Not able to execute citrus test case xmls with citrus version 2.7.4 and above - citrus-framework

While running citrus tests defined in xmls with citrus version 2.7.4 and above the frame work is not executing test cases. But with 2.7.3 the xml tests are getting executed. here is my console output
here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Could any one please help on this

You are having a logging framework issue in your project. The console log complains about multiple slf4j bindings in your classpath. In addition to that I suggest to review the log4j configuration for loggers and levels.
Your tests get executed but the logging events are not printed to the console for these reasons.


Quarkus runtime does not inject EntityManager

I have tried #PersistenceContext, #PersistenceUnit, and #Inject combinations but nothing works. #Inject fails maven-quarkus-plugin build:
[ERROR] Caused by: javax.enterprise.inject.UnsatisfiedResolutionException: Unsatisfied dependency for type javax.persistence.EntityManager and qualifiers [#Default]
I have tried with and without persistence.xml.
My datasource and work fine, as I can just inject a AgroalDataSource and do direct JDBC, but I want to port over my JPA Entity classes and use them.
my parent module pom
<!-- versions set by quarkus-bom, but they don't pass in, when changing quarkus version, update this from quarkus bom -->
my pom
# Configures the Artemis properties.
I figured it out! Not real "intuitive", but I had not migrated over any Entity classes yet. All it took was to put one class in scope and everything started working. So much for simple prototyping. Maybe it should have warned "no entity classes found".
Friend, I had the same problem. Here's what I did that worked for me, I hope to help you:
added on
quarkus.hibernate-orm."db".packages = packages with their entities
in my repositories:
public class HeaderRepository {
EntityManager entityManager;
I hope to help you
following documentation:

Unable to resolve "#Given" error on eclipse

I am trying to learn cucumber. i have encountered this issue where #Given annotation is not resolved in eclipse. its showing as error "Given cannot be resolved to a type". i have added the required jars in maven as dependencies but still i am unable to resolve the issue. Kindly please help.
I tried changing the jar file dependencies but still same issue.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
it should either show me suggestions on eclipse or should not show as error if i have written correct line manually but its still showing same issue.

While I am using cucumber with Maven in eclipse, it is not recognizing #given,#when, #then

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
While I am using cucumber with Maven in eclipse, it is not recognizing #given,#when, #then tags. The versions used are java1.8, eclipse oxygen,maven integration to eclipse 1.5 and cucumber eclipse plugin 0.23.
Gherkin syntax is getting recognized if am not using Maven and code is running well.I tried using same versions of dependencies in pom.xml file. But still it is not importing import; and throwing error.
Below is the pom.xml file for reference.
However you have not shared pom.xml. but It happens when we mix direct & transitive dependencies. So we shall not mix direct & transitive dependencies specially their versions! Doing so can cause unpredictable outcome. Below are few errors being reported by people due to wrong use of dependencies.
The import cucumber.api.junit cannot be resolved
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gherkin/IGherkinDialectProvider
import cucumber.api.DataTable; cannot be resolved
Solution: You can add below set of minimal cucumber dependencies. In case you are using info.cukes dependencies, please start using io.cucumber dependencies as
info.cuke is is pretty old dependency having last version as 1.2.5 and no support is being provided after September 2016 and
io.cucumber is the latest one having version from 2 - 4.3 where we can see all the latest updates from Cucumber team
I tried this in my POM.XML and it's works:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->

Need all the jar files to use Rest Assured in eclipse

Can someone provide me the link to download all the jar(s) for restassured to use in eclipse.
I am using a normal java project (not maven) and trying to create a test case for a web service.
When I add restassured3.0.0.jar to eclipse, I was getting class not found exceptions and I added all the required jar files.
This how my library looks like (see in image).
Now, I remained with the error,
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/restassured/mapper/factory/GsonObjectMapperFactory
Please help me in understanding this.
You can download all JAR's you need from
Please find the below required maven dependencies for the Rest Assured project...
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Optional dependencies -->
<!-- Test dependencies -->

How do I get Spring Data REST 2.0 RC1 to work?

I got Spring Data REST 1.1.0.M1 working, but would like to try version 2.0.
Here's my POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<project xmlns=""
<name>Spring Milestones</name>
When I try SDR 2.0.0.R1, I get ClassNotFoundException: and when I try HATEOAS 0.9, I get IllegalArgumentException: Content must not be a collection! Use Resources instead!
You need to upgrade to the correct set of dependency versions. If you want to upgrade to Spring Data REST 2.0, you also need to upgrade to the according versions of other Spring Data modules contained in the release train. So you'll need:
Spring Data REST 2.0.0.RC1
Spring Data JPA 1.5.0.RC1 (as indicated in the POM of Spring Data REST)
Spring HATEOAS 0.9.0.RELEASE (also indicated in the POM of Spring Data REST)