keep arrow visible fancybox - fancybox

In the photo gallery of Fancybox, the slide show has arrows disappearing and reappearing when moving the mouse.
I want the arrows to remain visible. I used
.fancybox-nav span {
visibility: visible;}
but no result.

You can use idleTime option to change idle time or to disable completely -
$.fancybox.defaults.idleTime = false;


Unity - Change current Toggle's selected color only when clicking on toggle from the same group

I have a menu with 4 toggles (belonging to the same group), and I'm trying to make it so that when I click on Toggle #1, it goes from white to yellow (this part is easy, Color tint transition on Toggle component), but I'd also like for the toggle to STAY yellow as long as another toggle hasn't been clicked.
This part is hard, because the "selected" color of the Color Tint transition goes back to "normal" every time I click anywhere else than Toggle #1, including anywhere on the screen.
Demonstration of toggle clicks (sorry about watermark
I've tried a couple solutions using scripts, event triggers and such, but It never truly works as intended, and I like the transition effects between states that the Color Tint transition brings.
Thanks in advance for your answers, and have a nice day !

Unity Panel Interaction Issue

I have two panels in unity 2d directly overlapping each other and they use scroll panels so I can scroll down. I have it set so when one is accessed, the other is pulled up, but when they swap the other panel is grey and I cannot interact with it, but when I attempt to scroll the other panel scrolls instead, even though it is hidden and turned off.
I suspect that this is a bug in the code. It's possible, that when the user presses the scroll button in the first panel, and then releases the button, the second panel's scroll button thinks, it's already been pressed by the user, when in fact it isn't.
Set it up in such a way, that when you release the button on a scrollbar (the first scroll bar), it resets the click on the scrollbars connected to it (a second scroll bar).

How to stop brush drag when mouse leaves the chart area

The issue is this:
left-click in the chart area and HOLD the left button
now the brush-drag is active: we can move the mouse around and the area will follow
but when we exit the chart area (e.g. far to the right on the grey area) and then release the mouse button (still on the grey area), the brush-drag mode gets stuck
what I mean is, when you now move the mouse back to the chart area, the brush-drag is still active: i.e. the mouse move will resize the brush area although the left-mouse button is NOT pressed down anymore
this will only stop when you make another click inside the chart area
How can we avoid this?
what I want to happen is that the brush area just selects all the data (until the border of the chart) and then stops: i.e. it should do the same as when I release the mouse button in the chart
So I thought I can just send a mouseup event when the mouse leaves the chart area - but this does not work
I also did not find a suitable action in the echart-docs
Here is a full jsfiddle example and the mouseup event that I tried to send:
const mouseUpEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseup');
var echartsDom = myChart.getDom();
var canceled = echartsDom.dispatchEvent(mouseUpEvent);
This was a bug echarts#10675 that has been fixed in version 4.5.0

jQuery fancyBox how to prevent dragging the popup vertically

I am using fancyBox to display an HTML element as a popup (inline type).
That works fine, but the user is able to move the popup vertically with the mouse or with touch.
This behaviour seems to be standard (check the HTML example on
Question: is there a way to prevent this vertical movement?
Setting the modal option to true achieves this, but then the close button is removed as well, which is not what I want.
Thanks, Willem
Use touch/vertical option for that:
touch: {
vertical: true, // Allow to drag content vertically
momentum: true // Continue movement after releasing mouse/touch when panning

Stop AddThis buttons from sliding into place

I am using the AddThis Sharing Sidebar.
Every time a page loads, the sidebar slides into position from the center of the screen.
How can I stop this sliding animation?
I just want the Sharing Sidebar on the side of my page, without any sliding animation.
Did you try removing the css classes addthis-animated and/or slideInLeft from the div tag with id at4-share ?