Recursively Generate Hierarchy Data set using spark scala functional programming - scala

I am bit new to functional programming. How to generate the below sequence of data.
Below is the input dataset of the following columns:
1 none 1000 A
2 1 -5000 B
3 2 -2000 C
5 3 7000 D
6 4 -7000 E
4 none 7000 F
1 none 1000 none none none none
2 1 -5000 1000 none none A
3 2 -2000 -5000 1000 none B
4 none 7000 none none none none
5 3 7000 -2000 -5000 1000 C
6 4 -7000 7000 none none D

Here's one way to perform the recursive join up to a specific level:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(
(Some(1), None, Some(1000), Some("A")),
(Some(2), Some(1), Some(-5000), Some("B")),
(Some(3), Some(2), Some(-2000), Some("C")),
(Some(4), None, Some(7000), Some("D")),
(Some(5), Some(3), Some(7000), Some("E")),
(Some(6), Some(4), Some(-7000), Some("F"))
).toDF("id", "parent_id", "amt", "name")
val nestedLevel = 3
(1 to nestedLevel).foldLeft("d0") ){ (accDF, i) =>
val j = i - 1
accDF.join("d$i"), col(s"d$j.parent_id") === col(s"d$"), "left_outer")
col("") :: col("d0.parent_id") ::
col("d0.amt").as("amt") :: col("").as("name") :: (
(1 to nestedLevel) => col(s"d$i.amt").as(s"amt_$i")) :::
(1 to nestedLevel) => col(s"d$").as(s"name_$i"))
): _*
// +---+---------+-----+----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+------+
// | id|parent_id| amt|name|amt_1|amt_2|amt_3|name_1|name_2|name_3|
// +---+---------+-----+----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+------+
// | 1| null| 1000| A| null| null| null| null| null| null|
// | 2| 1|-5000| B| 1000| null| null| A| null| null|
// | 3| 2|-2000| C|-5000| 1000| null| B| A| null|
// | 4| null| 7000| D| null| null| null| null| null| null|
// | 5| 3| 7000| E|-2000|-5000| 1000| C| B| A|
// | 6| 4|-7000| F| 7000| null| null| D| null| null|
// +---+---------+-----+----+-----+-----+-----+------+------+------+


How to compute cumulative sum on multiple float columns?

I have 100 float columns in a Dataframe which are ordered by date.
ID Date C1 C2 ....... C100
1 02/06/2019 32.09 45.06 99
1 02/04/2019 32.09 45.06 99
2 02/03/2019 32.09 45.06 99
2 05/07/2019 32.09 45.06 99
I need to get C1 to C100 in the cumulative sum based on id and date.
Target dataframe should look like this:
ID Date C1 C2 ....... C100
1 02/04/2019 32.09 45.06 99
1 02/06/2019 64.18 90.12 198
2 02/03/2019 32.09 45.06 99
2 05/07/2019 64.18 90.12 198
I want to achieve this without looping from C1- C100.
Initial code for one column:
var DF1 = DF.withColumn("CumSum_c1", sum("C1").over(
I found a similar question here but he manually did it for two columns : Cumulative sum in Spark
Its a classical use for foldLeft. Let's generate some data first :
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
val df = spark.range(1000)
.withColumn("c1", 'id + 3)
.withColumn("c2", 'id % 2 + 1)
.withColumn("date", monotonically_increasing_id)
.withColumn("id", 'id % 10 + 1)
// We will select the columns we want to compute the cumulative sum of.
val columns = df.drop("id", "date").columns
val w = Window.partitionBy(col("id")).orderBy(col("date").asc)
val results = columns.foldLeft(df)((tmp_, column) => tmp_.withColumn(s"cum_sum_$column", sum(column).over(w)))
results.orderBy("id", "date").show
// +---+---+---+-----------+----------+----------+
// | id| c1| c2| date|cum_sum_c1|cum_sum_c2|
// +---+---+---+-----------+----------+----------+
// | 1| 3| 1| 0| 3| 1|
// | 1| 13| 1| 10| 16| 2|
// | 1| 23| 1| 20| 39| 3|
// | 1| 33| 1| 30| 72| 4|
// | 1| 43| 1| 40| 115| 5|
// | 1| 53| 1| 8589934592| 168| 6|
// | 1| 63| 1| 8589934602| 231| 7|
Here is another way using simple select expression :
val w = Window.partitionBy($"id").orderBy($"date".asc).rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
// get columns you want to sum
val columnsToSum = df.drop("ID", "Date").columns
// map over those columns and create new sum columns
val selectExpr = Seq(col("ID"), col("Date")) ++ => sum(col(c)).over(w).alias(c)).toSeq*).show()
| ID| Date| C1| C2|C100|
| 1|02/04/2019|32.09|45.06| 99|
| 1|02/06/2019|64.18|90.12| 198|
| 2|02/03/2019|32.09|45.06| 99|
| 2|05/07/2019|64.18|90.12| 198|

Fill empty cells with duplicates in a DataFrame

I have a table similar to following:
| Date|Hour| Weather|Precipitation|
|2013-07-01| 0| null| null|
|2013-07-01| 3| null| null|
|2013-07-01| 6| clear|trace of p...|
|2013-07-01| 9| null| null|
|2013-07-01| 12| null| null|
|2013-07-01| 15| null| null|
|2013-07-01| 18| rain| null|
|2013-07-01| 21| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 0| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 3| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 6| rain|low precip...|
|2013-07-02| 9| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 12| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 15| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 18| null| null|
|2013-07-02| 21| null| null|
The idea is to fill columns Weather and Precipitation with values at 6 and 18 hours and at 6 hours respectfully. Since this table illustrates a DataFrame structure, simple iteration through this seemes to be irrational.
I tried something like this:
//_weather stays for the table mentioned
def fillEmptyCells: Unit = {
val hourIndex = _weather.schema.fieldIndex("Hour")
val dateIndex = _weather.schema.fieldIndex("Date")
val weatherIndex = _weather.schema.fieldIndex("Weather")
val precipitationIndex = _weather.schema.fieldIndex("Precipitation")
val days ="Date").distinct().rdd
days.foreach(x => {
val day = _weather.where("Date == $x(0)")
val dayValues = day.where("Hour == 6").first()
val weather = dayValues.getString(weatherIndex)
val precipitation = dayValues.getString(precipitationIndex) => (_(0), _(1), weather, precipitation))
However, this ugly piece of code seemes to smell because of iterating through an RDD instead of handling it in a distributed manner. It also has to form a new RDD or DataFrame from pieces what can be problematic (I have no idea how to do this). Is there more elegant and simple way to solve this task?
Assuming that you can easily create a timestamp column by combining Date and Hour, what I would do next is :
convert this timestamp (probably in milliseconds or seconds) into an hourTimestamp : .withColumn("hourTimestamp", $"timestamp" // 3600) ?
create 3 columns corresponding to the different possible hour lags (3,6,9)
coalesce these 3 columns + the original one
Here is the code for Weather (do the same for Precipitation):
val window = org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window.orderBy("hourTimestamp")
val weatherUpdate = df
.withColumn("WeatherLag1", lag("Weather", 3).over(window))
.withColumn("WeatherLag2", lag("Weather", 6).over(window))
.withColumn("WeatherLag3", lag("Weather", 9).over(window))

Pyspark groupBy Pivot Transformation

I'm having a hard time framing the following Pyspark dataframe manipulation.
Essentially I am trying to group by category and then pivot/unmelt the subcategories and add new columns.
I've tried a number of ways, but they are very slow and and are not leveraging Spark's parallelism.
Here is my existing (slow, verbose) code:
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit
df = sqlContext.table('Table')
#loop over category
listids = [x.asDict().values()[0] for x in"category").distinct().collect()]
dfArray = [df.where(df.category == x) for x in listids]
for d in dfArray:
#loop over subcategory
listids_sub = [x.asDict().values()[0] for x in"sub_category").distinct().collect()]
dfArraySub = [d.where(d.sub_category == x) for x in listids_sub]
num = 1
for b in dfArraySub:
#renames all columns to append a number
for c in b.columns:
if c not in ['category','sub_category','date']:
column_name = str(c)+'_'+str(num)
b = b.withColumnRenamed(str(c), str(c)+'_'+str(num))
b = b.drop('sub_category')
num += 1
#if no df exists, create one and continually join new columns
all_subs = all_subs.drop('sub_category').join(b.drop('sub_category'), on=['cateogry','date'], how='left')
all_subs = b
#Fixes missing columns on union
diff_columns = list(set(all_cats.columns) - set(all_subs.columns))
for d in diff_columns:
all_subs = all_subs.withColumn(d, lit(None))
all_cats = all_cats.union(all_subs)
diff_columns = list(set(all_subs.columns) - set(all_cats.columns))
for d in diff_columns:
all_cats = all_cats.withColumn(d, lit(None))
all_cats = all_cats.union(all_subs)
except Exception as e:
print e
all_cats = all_subs
But this is very slow. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Your output is not really logical, but we can achieve this result using the pivot function. You need to precise your rules otherwise I can see a lot of cases it may fails.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
| date| category|sub_category|metric_sales|metric_trans|
|2018-01-01|furniture| bed| 100| 75|
|2018-01-01|furniture| chair| 110| 85|
|2018-01-01|furniture| shelf| 35| 30|
|2018-02-01|furniture| bed| 55| 50|
|2018-02-01|furniture| chair| 45| 40|
|2018-02-01|furniture| shelf| 10| 15|
|2018-01-01| rug| circle| 2| 5|
|2018-01-01| rug| square| 3| 6|
|2018-02-01| rug| circle| 3| 3|
|2018-02-01| rug| square| 4| 5|
df.withColumn("fg", F.row_number().over(Window().partitionBy('date', 'category').orderBy("sub_category"))).groupBy('date', 'category', ).pivot('fg').sum('metric_sales', 'metric_trans').show()
| date| category|1_sum(CAST(`metric_sales` AS BIGINT))|1_sum(CAST(`metric_trans` AS BIGINT))|2_sum(CAST(`metric_sales` AS BIGINT))|2_sum(CAST(`metric_trans` AS BIGINT))|3_sum(CAST(`metric_sales` AS BIGINT))|3_sum(CAST(`metric_trans` AS BIGINT))|
|2018-02-01| rug| 3| 3| 4| 5| null| null|
|2018-02-01|furniture| 55| 50| 45| 40| 10| 15|
|2018-01-01|furniture| 100| 75| 110| 85| 35| 30|
|2018-01-01| rug| 2| 5| 3| 6| null| null|

drop all columns with a special condition on a column spark

I have a dataset and I need to drop columns which has a standard deviation equal to 0. I've tried:
val df ="header",true)
.option("inferSchema", "false").csv("C:/gg.csv")
val finalresult = df
.agg(, _*)
I want to compute the standard deviation of each column and drop the column if it it is is equal to zero
You can try this, use getValueMap and filter to get the column names which you want to drop, and then drop them:
//Extract the standard deviation from the data frame summary:
val stddev = df.describe().filter($"summary" === "stddev").drop("summary").first()
// Use `getValuesMap` and `filter` to get the columns names where stddev is equal to 0:
val to_drop = stddev.getValuesMap[String](df.columns).filter{ case (k, v) => v.toDouble == 0 }.keys
//Drop 0 stddev columns
df.drop(to_drop.toSeq: _*).show
|RowNumber|Poids|Age|Taille| Hmean|CoocParam|LdpParam|
| 0| 87| 72| 160|0.6993| 2.9421| 2.3745|
| 1| 54| 70| 163|0.6301| 2.7273| 2.2205|
| 2| 72| 51| 164|0.6551| 2.9834| 2.3993|
| 3| 75| 74| 170|0.6966| 2.9654| 2.3699|
| 4| 108| 62| 165|0.6087| 2.7093| 2.1619|
| 5| 84| 61| 159|0.6876| 2.938| 2.3601|
| 6| 89| 64| 168|0.6757| 2.9547| 2.3676|
| 7| 75| 72| 160|0.7432| 2.9331| 2.3339|
| 8| 64| 62| 153|0.6505| 2.7676| 2.2255|
| 9| 82| 58| 159|0.6748| 2.992| 2.4043|
| 10| 67| 49| 160|0.6633| 2.9367| 2.333|
| 11| 85| 53| 160|0.6821| 2.981| 2.3822|
OK, I have written a solution that is independent of your dataset. Required imports and example data:
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{lit, stddev, col}
val df = spark.range(1, 1000).withColumn("X2", lit(0)).toDF("X1","X2")
// +---+---+
// | X1| X2|
// +---+---+
// | 1| 0|
// | 2| 0|
// | 3| 0|
// | 4| 0|
// | 5| 0|
First compute standard deviation by column:
// no need to rename but I did it to become more human
// readable when you show df2
val aggs = => stddev(c).as(c))
val stddevs = _*) // df2 contains the stddev of each columns
// +-----------------+---+
// | X1| X2|
// +-----------------+---+
// |288.5307609250702|0.0|
// +-----------------+---+
Collect the first row and filter columns to keep:
val columnsToKeep: Seq[Column] = stddevs.first // Take first row
.toSeq // convert to Seq[Any]
.zip(df.columns) // zip with column names
.collect {
// keep only names where stddev != 0
case (s: Double, c) if s != 0.0 => col(c)
Select and check the results: _*).show
// +---+
// | X1|
// +---+
// | 1|
// | 2|
// | 3|
// | 4|
// | 5|

Convert from IndexedSeq[DataFrame] to DataFrame?

Newbie question ,
I am try to add columns to exist DataFrame , I am working with Spark 1.4.1
import sqlContext.implicits._
case class Test(rule: Int)
val test = sc.parallelize((1 to 2).map(i => Test(i-i))).toDF
| 0|
| 0|
Then - add columns, one column - OK
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
val t1 = test.withColumn("1",lit(0) )
| 0|0|
| 0|0|
Problem appears when I try to add several columns:
val t1 = (1 to 5).map( i => test.withColumn(i,lit(i) ))
error: value show is not a member of scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame]
You need a reduce process, so instead of using map, you can use foldLeft with test data frame as your initial parameter:
val t1 = (1 to 5).foldLeft(test){ case(df, i) => df.withColumn(i.toString, lit(i))}
|rule| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|
| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|
| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|