Using envoy without pods (in on pres solution) - kubernetes

We are now on our journey to break our monolith (on-prem pkg (rpm/ova)) into services (dockers).
In the process we are evaluation envoy/istio as our communication and security layer, it looks great when running as sidecar in k8s, or each service on a separate machie.
As we are going to deliver several services within one machine, and can't deliver it within k8s, I'm not sure if we can use envoy, I didn't find any reference on using envoy in additional ways, are there additional deployment methods I can use to enjoy it?

You can run part of your services on Kubernetes and part on VMs.


multiple environment for websites in Kubernetes

I am a newbie in Kubernetes.
I have 19 LAN servers with 190 machines.
Each of the 19 LANs has 10 machines and 1 exposed IP.
I have different websites/apps and their environments that are assigned to each LAN.
how do I manage my Kubernetes cluster and do setup/housekeeping.
Would like to have a single portal or manager to manage the websites and environment(dev, QA, prod) and keep isolation.
Is that possible?
I only got a vague idea of what you want to achieve so here goes nothing.
Since Kubernetes has a lot of convenience tools for setting a cluster on a public cloud platform, I'd suggest to start by going through "kubernetes-the-hard-way". It is a guide to setup a cluster on Google Cloud Platform without any additional scripts or tools, but the instructions can be applied to local setup as well.
Once you have an operational cluster, next step should be to setup an Ingress Controller. This gives you the ability to use one or more exposed machines (with public IPs) as gateways for the services running in the cluster. I'd personally recommend Traefik. It has great support for HTTP and Kubernetes.
Once you have the ingress controller setup, your cluster is pretty much ready to use. Process for deploying a service is really specific to service requirements but the right hand rule is to use a Deployment and a Service for stateless loads, and StatefulSet and headless services for stateful workloads that need peer discovery. This is obviously too generalized and have many exceptions.
For managing different environments, you could split your resources into different namespaces.
As for the single portal to manage it all, I don't think that anything as such exists, but I might be wrong. Besides, depending on your workflow, you can create your own portal using the Kubernetes API but it requires a good understanding of Kubernetes itself.

Defining Deployment Dependencies

I have an application that has 14 different services. Some of the services are dependent on other services. I am trying to find a good way to deploy these in the right sequences without using thread sleeps.
Is there a way to tell kuberentes a service deployment tree like don't deploy service B or service C until Service A is in a container and the status is running?\
Is there s good way to use kubectl to poll service A so I can do a while loop until I know it's up and running then run the scripts to deploy service B and C?
This is not how Kubernetes works. You can kind of shim it with an initContainer that blocks until dependencies are available (usually via kubectl in a while loop, but you get fancy you can try using --wait).
But the expectation is that you set up your applications to be "eventually consistent" when it comes to inter-service dependencies. In practical terms, this usually means just crashing if a dependent service isn't available, and it will just be restarted until things succeed.
You can use the readiness probe to hit health check APIs of your application which is being deployed and in those health check APIs you can test the other service pods availability by hitting their APIs or service

Synchronize HTTP requests between several service instances in Kubernetes

We have a service with multiple replicas which works with storage without transactions and blocking approaches. So we need somehow to synchronize concurrent requests between multiple instances by some "sharding" key. Right now we host this service in Kubernetes environment as a ReplicaSet.
Don't you know any simple out-of-the-box approaches on how to do this to not implement it from scratch?
Here are several of our ideas on how to do this:
Deploy the service as a StatefulSet and implement some proxy API which will route traffic to the specific pod in this StatefulSet by sharding key from the HTTP request. In this scenario, all requests which should be synchronized will be handled by one instance and it wouldn't be a problem to handle this case.
Deploy the service as a StatefulSet and implement some custom logic in the same service to re-route traffic to the specific instance (or process on this exact instance). As I understand it's not possible to have abstract implementation and it would work only in Kubernetes environment.
Somehow expose each pod IP outside the cluster and implement routing logic on the client-side.
Just implement synchronization between instances through some third-party service like Redis.
I would like to try to route traffic to the specific pods. If you know standard approaches how to handle this case I'll be much appreciated.
Thank you a lot in advance!
Another approach would be to put a messaging queue (like Kafka and RabbitMq) in front of your service.
Then your pods will subscribe to the MQ topic/stream. The pod will decide if it should process the message or not.
Also, try looking into service meshes like Istio or Linkerd.
They might have an OOTB solution for your use-case, although I wasn't able to find one.
Remember that Network Policy is not traffic routing !
Pods are intended to be stateless and indistinguishable from one another, pod-networking.
I recommend to Istio. It has special component which is responsible or routing- Envoy. It is a high-performance proxy developed in C++ to mediate all inbound and outbound traffic for all services in the service mesh.
Useful article: istio-envoy-proxy.
Istio documentation: istio-documentation.
Useful Istio explaination
But you should be able to create a Deployment per customer group, and a Service per Deployment. The Ingress nginx should be able to be told to map incoming requests by whatever attributes are relevant to specific customer group Services.
Other solution is to use kube-router.
Kube-router can be run as an agent or a Pod (via DaemonSet) on each node and leverages standard Linux technologies iptables, ipvs/lvs, ipset, iproute2.
Kube-router uses IPVS/LVS technology built in Linux to provide L4 load balancing. Each ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer Kubernetes Service type is configured as an IPVS virtual service. Each Service Endpoint is configured as real server to the virtual service. The standard ipvsadm tool can be used to verify the configuration and monitor the active connections.
How it works: service-proxy.

Kubernetes best practices in pods

As I have been using kubernetes more I keep on seeing the reference that a pod can contain 1 container or more and I have even looked at examples.
My question is whether there is a case where this would be best practice and more efficient to create multi container pods since you can scale and replicate your pods coupling it with a service.
Thanks in advance
A Pod can contain multiple containers, but for the most portion of the situations, it makes perfect sense for the Pod to be simply an abstraction over a single running container.
In what situations does it make sense to have a multi-container deployed Pod?
What comes to my mind are the scenarios where you have a primary Pod running, but you need to tightly couple helper processes, such as a log watcher. In those situations, it makes perfect sense to actually have multiple containers running inside a single pod.
Another big example that comes to my mind is from the Istio project, which is a platform made to connect, manage and secure microservices and is generally referred as a Service Mesh.
A huge part of what it does and is able to accomplish to provide a greater control and customization over the deployed microservices network, is due to the fact that it deploys a sidecar proxy, denominated Envoy, throughout the environment intercepting all network communication between microservices.
Here, you can check an example of load balancing in a Istio service mesh. As you can see the Proxy is deployed inside the Pod, intercepting all communication that goes through it.

Kubernetes - Load balancing Web App access per connections

Long time I did not come here and I hope you're fine :)
So for now, i have the pleasure of working with kubernetes ! So let's start ! :)
I have an operationnal kubernetes cluster with which I work every consists of several applications, one of which is of particular interest to us, which is the web management interface.
I currently own one master and four nodes in my cluster.
For my web application, pod contain 3 containers : web / mongo /filebeat, and for technical reasons, we decided to assign 5 users max for each web pod.
I want to deploy a web pod on each nodes (web0,web1,web2,web3), what I can already do, and that each session (1 session = 1 user) is distributed as follows:
For now, all HTTP requests are processed by web0.
Am I forced to go through an external loadbalancer (haproxy)?
Can I use an internal loadbalancer, configuring a service?
Does anyone have experience on the implementation described above?
I thank in advance those who can help me in this process :)
This generally depends how and where you've deployed your Kubernetes infrastructure, but you can do this natively with a few options.
Firstly, you'll need to scale your web deployment. This is very simple to do:
kubectl scale --current-replicas=2 --replicas=3 deployment/web
If you're deployed into a cloud provider (such as AWS using kops, or GKE) you can use a service. Just specify the type as LoadBalancer. Services will spread the sessions for your users.
Another option is to use an Ingress. In order to do this, you'll need to use an Ingress Controller, such as the nginx-ingress-controller which is the most featureful and widely deployed.
Both of these options will automatically loadbalance your incoming application sessions, but they may not necessarily do it in the order you've described in your image, it'll be random across the available web deployments