Was Ionic 4 Beta removed from NPM? - ionic-framework

Looks like the beta version of Ionic 4 was removed from NPM
is this correct?
if so is it going to be added Ionic 5.beta?

You might confuse Ionic CLI (i.e. the package you link to) and #ionic/core library, which version 4.0.0-beta.0 was announced in Ionic Blog.


Ionic - Angular with Capacitor on Android : All app updates must use Billing Library version 4 or newer. in-app-purchase-2

Version used: "#awesome-cordova-plugins/in-app-purchase-2": "^5.46.0",
Actions on Webstorm (ionic project) :
ionic build
npx cap sync
npx cap open android
Actions on Android Studio:
Generate a signed bundle
Actions on google play console:
Create new release with the signed bundle
Warning on google play :
We've detected that this app is using an old version of Google Play Billing. By November 1, 2022, all app updates must use Billing Library version 4 or newer. Update to Billing Library 4 before this date.
What I tried without success:
Add these two lines in the build.graddle:app and in capacitor.build.graddle and in the capacitor-cordova-android-plugins/build.graddle:
dependencies {
implementation "com.android.billingclient:billing:5.0.0"
What I want:
How do I update the PlayBillingLibrary from ionic and have it be taken into account with Capacitor when i sync my app on android (npx cap sync) ?
Thanks in advance
You need to update cordova-plugin-purchase to version 11.0.0 or higher (see RELEASE_NOTES.md).

How to update ionic framework applications?

I have app build with #ionic/angular#5.0, which used #angular#8.
I want to update to current version of ionic (and angular).
How should I do it and in what order (ionic docs say nothing :/ )
ng update #angular/core #angular/cli
npm i -s #ionic/angular
Added more notes to the docs issue you opened. this would make for a good dedicated page. In the mean time, in your case, you're already on the latest Ionic (v5 as of august 2020), so this is more about Angular. Follow their update guide - it's very helpful and tells you exactly what commands to run.
Generally, updating Ionic varies by framework, but for Angular:
npm i #ionic/angular#latest
and do the same for other #ionic/angular packages

Is there any signature pad plugin available in ionic framework 5.2.1

Is there any signature pad available in ionic framework latest version 5? I used this in ionic 3 https://devdactic.com/signature-drawpad-ionic-2/ how to update it to latest version?
Im using this one: https://github.com/lathonez/angular2-signaturepad-demo/blob/master/src/app/signature-field/signature-field.component.ts
it work fine with ionic 4

How to keep both ionic 1, 3, version in my system

Initaially i was working with ionic 1.7.6 version with many apps. And by today some how i have changed to version 3.0.0. Now when i open my old projects under package.json i see the version as 3.0.0 instead of 1.7.6. And when i do sudo ionic build android it throws me some error to upgrade the version.
So now i have uninstall the ionic & cordova from my system.
Now i want to keep ionic 1 version 1.7.6 as well as ionic 3 version 3.0.0 how can i do it now.
so when ever i open the ionic 1 project i need to work on angularjs with ionic 1 version.
And when ever i open the project that i have created with version 3 i need to work with latest version of angular is with ionic 3..
please some one expalain me what should i need to do ??
Thank in advance !
I suspect you have installed ionic globally. If you want to run the local/project version of ionic you need to sudo ./node_modules/ionic/ionic ....
This will be the version of ionic as defined in the package.json of the project.
You can tuck this nicely away however using npm scripts (in your package.json):
"scripts": {
"ionic": "sudo ./node_modules/ionic/ionic build "
Ten simply execute npm run ionic -- android

what are all the packages,plugins,dependencies need for build a ionic 2 app?

I am new to ionic 2 framework and angular 2 framework.Before going to ionic 2,i were studied the basic introduction about ionic 1.
While considering ionic 1 Framework,if i am going to build a app(works on both android and ios)
we need following things to build an app using ionic framework 1(for Example)
Package bower provides following files for ionic 1 support.
On my point of view, from my search results,i were found following for ionic 2 support.
Angular 2
Ionic 2
Could any one tell me,what are the packages,plugins,dependencies need for build an ionic2 mobile app?
First install ionic and cordova
>_ npm install -g ionic cordova
Then download one of the ionic 2 templates.
>_ npm ionic start testapp sidemenu --v2
Then just check the package.json
its all outlined here https://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/setup/installation/