OpenShift / Kubernetes explanation for each of the template fields - kubernetes

Sorry if this sounds like I'm lazy, but I've search around, around and around, but couldn't find it!
I'm looking for a reference that explains each of the fields that may exist in an OpenShift / Kubernetes template, e.g. what possible values there are.

The templates you get in OpenShift are OpenShift specific and not part of Kubernetes. If you mean the purpose of each of the possible fields you can specify for a parameter, you can run oc explain template. For example:
$ oc explain template.parameters
RESOURCE: parameters <[]Object>
parameters is an optional array of Parameters used during the Template to
Config transformation.
Parameter defines a name/value variable that is to be processed during the
Template to Config transformation.
description <string>
Description of a parameter. Optional.
displayName <string>
Optional: The name that will show in UI instead of parameter 'Name'
from <string>
From is an input value for the generator. Optional.
generate <string>
generate specifies the generator to be used to generate random string from
an input value specified by From field. The result string is stored into
Value field. If empty, no generator is being used, leaving the result Value
untouched. Optional. The only supported generator is "expression", which
accepts a "from" value in the form of a simple regular expression
containing the range expression "[a-zA-Z0-9]", and the length expression
"a{length}". Examples: from | value -----------------------------
"test[0-9]{1}x" | "test7x" "[0-1]{8}" | "01001100" "0x[A-F0-9]{4}" |
"0xB3AF" "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}" | "hW4yQU5i"
name <string> -required-
Name must be set and it can be referenced in Template Items using
${PARAMETER_NAME}. Required.
required <boolean>
Optional: Indicates the parameter must have a value. Defaults to false.
value <string>
Value holds the Parameter data. If specified, the generator will be
ignored. The value replaces all occurrences of the Parameter ${Name}
expression during the Template to Config transformation. Optional.
You can find more information in:
If that isn't what you mean, you will need to be more specific as to what you mean. If you are talking about fields on any resource object (templates are specific type of resource object in OpenShift), you can use oc explain on any of them, pass the name of the resource type as argument, and then a dotted path as you traverse into fields. If using plain Kubernetes, you can use kubectl explain.


JSON path semantics different in kubectl and additional printer columns in custom resource definition

I use kubectl to list Kubernetes custom resources of a kind mykind with an additional table column LABEL that contains the value of a label if present:
kubectl get mykind -o=custom-columns=LABEL:.metadata.labels.'a\.b\.c\.com/key'
This works, i.e., the label value is properly displayed.
Subsequently, I wanted to add a corresponding additional printer column to the custom resource definition of mykind:
- description: Label value
jsonPath: .metadata.labels.'a\.b\.c\.com/key'
name: LABEL
type: string
Although the additional column is added to kubectl get mykind, it is empty and no label value is shown (in contrast to above kubectl command). My only suspicion were problems with escaping of the special characters - but no variation helped.
Are you aware of any difference between the JSON path handling in kubectl and additional printer columns? I expected strongly that they are exactly the same.
mdaniel's comment works!
- description: Label value
jsonPath: '.metadata.labels.a\.b\.c\.com/key'
name: LABEL
type: string
You need to use \. instead of . and use single quotes ' '. It doesn't work with double quotes for the reasons I don't understand

Firestore security rules passing wildcard variable to path

I have the following security rules:
match /collection1/{doc_id} {
allow read: if (get(/databases/$(database)/documents/collection2/$(doc_id)).author ==
What I am doing is that I am trying to pass the wildcard variable from the parent path doc_id into the path of get method. The read access of this doc in collection1 depends on the author field of a document with the same id in another collection collection2. I don't believe that the way I am passing doc_id as $(doc_id) is correct, as I get an error of: Property author is undefined on object
I have also tried (doc_id) and \doc_id, but they are syntaxilly wrong. How do I pass a wildcard variable to a path then?
You're missing a data in there, which is needed to get at the fields of the document:

How to get the id of the run from within a component?

I'm doing some experimentation with Kubeflow Pipelines and I'm interested in retrieving the run id to save along with some metadata about the pipeline execution. Is there any way I can do so from a component like a ContainerOp?
You can use kfp.dsl.EXECUTION_ID_PLACEHOLDER and kfp.dsl.RUN_ID_PLACEHOLDER as arguments for your component. At runtime they will be replaced with the actual values.
I tried to do this using the Python's DSL but seems that isn't possible right now.
The only option that I found is to use the method that they used in this sample code. You basically declare a string containing {{workflow.uid}}. It will be replaced with the actual value during execution time.
You can also do this in order to get the pod name, it would be {{}}.
Since kubeflow pipeline relies on argo, you can use argo variable to get what you want.
For example,
def dummy(run_id, run_name) -> str:
return run_id, run_name
def test_pipeline():
dummy('{{workflow.labels.pipeline/runid}}', '{{}}')
You will find that the placeholders will be replaced with the correct run_id and run_name.
For more argo variables:
To Know what are recorded in the labels and annotation in the kubeflow pipeline run, just get the corresponding workflow from k8s.
kubectl get workflow/XXX -oyaml
create_run_from_pipeline_func which returns RunPipelineResult, and has run_id attribute
client = kfp.Client(host)
result = client.create_run_from_pipeline_func(…)
Your component's container should have an environment variable called HOSTNAME that is set to its unique pod name, from which you derive all necessary metadata.

How to note a calculated default value in OAS3

I'm updating my API spec (OAS 3.0.0), and am having trouble understanding how to properly model a "complex" default value.
In general, default values for parameters are scalar values (i.e. the field offset has a default value of 0). But in the API I'm spec'ing, the default value is actually calculated based on other provided parameters.
For example, what if we take the Pet model from the example documentation, and decide that all animals need to be tagged. If the user of the API wants to supply a tag, great. If not, it will be equal to the name.
One possibility:
- id
- name
type: integer
format: int64
type: string
type: string
default: '#/components/schemas/Pet/name'
This stores the path value as the default, but I'd like to have it explain that the default value will be calculated.
Bonus points if I can encode information from a parent schema.
Is the alternative to just describe the behavior in a description field?
OpenAPI Specification does not support dynamic/conditional defaults. You can only document the behavior verbally in the description.
That said, you can use specification extensions (x-...) to add custom information to your definitions, like so:
type: string
x-default: name
type: string
propertyName: name
# or similar
and extend the tooling to support your custom extensions.

how to see keys member of illustration hashtable in powershell?

I am customizing ADFS 3.0 login page with PowerShell command.
I am able to apply iilustration image with following command.
Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Illustration #{path="C:\ADFS\bg.jpg"}
But I want use property background-repeat= repeat-x but I don't know the key name of this hashtable.
Can any body no how to use this property?
The -Illustration parameter does not accept CSS directives like background-repeat or the likes.
From the TechNet documentation:
-Illustration <Hashtable[]>
Specifies an array of Hashtable objects that specify illustrations by using two string keys: Locale and Path.
Locale is a CultureInfo object. Path is a file path. If you do not specify a locale, Locale refers to the invariant locale.