chaostoolkit why do we have create new nodepool for creating chaos - chaos

I am new to ChaosToolKit, Can someone help me in understanding why do we have create new nodepool as part of creating chaos (Google Cloud Engine) ?

You don't have to create a new node pool. This is an action that can achieve this operation when you want to test the impact of that functionnality against your platform. So, in essence, if you are unsure if adding a new nodepool could degrade your system, this action would help you try that scenario.


How to create a programmable Kubernetes cron service?

I have read about Kubernetes CronJobs, but I'm looking for a more flexible scheduling solution (I'm using GKE). In particular, I have a web app that, upon some user setting a checkbox on a dashboard, I want to trigger some service every X minutes. If the user clears the checkbox, the trigger will stop. I was hoping there are such ready-made services. What's the best approach here?
I want to trigger some service every X minutes. If the user clears the checkbox, the trigger will stop
The simplest way to do this would be to have your web app create a CronJob in kubernetes API when user enables this, and deletes that object when he disables it.
Though I'm not sure something like this would scale very well. Depends on your app. Going with Kubernetes Cronjobs, each job would create a pod, allocating resources, pull image, start container, run stuff, terminate. There's some overhead that could be avoided -- depending on what you're doing, this may or might not make sense. Another way to do this would be to implement some jobs queue in your application.
Eg: in NodeJS, I would use something like bee-queue, bull or kue. A single "worker" could then process jobs from multiple users, in parallel, and/or with some concurrency limit, ... A timer (eg: node-schedule) could trigger jobs. Web frontend deals with enabling or disabling timers one behalf of users, user selection may be kept in whatever SGBD/noSGBD you have available. Or even in a ConfigMap (data has sizes limitation!).
With a couple workers (running as Deployments or StatefulSet), some master/slave redis setup, I should be able to deal with lots of different jobs. Maybe add some HorizontalPodAutoscaler, allowing for adding/removing workers depending on CPU or memory usage of your workers.
While if I were to create kubernetes CronJobs for each user requesting something, that could make for a lot of Pods to schedule, potentially waisting resources or testing my cluster limits.
Triggering schedules is a typical use case of Google cloud functions, that is the serverless approach.
I think it's also cost effective, instead of GKE.
Look at these docs:
You might use a cloud function to invoke a GKE CronJob, or a kubernetes replica set creation with replicas 1 using an image for the scheduled job. It might be a spring boot micro-service with the #Scheduled and actual schedule loaded from parameters. To disable the schedule you scale down the pod to 0 replicas.
Remember that in order to access the VPC of GKE nodes you need a VPC access because cloud functions are serverless.
Anyway you can understand that GKE is a cumbersome and costly approach.

How to (properly) Create Jobs On Demand

What I would like to do
I would like to create a Kubernetes workflow where users could POST jobs whenever they wanted, and they might do it at any time, not necessarily scheduling anything (CronJobs), or specifying parallelism or completion requirements, i.e., users could create Jobs on demand.
How I would do it right now
The way I'm thinking about accomplishing this is by simply applying the Jobs to the Kubernetes cluster (I also have to make sure the job doesn't have the same name of a current one because otherwise Kubernetes will think it's a mistake and won't create another one). However, this feels improper because the Jobs will be kind of scattered on the cluster and I would lose control over them (though Kubernetes would supposedly automatically manage them optimally).
Is there a better, proper a way?
I imagine a more proper way of configuring all this is to create some sort of Deployment and Service on top of the Jobs, but is that an existing feature on Kubernetes? Huge companies probably have had this problem in the past so I wonder: what are the best practices for this Kubernetes Jobs On Demand use case?
Not a full answer but you might be interested in this project:
It provides an API to launch one-time tasks as Jobs on a Kubernetes cluster, handles input/output files via GCS and periodically cleans up finished Jobs.

Azure Service Fabric deployment

I am doing API deployment to Service Fabric Nodes, and it is by default going to D drive (Temp drive), I would like to change this default behavior and deploy it to another drive or C drive to avoid application loss in case of VMSS deallocation. How can I do this?
You say you want to do this to avoid application loss, however:
SF already replicates your application package to multiple machines when you Register the application package in the Image Store (part of the provisioning/deployment process)
Generally, if you want your application code and config to be safe, keeping it somewhere outside the cluster (wherever you're deploying from, or in blob storage) is usually a better answer.
SF doesn't really support deallocating the VMs out from under it and then bringing them back later. See the FAQ answer here.
So overall I'm not sure that what you're trying to do is the right solution to your real problem, and it looks like you're heading into multiple unsupported scenarios, which usually means there's some misunderstanding.
That all said, of course, it's configurable.
Within a node type, you can specify the dataPath (example here). However, it's not recommended that you change this.
"settings": {
"dataPath": "D:\\\\SvcFab",

how to achieve spring cloud config server canary

Trying to wrap my mind around canary rollout of a config change. All the app instances are using the same profile & label.
Essentially i want to apply a dynamic change but not to all app instances at once.
Any thoughts ? I want to avoid writing any consumer side logic for this.

Apache Marathon app and container relation

I would like to understand the relation between a Marathon App and a container. Is it really so, that a Marathon App definition can contain only a single container definition (1:1)? As far as I understand the Marathon REST API, link attached, the answer is yes.
But then are we supposed to use App Groups in order to define such complex applications that are built from more than a single container? I have checked Kubernetes, and the idea of "pod" in that case seems to be very convenient to build such applications, that are composed by multiple containers, which containers in the same pod have a single network stack, and application scaling happens on pod level.
Can we say, that Kubernetes pod corresponds to Marathon App Group? Or should I not try to find any similarities, but rather I should better understand Marathon philosophy?
Thank you!
An app in Marathon specifies how to spawn tasks of that application. While you can specify how many tasks you want to spawn, every single on of these tasks only corresponds to one command or container.
To help you, I would need to understand more about your use case.
Groups can be used to organize related apps including dependencies. The tasks of the apps will not necessarily be co-located on the same host.
If you need co-location, you need to either create a container with multiple processed or use constraints to directly specify on which host you want to run the tasks.