Assume an application has a single sourceNode and many distinct visual components that each require an analyserNode, of varying fftSizes, to operate on that sourceNode.
Should the application create only 1 global analyserNode instance and share it between all the visual components? This would require that each visual component will need to set the fftSize property on the analyserNode each time before it calls getByteFrequencyData() or equivalent.
Or would it be better for each visual component to create its own analyserNode instance, with its own fftSize, and attach it to the sourceNode.
If you're really resetting fftsize each time, I think it doesn't matter much.
I'd like to know a very simple function of the software Anylogic: I have to set different delay times for different agents in a model, but the software let me see only one boxe and there's no possibilities to specificate what kind of delay time I prefer for every agents. How could I do? Thank you
I tried with some code of Java script but I think that scripture could be available only for the section "Actions" in the different boxes
This is one of the most basic functionalities so check the tutorials as well, but here goes:
Add a parameter 'myParameter' in your agent type of type double.
Give the agents different values for that parameter (cab be dine in the source or where ever you instantiate your agents)
In the delay block code section, use 'agent.myParameter' to access and apply that agent-specific duration.
I am using Anylogic for a simulation-modeling class, and I am not anylogic or coding smart. My last and only coding class was MatLab based about 16 yrs ago. I have a few questions about how to implement modeling concepts in a discrete model with anylogic.
How can I add/inject agents directly into a queue downstream from a source? I have tried adding an additional source to use the “Calls of inject() function,” but I am not sure how to implement it after selecting it ( example: what do I do after selecting the Calls of inject() function). I have the new source feeding directly into the queue where I want the inject.
How can I set the release of an agent to a defined schedule instead of a rate? Currently, I have my working model set to interarrival time. But I would like to set the agent release to a defined schedule. (example: agent-1 released at 120 seconds, agent-2 released at 150 seconds, agent-3 released at 270 seconds)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially if it can be written in a “explain to me like I am 5yrs old” format.
Question 1:
If you have a source connected directly to a queue, then when you call source.inject() an agent will be created at the source block and go to the queue. If you have 1 source with multiple possible destinations, then you will have to use select output blocks and some criteria to go from the source to the desired queue.
Since you mentioned not being a strong programmer, this probably wouldn't be for you, but I often find myself creating agents via add_population and then just adding them to an ArrayList until I am ready to pull them into the DES flow. Really, there are near infinite ways to control agent flow within AnyLogic.
Question 2:
Option a: Arrivals by "Arrival Table in Database" You can link an AnyLogic database table to Excel, and then the source block will just have an agent arrive based on that table.
Option b: Arrival Schedule - you could set this up manually within the development environment or load your schedule from a database. I prefer option a over option b given your brief description.
Option c: Read in data to variable and then write code to release based on next arrival time. 1,000s of ways to do this, but one example could be a list of doubles (your arrival times), set an event to delay until next arrival, call inject function, remove that arrival from the list. I think option a would be best for you, but given that AnyLogic allows you to add java code, there are no limits to how sophisticated you could make your arrival logic.
For 2) You could also use an event or a dynamic event. The action could be source.inject(1); and you can schedule them to your preferences with variables. Just be vigilant that you re-start the events if necessary.
There is a demo-model from AnyLogic for dynamic events.
I am on Enterprise Architect 13.5, creating a deployment diagram. I am defining our servers as nodes, and using attributes on them so that I can specify their details, such as Disk Controller = RAID 5 or Disks = 4 x 80 GB.
When dragging instances of these nodes onto a diagram, I can select "Set Run State" on them and set values for all attributes I have defined - just like it is done in the deployment diagram in the EAExample project:
Since our design will have several servers using the same configuration, my plan was to use the "initial value" column in the attribute definition on the node to specify the default configuration so that all instances I create automatically come up with reasonable values, and when the default changes, I would only change the Initial Values on the original node instead of having to go to all instances:
My problem is that even though I define initial values, all instances I create do not show any values when I drag them onto the diagram. Only by setting the Run State on each instance, I can get them to show the values I want:
Is this expected behavior? Btw, I can reproduce the same using classes and instances of them, so this is not merely a deployment diagram issue.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated! I'm also thankful if you can describe a better way to achieve the same result with EA, in case I am doing it wrong.
What you could do is to either write a script to assist with it or even create an add-in to bring in more automation. Scripting is easier to implement but you need to run the script manually (which however can add the values in a batch for newly created diagram objects). Using an add-in could do this on element creation if you hook to EA_OnPostNewElement.
What you need to do is to first get the classifier of the object. Using
will return that. You then can check the attributes of that class and make a list of those with an initial value. Finally you add the run states of the object by assigning object.RunState with a crude string. E.g. for a != 33 it would be
Just join as many as you need for multiple run states.
using Talend Open Studio, I have a data-processing component, for which I'd appreciate your advice on how to make this possible (a) in a single component and (b) without a dirty workaround - thanks.
Relating part (a):
I have two different inputs:
One Input (with exactly one row) defines some kind of metadata for my processing.
One Input (with 1...n rows) defines the core data to process.
Currently, I solved this first requirement using two components and passing my metadata to the second component using the globalMap. But it would be nice, if I could integrate both connections into one component.
Relating part (b): After I have read all my input rows, I need to process them all at once. So far, so easy, I could use the end-section - my problem comes here: After that processing, I need to create a number of output-rows for a single output connection. Problem is, that Output-rows can only be created in the main-part and there I don't know when the last row was read...
Currently, I solved this counting the input-rows in advance and then, after that number is reached, I create that output. But this seems a really dirty workaround to me, so maybe someone has a solution for that, too?
Thank you for any useful tips!
I have a real-time workflow for creating unique numbers. This workflow get a numeric field from my custom entity, increase it by 1, and update it for next use.
I want to run this workflow on multiple records.
Running on-demand mode, it works fine,and I have true and unique numbers, but for "Record is Created" mode, it dose not work fine and get repeated numbers.
What I have to do?
This approach wont work, when the workflow runs on demand its running multi-threaded, e.g. two users create two records, two instances of the workflow start. As there is no locking mechanism you end up with duplicated numbers.
I'm guessing this isn't happening when running on demand because you are running as a single user.
You will need to implement a custom auto number approach, such as Auto Number for DynamicsCRM.
Disclaimer: I work for Gap Consulting who produce the tool linked above.