Why is woocommerce rest api not working? I am trying to access product details as json through woocommerce rest api - wordpress-rest-api

I am trying to access product details as json through woocommerce rest api. Rest api is enabled in backend and cusumer key and secret is also generated some how it's not working please suggest me.

You need to choose the correct authorization type which is OAuth 1.0 and then you input your consumer key and secret in the empty fields.

You can not authenticate just by passing the CK and CS in the payload.
You need to use the appropriate authentication method for the call to the end point:
HTTPS - Basic authentication
HTTP - oAuth 1
As Basic authentication is easier, and HTTPS is now the norm, I'd suggest that route. See my answer here for more information.


How to consume the RSA Archer REST API to fetch Report?

Unable to retrieve ANY data when I try to fetch simple content from Archer via REST API calls through Postman or Mule.
1. Is URL below correct? What am I missing?
2. How to get Reports via Archer REST API i.e what API resource to use.
Have seen the Archer REST documentation but do not find it clear enough.
Have tried GET & POST, with Authorization configured, through Postman:
https://hostname/platformapi/core/security/login https://hostname/platformapi/core/content/123
I get 'Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.' error although I am told to have access.
Please suggest proper API call/path to be used and if any specific settings is to be made to retrieve data?
Archer version: 6.5
Note: Through POSTMAN and Mule, I have successfully consumed REST API from other secured applications. Struggling with Archer.
Thank you.
The documentation for Archer REST API was mentioned in a previous answer and seems to require a login into their site: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38511131/721855
This KB article shows examples on how to use the API from Powershell: https://community.rsa.com/docs/DOC-45643. It should be easy to adapt to Postman, Mule or whatever other language/tools.
I recently had the same issue. The company had anonymous authentication disabled on the api directory. The user account running postman must have access to the api directory. If you are still getting a 401, see if you anonymous access can be enabled to rule out other non-access related issues. If you are able to generate a security token when calling core/security/login when anonymous authentication is enabled, then you know the issue is that your account did not have access to the api directory. If you are not able to make the request successfully with anonymous authentication enabled, then you know the issue is likely with the way you've structured your REST call. Hope this helps!
Authentication to any Archer API is two step process. First you have to call an authentication resource or method. That will return a session token. You must then add that token to the request headers for subsequent requests. Your header would look something like this:
Authorization: Archer session-id=439C730FF83F68EFDC017ED705D9908E
Without this header, you'll get a 401 for any request other than an authentication request.

What is the advantage of a custom API in Auth0?

I got a problem with understanding some basic thing about auth0, probably someone can help me out.
In the tutorial SPA + API one of the first lines in the TDLR is this:
Both the SPA and the API must be configured in the Auth0 Dashboard
I dont understand why I need to configure the API on Auth0. My code seems to work so can anyone help me understand if I do something wrong or what the advantages are if I actually add a custom API in my dashboard?
SPA (React)
REST API (ktor)
What I do
Created a SPA on Auth0
Login on my SPA through Auth0 to get a JWT (google token)
Sending the JWT as authentication bearer in my calls to the REST API
REST API verifies the JWT token with a JWK provider using the Auth0 url mydomain.eu.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json.
Authentication seems to work
Great question, I am assuming that your authentication request includes audience parameter which represents your custom API(Rest API)right now. In oauth2 terms, it is called Resource Server. Each resource server can have many permissions which you include in the scope when initiating the authentication request. Let's step back and talk about the token format. Auth0 issues token in two formats:
Opaque strings: When not using a custom API
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs): When using a custom API
As explained above link, the token format depends on the audience (Custom API) parameter. Therefore, when the authentication request includes audience, auth0 issues JWT token with all necessary permission. Then, you need to validate the JWT token in your API server before returning the resources to your front end client.
It should make sense why you need to create custom API in auth0 and define permissions. If you do not create custom API in auth0, there is no way to know what kind of permission you need in the token which will generate an error(invalid audience specified)

registering a rest API with OAuth

I have written a web application which makes REST API calls to a message broker. The message broker contains already written REST APIs to which can be used to get message broker data. The message broker is written in a way in which each REST API call sends the user name and password which is encoded with base64. I need to make a login to my web app and authenticate it with OAuth.Does anyone know how to do this? How to authenticate the REST APIs with OAuth?
Step 1: Add OAuth 2.0 to your web server. This is very standard with lots of libraries available. You did not specify the Identity Provider that you will use (Google, Facebook, Auth0, Okta, etc), but each vendor has documents and libraries for you to use in your desired language.
Step 2: Add an Authorization Header to your API calls. The standard method is to add the HTTP header Authorization: Bearer access_token when making an API call.
Step 3: Add OAuth token verification to your API. When your API receives a request, it extracts the Authorization header and verifies the Bearer token. How this is done depends on the Identity Provider. For example, some vendors provide a Signed JWT (which you verify with the vendors public certificate), others provide an opaque access token (which you verify by calling the vendor's token endpoint). Add internal caching of tokens so that you don't need to verify on every API call.
If you understand OAuth 2.0 the above steps are straightforward to implement. If you don't Oracle has a set of videos which are excellent for getting started understanding OAuth.
Oracle Cloud Primers
If your desired OAuth implementation does not require users logging in and is a server to server service that you control on both ends, then you can use just part of OAuth which is Signed JWT (JWS). You create a Json data structure with your desired content and sign it with a private key. This creates a token that you can use in the above steps. You would then validate the token using your public key. You can use self-generated keypairs generated by OpenSSL or similar products for your signing and verification.

How to authenticate user with Fuelphp REST?

I am new to Fuel PHP... I am working on a project with REST architecture in Fuelphp..... I didn't found any tutorial how to achieve the required functionality "User Authentication using Fuel PHP REST".
As REST server is stateless how do we use auth package of fuelphp in rest api?
As you also pointed, REST calls are somewhat stateless meaning you have no session to store.
The auth documentation has some methods which checks user credentials, but does not store authentication. There are no offical way of doing this.
One of the methods that I have used in the past is to use a token based system. You have an API token linked to an Auth user then this token is supplied in the Authorize header when making a request, the token is then checked against known tokens and if valid a forced login is performed with the Auth package.

Rest Web service Implementation with ZEND

I need to develop a REST Web Service using ZEND Framework. I am new to this area. I would like to know how can I authenticate user's requests to my web service. Assume I am giving a token to all the people who use my web service. I can ask them to pass the token on every request. But Please suggest me if there and standard / better way to implement authentication for REST web service.
Thank you.
I usually include the token in the http header with each request then on the server parse the header and validate the token.
X-Authorization-Token: <some hash value>
It's also completely acceptable to do as you are suggesting and require the user to send the token as part of the GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request as you would with a standard page. I have seen others put the value in a COOKIE as well.