const incomingData = ? Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString() : `{"sensorID": "na","timecollected":"01/01/1970 00:00:00","zipcode":"00000","latitude":"0.0","longitude":"0.0","temperature":"-273","humidity":"-1","dewpoint":"-273","pressure":"0"}`;
But this is not the end of the issues, after doing some tests while trying to insert into BigQuery, I got an error regarding the insertion, but didn't get a clue of what was really happening, so I isolated the consult in an external script and found that the error handling was wrong, the first thing I recommend you to change is the BigQuery version in the package.json from:
"#google-cloud/bigquery": "^0.9.6"
"#google-cloud/bigquery": "5.2.0"
Which is the last version at the time of writing this answer. The next part is to redefine the way you're using BigQuery constructor into:
const bigquery = new BigQuery({
projectId: projectId
Then after many tests I found that the catch wasn't doing it's job as expected, so have to rewrite that part into:
.then((foundErrors) => {
rows.forEach((row) => console.log('Inserted: ', row));
if (foundErrors && foundErrors.insertErrors != undefined) {
foundErrors.forEach((err) => {
console.log('Error: ', err);
.catch((err) => {
.then((foundErrors) => {
rows.forEach((row) => console.log('Inserted: ', row));
if (foundErrors && foundErrors.insertErrors != undefined) {
foundErrors.forEach((err) => {
console.log('Error: ', err);
.catch((err) => {
if (err && err.response.insertErrors != undefined) {
err.response.insertErrors.forEach((errors) => {
console.log("GENERIC ERROR:",err)
After this you will finally notice that the error is due to (again) the incomingData variable:
Could not parse \'01/01/1970 00:00:00\' as a timestamp. Required format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM[:SS[.SSSSSS]]'
You have to change the date from 01/01/1970 00:00:00 into 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
Still here with me? Well there's another error coming from the usage of callback at the end of the CF:
This is due to the fact that Cloud Functions now require three parameters and callback is the last one, so change the function declaration into:
exports.subscribe = function (event, context, callback)
After all of this you have been able to insert data into BigQuery, however we're using the local variable and not the data coming from pub/sub, at this point I gave up, since I will need to practically rewrite the full function in order to make it work by using Attributes instead of the data.
So as mentioned it before don't follow this tutorial if you're beginning in the GCP world.

IOException in mReferrerClient.getInstallReferrer() with HMS Core version

I want to test my own app before going live after integrating with Huawei install Referrer SDK. I followed all the steps found in codelabs and the documentations and when i install the apk on the device , getInstallReferrer method throws IOException. This is my code. What is it that i am doing wrong ?. how can i get installReferrer info for testing purposes ?
Runnable {
referrerClient = newBuilder(context).setTest(true).build()
referrerClient.startConnection(object : InstallReferrerStateListener {
override fun onInstallReferrerSetupFinished(responseCode: Int) {
when (responseCode) {
InstallReferrerClient.InstallReferrerResponse.OK -> {
// Connection established.
try {
val response: ReferrerDetails = referrerClient.installReferrer
val referrerUrl: String = response.installReferrer
val referrerClickTime: Long = response.referrerClickTimestampSeconds
val appInstallTime: Long = response.installBeginTimestampSeconds
}catch (e : IOException){
catch(e: RemoteException){
finally {
InstallReferrerClient.InstallReferrerResponse.FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED -> {
InstallReferrerClient.InstallReferrerResponse.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE -> {
override fun onInstallReferrerServiceDisconnected() {
Please check whether the AIDL interface is added.
Check the screenshot below:
Obtain Install Referrer Information by AIDL
You can call an AIDL API provided by HUAWEI Ads Kit to obtain install referrer information from HUAWEI devices, without integrating any HUAWEI SDK. The install referrer information obtained from a device in either mode (SDK or AIDL) is the same.
Call Process
The Development Procedure is as follows
Create an AIDL file for the IPPSChannelInfoService API and save the file.
Copy the following content to the AIDL file:
/** Important: Do not change the method sequence in the AIDL file. */
interface IPPSChannelInfoService {
String getChannelInfo();
Change Build Action to AndroidInterfaceDescription of AIDL file.
Rebuild project.
Create a class to implement Android-native IServiceConnection.
For more details, see docs.
Also, please kindly refer to the demo.
The package name needs to be specified because setTest(true)
if (this.isTest){
var2 = "com.huawei.pps.hms.test";
The empty check on ReferrerDetails can be added.
if (null != referrerDetails && null != mCallback)

using Axe-core inside Intern 4

I am trying to set up my accessibility testing using axe-core or axe-webdriverjs inside of Intern 4. I finally got something to compile but I get this socket hung up error. Let me walk you through my process.
Loading axe-core as a plugin. In my intern.json
I have my included a plugin axe-core. node_modules/axe-core/axe.min.js specified here This did not work. When running the test it did not find the module.
I then tried using the loader to import this module. In my intern.json I had the following:
"plugins": [
installed the necessary plugins and then I imported axe in my test.js using:
`import axe from '/node_modules/axe-core/axe.min'`
still I get axe is undefined errors.
I tried to use axe-webdriverjs used the example code
const { suite, test, before } = intern.getInterface('tdd');
const { assert } = intern.getPlugin('chai');
var AxeBuilder = require('axe-webdriverjs');
var time = 1000;
var session;
suite('Accessibility', () => {
test('Accessibility Test 1', ({remote}) => {
.then(function () {
.analyze(function (results) {
still could not get it to work.
then I tried changing the
var AxeBuilder = require('axe-webdriverjs');
import AxeBuilder from 'node_modules/axe-webdriverjs/lib/index';
It is now running but I get a socket hang up error.
All I am trying to do is run axe-core or even axe-webdriver a thrid party library into tests suite within intern 4. Any sort of help will be appreciated.
There is an Intern accessibility plugin that includes support for aXe. You can use that directly, or simply use it as an example of how to use aXe-core with Intern.
You wouldn't typically use axe-webdriverjs with Intern since Intern is using its own WebDriver library which isn't directly compatible with the Selenium JS library.

Why am I getting this 'undefined' error?

I'm working on a Meteor project, and for some reason this profile template refuses to work.
I'm using the following code, as well as the accounts-password and accounts-entry packages for user management:
this.route('profile', {
path: '/profile/:username',
data: function() {
var userDoc = Meteor.users.findOne({"username": this.params.username});
var bookCursor = Books.find({owner: userDoc._id});
return {
theUser: userDoc,
theBooks: bookCursor
When I try to go to the profile URL for my test accounts ('misutowolf', and 'test2', respectively), I am given the following error in Chrome's dev console: Exception from Deps recompute function: TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined, pointing to the use of userDoc._id in the call to Books.find().
This makes no sense whatsoever, as I was able to find a user document with the names in question using meteor mongo with both usernames, in the form db.users.find({username: "misutowolf"}) and db.users.find({username: "test2"}).
I am very confused, not sure what is causing this issue at all.
By default Meteor only publish the currently logged in user info via an automatically setup publication.
What you need to do is push to the client the user info (username) you're trying to use, because if you don't do that, the user you're accessing is not published to the client and you get an undefined error when accessing its _id.
First, setup a dedicated publication (on the server) :
return Meteor.users.find({
Then waitOn this publication in your route :
return this.subscribe("userByUsername",this.params.username);
Finally, guard against accessing the user document until it is pushed to the client because even if you are waiting on the subscription, the data method might actually get called even if the subscription is not ready yet.
data: function() {
var userDoc = Meteor.users.findOne({"username": this.params.username});
// ...

Can't use cache:true with OAuth.initialize

I am trying to use OAuth according to in an android eclipse app.
import io.oauth.*;
final OAuth o = new OAuth(this);
works fine.
However, I want to use the cache functionality in order not to log on every time, so I try
o.initialize(KEY, {cache: true});
Unfortunately this won't compile. I get
"Multiple markers at this line
-Syntax error on tokens, delete these tokens
-Syntax error on token(s), misplaced construct(s)"
As you can tell I am an android and Eclipse newbie, any help appreciated.
The public key is the only argument used for the initialize method.
The correct method that accepts the cache object as an argument is popup.
OAuth.initialize('x9x9x9x9x9'); // public key
var promise = OAuth.popup('google_mail', {cache: true});
promise.done(function (result) {
    // make API calls
}); (error) {
    // handle errors