String collector/Constants in MDriven (For Time Picklists) - mdriven

The goal is to create a date and time picker for a viewmodel in MDriven.
Date-wise, this is easily achieved by making set variable of date type.
When it comes to the time aspects, it seems to be a little more tricky since a time type does not exist, for obvious reasons.
(Yes, before you suggest so, I have already read How do I set Date AND time picker in MDriven? and it did not help fully.
We have tried to work our way around this by letting the user write their desired time in a column of Int-form and implementing constraints that disallows users to write something other than that of "hhmm". Whilst this worked, it is not practical and slows down the user-experience.
Ideally, we would like to have a picklist where the user gets to chose pre-made times (i.e 16:00, 16:30, 17:00 etc). This way, the format of the chosen time would never break the framework in which we want to make use of the time later on, since it is limited.
How could this be attained? Surely there is a way to create constants (like hard-coded, solely visible variables), or perhaps you could collect instances of string with a specific operator for this use?

I think you want a set of usual values to choose from. But possibly the chosen value could be changed by the user.
I would declare a class TimeValueStore. In this class I would have an attribute with only the time part set of a datetime, so 0000-00-00 16:00. I would add a admin UI to maintain these. (I can parse the DateTime back from a string with DateTime.Parse(vTimeStringValue)).
In the UI I can then have a combobox with TimeValueStore.allinstances.
When the user changes the picked value in the combo the value can be assigned to a viewmodel variable vPickedTime.
I would also have a DateTimePicker that sets a date in vPickedDate.
In a button named "Apply" I would have this expression: self.TheDateTimeFinallyChoosen:=vPickedDate.Add(vPickedTime)

This doesn't solve the pick-list problem, but take a look at the example in Derived Settable attributes in the MDriven Wiki.
Using derived settable attributes might be a good way to remove complexity from the UI controls.


Change or override automatic "update" timestamp of Vapor 4 model

I have a model in my Vapor app that has a timestamp that gets automatically updated to the current time whenever the model gets modified:
#Timestamp(key: "last_modification_date", on: .update, format: .unix)
var lastModificationDate: Date?
I find this feature to be incredibly useful because one can never forget to update the timestamp.
However, there is one case in the entire app where it would be really handy if I could modify the model without changing this value (or set it manually to a value other than the current time). Is this possible somehow?
So far I found nothing about this in the documentation or anywhere on the internet. Any help would be very much appreciated!
Unfortunately there's no way to workaround the timestamp logic in Fluent. If you want to modify a model without setting the update field you'll need to drop down to SQLKit or a raw query

Most Performant way to implement time-dependent status

Central to a project I'm working on is a highlighting-mechanic that can be applied to certain items on the website. The idea is, that this highlighted-status is only active for a certain amount of time.
I'm trying to find the most performant way to achieve this (in querying, setting status, checking status and revoking it)
A first approach would be to set simply set a value 'highlighted:true' to the item. This seems to be the most performant way to query for highlighted items. The Drawback I see here, is that there also needs to be stored a date for the highlighting-action, but furthermore there needs to run an interval to check on the highlighted items and potentially revoke their highlighted status. Also the exact moment when the item stops beeing highlighted can't be determined exactly, since its depending on the interval of the check-function.
A second approach would be to mainly store the date of the highlighting-action and run the query against it. It seems that the query of highlighted objects is way less performant, since every item ever is beeing checked, and on top its not just a boolean, but a proper function that throws those differnt date-values around to check if it is still valid. On the upside there is no external cleanup-function neccessary and every highlighting period ends perfectly on time.
Would love to have your input on this. Is there maybe a clever pattern on this?

FileMaker Pro 14 - Pass Variable From Button Press

I have a number of columns, and I want to be able to have the user press the label for each column to sort the data alphabetically\numerically by that field.
I can already accomplish this rather easily, but not very efficiently. I could make one script for each column and set it to sort by that column, perhaps even creating a global variable to keep track of the direction. Instead, I'd like to reduce it to one script and pass a variable to the script based on what button\label was pressed.
So far I've found people saying you can change the color of each one and get the variable that way, but I don't want the category headers to be different colors. Yes, I could simply use a one-step process for each one, but no way to reverse it when they click it a second time. Any ideas?
You can pass a script parameter where you specify the script to be performed on the button. From there, you can specify what field to sort on and if you like, set global variables for how the fields were sorted (order and name) that you can use in conditional formatting to give visual feedback.
There are lots of techniques out there for this, but this is one I have used especially for arbitrarily large data sets where sorts should not be done on calculations.

Access: Forms, Subforms and Queries

According to the searching I've done over the past couple of days, what I'm trying to achieve should be fairly straightforward but nothing that I've found has solved my problems. This is my first time at using Access, or SQL at all. Apologies in advance for the length of the question.
Essentially I need to pick up a value from one table and multiply it by another in the another table, and then store the result in the second table, via forms and subforms.
The Problem:
I'm attempting to create a database of projects, part of which is a quotation tool. The database has several tables covering all the required inputs for our project managers, most of which are linked to the PKs of their parent tables.
My current attempt has a form (frmJobDetails) giving the details of the each project (linked to tblJobs). This form has two subforms:
frmJobRolesSubform details who's working on the project in what role ( and, notably, their sale rate.
frmJobProcessesSubform details the tasks, who's allocated to which task and the estimated number of hours to complete.
Both subforms link to their own tables (tblJobs_Roles and tblJobs_Processes respectively).
frmJobProcessesSubform obtains the people working on the project and their roles from frmJobRolesSubform so the manager can allocate a person to a task on frmJobProcessesSubform. This is done via a combobox: cboRole.
So far, so good.
I'm needing to obtain the sale rate of the person working on the given task so that I can calculate the cost of the task. Specifically, I'd like a field on the subform to calculate the cost of the task and then store it in tblJobs_Processes.
My Attempts
I've attempted to build a query (qryProcessCost) that calls cboRole, either as an expression in the Field cell or in the Criteria cell ([Forms]![frmJobsProcessesSubform]![cboRole]).
I'm aware this can't successfully when the form isn't active, but I'm getting Access' request for input for [Forms]![frmJobsProcessesSubform]![cboRole] when selecting from the subform. The query runs successfully when example values are hardcoded into the query. The query should, obviously, only return a single value.
I've tried setting the ControlSource of a textbox to [qryProcessCost]![dblProcessCost] (where dblProcessCost is the calculated field), but this can't then write to the table (as far as I can deduce). Also, I get a #Name? error in the cell and I can't seem to get to the bottom of that.
I've tried setting the RecordSource property of a combobox to SELECT [qryProcessCost]![dblProcessCost] FROM [qryProcessCost], and the ControlSource to the relevant field of the table. While this would be a clunky solution, it actually doesn't work anyway as it fails to pick up the value of [Forms]![frmJobsProcessesSubform]![cboRole].
I've tried using an intermediate textbox to determine what value cboRole is passing, and I'm happy with that - the primary key of the role assigned in frmJobsRolesSubform.
The Question:
I'm guessing that I'm probably going to have to resort to VBA at this point to get what I want but I'm unfamiliar with the Access VBA structures (though I've used Excel VBA a fair bit).
Anyone got any ideas, hints, suggestions or pointers?
Cheers in advance,
In case anyone else has a similar problem, I've posted my complete solution below:
I implemented Gene's correction to my references, which provided something, but the query wouldn't update when the fields on the form were changed. As I noted in the question, I also really wanted it to be a text box rather than a combo box for usability reasons but wasn't sure how to have a Record Source and Control Source for a text box.
I ended up going round in circles, via VBA and macros and several types of error and happened upon a suggestion to use a DLookUp here. I hadn't been able to get them to work for this particular problem before, but I managed to make it work this time. Specifically, I put the DLookUp in the following macro:
Control Name txtBudgetCost
Property Value
Value =DLookUp("[dblCostRate]","[tblJobs_Roles]","[pkJobs_RoleID]="[cboRole])*[txtBudg‌​etHours]
This macro was used for the After Update event of the relevant fields on the subform.
Setting the value property of a field to a DLookUp meant that I could set the Control Source property of a the text box txtBudgetCost to the relevant field in the table, to obtain the desired behaviour.
Both cboRole and txtBudgetHours are fields on the same subform as the field txtBudgetCost.
The only problem with this solution is that, when the subform is viewed in the Datasheet view, a #Name? error is given for the new record row. I probably just need to enter some error handling somewhere, though I haven't given much thought for what it should be just yet.

How to make an InArgument's value dependant upon the value of another InArgument at design time

I have a requirement to allow a user to specify the value of an InArgument / property from a list of valid values (e.g. a combobox). The list of valid values is determined by the value of another InArgument (the value of which will be set by an expression).
For instance, at design time:
User enters a file path into workflow variable FilePath
The DependedUpon InArgument is set to the value of FilePath
The file is queried and a list of valid values is displayed to the user to select the appropriate value (presumably via a custom PropertyValueEditor).
Is this possible?
Considering this is being done at design time, I'd strongly suggest you provide for all this logic within the designer, rather than in the Activity itself.
Design-time logic shouldn't be contained within your Activity. Your Activity should be able to run independent of any designer. Think about it this way...
You sit down and design your workflow using Activities and their designers. Once done, you install/xcopy the workflows to a server somewhere else. When the server loads that Activity prior to executing it, what happens when your design logic executes in CacheMetadata? Either it is skipped using some heuristic to determine that you are not running in design time, or you include extra logic to skip this code when it is unable to locate that file. Either way, why is a server executing this design time code? The answer is that it shouldn't be executing it; that code belongs with the designers.
This is why, if you look at the framework, you'll see that Activities and their designers exist in different assemblies. Your code should be the same way--design-centric code should be delivered in separate assemblies from your Activities, so that you may deliver both to designers, and only the Activity assemblies to your application servers.
When do you want to validate this, at design time or run time?
Design time is limited because the user can use an expression that depends on another variable and you can't read the value from there at design time. You can however look at the expression and possibly deduce an invalid combination that way. In this case you need to add code to the CacheMetadata function.
At run time you can get the actual values and validate them in the Execute function.