Expand-all for Confluence UI-Expand macro - macros

I've poked around Google and the Atlassian forums about this, and have not found an answer to this anywhere.
I'm trying to come up with an "Expand All" button for the UI Expand (important: not the regular Expand) macro.
I found this link in the Atlassian forum. I've been messing around with it, but I haven't been able to get it to work in my Confluence pages. I suspect that part of the problem is the UI Expand naming convention -- the link, which assumes the regular Expand macro, uses ".expand-control", but I'm wondering if it needs to be something like ui-expand, ui-expand-control, RWUI, etc. I've tried different combinations, and haven't gotten it to work.
Has anyone else come across this? Has anyone figured this out?
Thanks in advance...

I figured it out! The correct class name is rwui_expand.
I took the code from the Atlassian forum and changed it from this:
jQuery(".expand-control").each(function(){ jQuery(this).trigger("click");})
to this...
jQuery(".rwui_expand").each(function(){ jQuery(this).trigger("click");})
Works like a champ!


joomla accordion module with sortable headings

I have an issue with Joomla I've been battling with for a while now and I can't seem to see the answer. So I was hoping maybe someone out there might be able to help. First post so go easy on me.
I'm in the process of making a portfolio website for myself and can't seem to get my head around the SP_accordion module I'm using. I have it working and everything displaying everything it should and how it should.
I need, or should I say I also would like it to have a "header" with 3 columns that only effect the un-expanded accordion and are "sortable".
A perfect example of what I would like can be found #Jkarch.at
I have found an abundence of code for accordions and plenty of modules for joomla but I can't for the life of me find any help to create a 3 column accordion module for joomla 3. I'm not the most brilliant at web based applications or coding but I believe I can and usually do figure the most out myself but this is kicking my A*S.
So if anyone has a spare minute or to help it would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks again...

adding Contact/Number into Textview/textfield like default MessageComposer did

As like my other questions I tried to search for this. But I didn't get anything.
Maybe my path is wrong. Please direct me.
Here is my Question : I have a UITextView. In that I am going to add Numbers, Names and contacts.
I want to show each number separately as MessageComPoser did.
Does anybody know how to make this?
If my question is not worthy, give me the correct answer then downvote.
(For my questions somebody downvoted without even giving any answer!!)
There is no way to do this using apple's native framework, they didn't provided any controls for doing the same.
You can use the TTMssageRecipientField provided by Three20 framework.
I found the Answer. I don't want to use Three20 library since it is Very difficult to use in my project.
So i Found Awesome Link. That gives me the answer.
I used this Code It May HelpFull To many users, specially for those who Upvoted This question.
Exellent Code

Custom Double Handle Slider

I was wondering if anyone had some code, or knew of a place that has code for creating a double handled slider. (EX. Kayak application filter results time, has a slider with thumbs on both ends to create a range.) I am looking to do something similar using a double slider to search for a range of ages on a person array.
Any help would be great!
I created a double slider and posted it on GitHub.
Blog post: http://dev.doukasd.com/2010/08/double-slider/
GitHub page: https://github.com/doukasd/iOS-Components/tree/master/Controls/DoubleSlider
Let me know how it works for you.
Hey, I wrote one and posted it to git hub, too. Wish I'd seen Dimitris' earlier!
I just found a really nice one. There is an article on how it was built and on the second page a link to the github repository. It looks like something Apple would have done!
Wicked Double Slider
Posting this as I have a need for a really nice slider, found this page first, with so-so reviews of the projects, then later tripped on what appears to be a commercial quality project

How to integrate TinyMce with Zend Framework with Gzipping and Image managers?

I have done some research on this subject, and found out, that Gzipping and adding a new image manager through a plugin would not be as difficult. The only question is the Image manager.
I have seen some quite good ones, like the Image Manager for JCE, which is a Joomla wysiwyg editor, but none for TinyMce for itself.
Could someone show me a good image plugin?
P.S. SwampyFoot is out of question, as it's download links are broken, and PhP Letters Ajax image manager is quite hard to install.
EDIT: I just found Mad File Manager, which seems to work excelently except for a little glitch: An image can be uploaded, but cant be selected... Thats sad...
EDIT2: I've found KCFinder, which seems to be very promising, but I just can't get it to work properly. Somehow, the configuration is quite difficult.
Ok, So I have been able to answer my question myself. So here it goes:
Set up TinyMce with Sozfo solution. The important ting to remember here is, instead of extending your Forms from Zend_Form, you have to extend them from Sozfo_Form. As to the defining your own extendable controller, it didnt work for me, So I put the path defining helpers in my Bootstrap. And if the whole ordeal works, there is a textarea that should have TinyMCE controls, but there aren't any, try checking the comments at Sozfo, or checking if the page is cached or not. It took me a good hour, to find out, that the only reason why no JavaScript was pushed to the header was because of a very persistent cache.
Set up KCFinder. The main problems I faced here were due to wrong paths to corresponding files. When the paths were correct, the only thing to remember is to enable it. There is a boolean to change in configuration file.
The last issue was adding the KCFinder to my Tinymce, and what I ended up doing was, I added the function needed to call KCFinder in TinyMCE.php View helper. ( Due to some glitch I seem to be unable to post the code here). Once you have set up your paths correctly, everything should work splendidly.
All in all, it took me about 3 days to figure this whole thing out. Talk about steep learning curve...
Have you looked at MCImageManager - its not free but its an option if you're happy to pay for it
Not really a suggest as you've got it but swampy foot download does work
As you're already using zend framework, why not use dojo, set up the dojo form and call the editor element and integrate this http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog into it?

How can I search in an UIWebView?

I need to perform search in an html page displayed in a UIWebView control. The functionality I need is something that Safari has, when you hit command/ctrl F for searching the document for some word and the program highlights the hits for you. Is there any easy solution for this problem?
I know it's been a long time since you asked this question, but it's still a pretty common question people have so I put together a sample project in case anyone else is asking the same question. The project is a super simple app that loads an HTML file and can search and highlight any keyword. You can download the sample project here:
Edit: changed link above as the old one had broken.
You could do this with javascript. Check out the "Find in this page" bookmarklet:
Something like that, combined with:
might do the trick.