EsHadoopException: Could not write all entries for bulk operation Spark Streaming - scala

I want to traverse the stream of data, run a query on it and return the results which should be written into ElasticSearch. I tried to use mapPartitions method for creation of the connection to the database, however, I get such an error, which indicates that partition returns None to the rdd (I guess, some action should be added after the transformations):
org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopException: Could not write all entries for bulk operation [10/10]. Error sample (first [5] error messages)
What can be changed in the code to get the data into rdd and send it to ElasticSearch without any troubles?
Alos, I had a variant of the solution for this problem with flatMap in foreachRDD, however, I create a connection to the database on each rdd, which is not effective in terms of performance.
This is the code for streaming data processing:
wordsArrays.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.mapPartitions { part => {
val neo4jConfig = neo4jConfigurations.getNeo4jConfig(args(1))
data => {
val recommendations = execNeo4jSearchQuery(neo4jConfig, data)
val calendarTime = Calendar.getInstance.getTime
val recommendationsMap = convertDataToMap(recommendations, calendarTime)

The problem was that I tried to convert the iterator directly into the Array, although it holds multiple rows of my records. That is why ElasticSEarch was not able to map this collection of records to the defined single record schema.
Here is the code that works properly:
wordsArrays.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.mapPartitions { partition => {
val neo4jConfig = neo4jConfigurations.getNeo4jConfig(args(1))
val result = data => {
val recommendations = execNeo4jSearchQuery(neo4jConfig, data)
val calendarTime = Calendar.getInstance.getTime
convertDataToMap(recommendations, calendarTime)


log error from catch block to cosmos db - spark

Objective:- Retrieve objects from an S3 bucket using a 'get' api call, write the retrieved object to azure datalake and in case of errors like 404s (object not found) write the error message to cosmos DB
"my_dataframe" consists of the a column (s3ObjectName) with object names like:-
//retry function that writes cosmos error in event of failure
def retry[T](n: Int)(fn: => T): T = {
Try {
return fn
} match {
case Success(x) => x
case Failure(t: Throwable) => {
if (n > 1) {
retry(n - 1)(fn)
} else {
val loggerDf = Seq((t.toString)).toDF("Description")
.withColumn("Type", lit("Failure"))
.withColumn("id", uuid())
throw t
//execute s3 get api call
my_dataframe.rdd.foreachPartition(partition => {
val creds = new BasicAWSCredentials(AccessKey, SecretKey)
val clientRegion: Regions = Regions.US_EAST_1
val s3client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(creds))
partition.foreach(x => {
retry (2) {
val objectKey = x.getString(0)
val i = s3client.getObject(s3bucket_name, objectKey).getObjectContent
val inputS3String = IOUtils.toString(i, "UTF-8")
val filePath = s"${data_lake_file_path}"
val file = new File(filePath)
val fileWriter = new FileWriter(file)
val bw = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)
When the above is executed it results in the following error:-
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
This error occurs in the retry function when it is asked to create the dataframe loggerDf and write it to cosmos db
Is there another way to write the error messages to cosmos DB ?
Maybe this isn't a good time to use spark. There is already some hadoop tooling to accomplish this type of S3 file transfer using hadoop that does what you are doing but uses hadoop tools.
If you still feel like spark is the correct tooling:
Split this into a reporting problem and a data transfer problem.
Create and test a list of the files to see if they're valid. Write a UDF that does the dirty work of creating a data frame of good/bad files.
Report the files that aren't valid. (To Cosmos)
Transfer the files that are valid.
If you want to write errors to cosmo DB you'll need to use an "out of band" method to initiate the connection from the executors.(Think: initiating a jdbc connection from inside the partition.foreach.)
As a lower standard, if you wanted to know if it happened you could use Accumulators. This isn't made for logging but does help transfer information from executors to the driver. This would enable you to write something back to Cosmos, but really was intended be used to simply count if something has happened. (And can double count if you end up retrying a executor, so it's not perfect.) It technically can transfer information back to the driver, but should only be used for countable things. (If this type of failure is extremely irregular it's likely suitable. If this happens a lot it's not suitable for use.)

Spark : how to parallelize subsequent specific work on each dataframe partitions

My Spark application is as follow :
1) execute large query with Spark SQL into the dataframe "dataDF"
2) foreach partition involved in "dataDF" :
2.1) get the associated "filtered" dataframe, in order to have only the partition associated data
2.2) do specific work with that "filtered" dataframe and write output
The code is as follow :
val dataSQL = spark.sql("SELECT ...")
val dataDF = dataSQL.repartition($"partition")
for {
row <- dataDF.dropDuplicates("partition").collect
} yield {
val partition_str : String = row.getAs[String](0)
val filtered = dataDF.filter($"partition" .equalTo( lit( partition_str ) ) )
// ... on each partition, do work depending on the partition, and write result on HDFS
// Example :
if( partition_str == "category_A" ){
// do group by, do pivot, do mean, ...
val x = filtered
// write final DF
} else if( partition_str == "category_B" ) {
// select specific field and apply calculation on it
val y =
// write final DF
} else if ( ... ) {
// other kind of calculation
// write results
} else {
// other kind of calculation
// write results
Such algorithm works successfully. The Spark SQL query is fully distributed. However the particular work done on each resulting partition is done sequentially, and the result is inneficient especially because each write related to a partition is done sequentially.
In such case, what are the ways to replace the "for yield" by something in parallel/async ?
You could use foreachPartition if writing to data stores outside Hadoop scope with specific logic needed for that particular env.
Else map, etc.
.par parallel collections (Scala) - but that is used with caution. For reading files and pre-processing them, otherwise possibly considered risky.
You need to check what you are doing and if the operations can be referenced, usewd within a foreachPartition block, etc. You need to try as some aspects can only be written for the driver and then get distributed to the executors via SPARK to the workers. But you cannot write, for example, spark.sql for the worker as per below - at the end due to some formatting aspect errors I just got here in the block of text. See end of post.
Likewise df.write or cannot be used in the below either. What you can do is write individual execute/mutate statements to, say, ORACLE, mySQL.
Hope this helps.
rdd.foreachPartition(iter => {
while(iter.hasNext) {
val item =
// do something
spark.sql("INSERT INTO tableX VALUES(2,7, 'CORN', 100, item)")
// do some other stuff
RDD.foreachPartition (records => {
val JDBCDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" ...
connectionProperties.put("user", s"${jdbcUsername}")
connectionProperties.put("password", s"${jdbcPassword}")
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(ConnectionURL, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword)
val mutateStatement = connection.createStatement()
val queryStatement = connection.createStatement()
records.foreach (record => {
val val1 = record._1
val val2 = record._2
mutateStatement.execute (s"insert into sample (k,v) values(${val1}, ${nIterVal})")

How to determine partition key/column with Spark

Suppose I use partitionBy to save some data to disk, e.g. by date so my data looks like this:
When I read the data using Hive config and DataFrame, so
val df = sparkSession.sql(s"select * from $database.$tableName")
I can know that:
Filter queries on column d will push down
No shuffles will occur if I try to partition by d (e.g. GROUP BY d)
BUT, suppose I don't know what the partition key is (some upstream job writes the data, and has no conventions). How can I get Spark to tell me which is the partition key, in this case d. Similarly if we have multiple partitions (e.g. by month, week, then day).
Currently the best code we have is really ugly:
def getPartitionColumnsForHiveTable(databaseTableName: String)(implicit sparkSession: SparkSession): Set[String] = {
val cols = sparkSession.
sql(s"desc $databaseTableName")
.dropWhile(r => !r.matches("# col_name"))
if (cols.isEmpty) {
} else {
Assuming you don't have = and / in your partitioned column values, you can do:
val df = spark.sql("show partitions database.test_table")
val partitionedCols: Set[String] = try {[String](0)).first.split('/').map(_.split("=")(0)).toSet
} catch {
case e: AnalysisException => Set.empty[String]
You should get an Array[String] with the partitioned column names.
you can use sql statements to get this info, either show create table <tablename>, describe extended <tablename> or show partitions <tablename>. The last one gives the simplest output to parse:
val partitionCols = spark.sql("show partitions <tablename>").as[String].first.split('/').map(_.split("=").head)
Use the metadata to get the partition column names in a comma-separated string.
First check if the table is partitioned, if true get the partition columns
val table = ""
def isTablePartitioned(spark:org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession, table:String) :Boolean = {
val col_details = spark.sql(s" describe extended ${table} ").select("col_name").select(collect_list(col("col_name"))).as[Array[String]].first
col_details.filter( x => x.contains("# Partition Information" )).length > 0
def getPartitionColumns(spark:org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession, table:String): String = {
val pat = """(?ms)^\s*#( Partition Information)(.+)(Detailed Table Information)\s*$""".r
val col_details = spark.sql(s" describe extended ${table} ").select("col_name").select(collect_list(col("col_name"))).as[Array[String]].first
val col_details2 = col_details.filter( _.trim.length > 0 ).mkString("\n")
val arr = pat.findAllIn(col_details2).matchData.collect{ case pat(a,b,c) => b }.toList(0).split("\n").filterNot( x => x.contains("#") ).filter( _.length > 0 )
if( isTablePartitioned(spark,table) )
Note: The other 2 answers assume the table to have data which will fail, if the table is empty.
Here's a one liner. When no partitions are present the spark call throws an AnalysisException (SHOW PARTITIONS is not allowed on a table that is not partitioned). I'm handling that with the scala.util.Try, but his could be improved catching the correct type of exception.
def getPartitionColumns(table: String) = scala.util.Try(spark.sql(s"show partitions $table").columns.toSeq).getOrElse(Seq.empty)

How to extract records from Dstream and write into Cassandra (Spark Streaming)

I am fetching data from Kafka and processing in Spark Streaming and writing Data into Cassandra
I am trying to Filter the DStream records but it doesn't filter the records and write the complete records in Cassandra,
Any suggestion with sample/example Code to filter multiple columns of records and any help will be highly appreciated i have done a research on this but not able to get any solution.
class SparkKafkaConsumer1(val recordStream : org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream[String], val streaming : StreamingContext) {
val internationalAddress = => line.split("\\|")(10).toUpperCase)
def timeToStr(epochMillis: Long): String =
if(internationalAddress =="INDIA")
val riskScore = "1"
val timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
val formatedTimeStamp = timeToStr(timestamp)
var wc1 ="\\|")).map(r=>Row(r(0),r(1),r(2),r(3),r(4).toInt,r(5).toInt,r(6).toInt,r(7),r(8),r(9),r(10),r(11),r(12),r(13),r(14),r(15),r(16),riskScore.toInt,0,0,0,formatedTimeStamp))
implicit val rowWriter = SqlRowWriter.Factory
wc1.saveToCassandra("fraud", "fraudrating", SomeColumns("purchasetimestamp","sessionid","productdetails","emailid","productprice","itemcount","totalprice","itemtype","luxaryitem","shippingaddress","country","bank","typeofcard","creditordebitcardnumber","contactdetails","multipleitem","ipaddress","consumer1score","consumer2score","consumer3score","consumer4score","recordedtimestamp"))
(Note: I am have records with internationalAddress = INDIA in Kafka and I am very much new to Scala)
I'm not really sure what you're trying to do, but if you are simply trying to filter on records pertaining to India, you could do this:
implicit val rowWriter = SqlRowWriter.Factory
.filter(_.split("\\|")(10).toUpperCase) == "INDIA")
.map(r => Row(...))
As a side note, I think case classes would be really helpful for you.

Spark : How to use mapPartition and create/close connection per partition

So, I want to do certain operations on my spark DataFrame, write them to DB and create another DataFrame at the end. It looks like this :
import sqlContext.implicits._
val newDF = myDF.mapPartitions(
iterator => {
val conn = new DbConnection
row => {
This gives me an error as mapPartitions expects return type of Iterator[NotInferedR], but here it is Unit. I know this is possible with forEachPartition, but I'd like to do the mapping also. Doing it separate would be an overhead (extra spark job). What to do?
On most cases, eager consuming the iterator will result to execution failure if not slow down of jobs. Thus what I've done was to check if iterator is already empty then do the cleanup routines.
rdd.mapPartitions(itr => {
val conn = new DbConnection => {
val yourActualResult = // do something with your data and conn here
if(itr.isEmpty) conn.close // close the connection
Thought this as a spark problem at first but was a scala one actually.
The last expression in the anonymous function implementation must be the return value:
import sqlContext.implicits._
val newDF = myDF.mapPartitions(
iterator => {
val conn = new DbConnection
// using toList to force eager computation - make it happen now when connection is open
val result =* the same... */).toList