Can 'install4j' be renamed on 'Request Privileges' action? - install4j

My install4j installer requires admin privileges. I've noticed that when it runs the 'Request privileges' action on a Mac it brings up a pop-up saying :
install4j wants to make changes...
Is it possible to rename this so that it reads:
MyApp wants to make changes...

As of install4j 7.x, this prompt is not configurable, I've created an issue for it.


Installing MongoDB. failed to start service

Cannot find much on the internet about this problem. I even reset my computer because other things were messing up and it was about time i reset everything anyway. How ever I am still getting this error when I try to install it. I saw another post about it but it seemed it only applied to Windows 7, and I use Windows 10. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT - I have solved my problem. I downloaded Java and it didn't install so i checked for updates and i Updated my system and it worked.
You can look into this
To confirm, with the installer on the abort, retry, ignore, cancel dialog up... go into services.msc and set the username and password manually. If you get a message saying the user was granted logon as a service right, try hitting retry on the MSI dialog and see if it starts.
It could also be missing dependencies or exceptions being thrown in your code.
Error 1920 service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services
Open command prompt in administrator mode(Windows) and navigate to the directory having the .msi file.
Now directly install it, by just writing the filename in the command line, itll be installed.

Powershell ISE crash when loading

I have encountered an error when trying to launch Powershell ISE. The launch starts with 'Loading' displayed in the splash panel, then a dialog box comes up with "An unexpected error has occurred, and Windows PowerShell ISE must close"
I have Googled this error and come up with nothing specific, but I have followed a few steps that have been suggested for fixing other issues.
Platform: Windows 8.1 Pro
Powershell ISE product version: 10.0.14409.1005
(Cannot open shell so cannot run cmdlet to get exect version details)
Things I have tried
1 The plain Powershell shell **does** launch.
2 Tried launching ISE with -NoProfile & -MTA switches no luck
3 Rename powershel_ise.exe.config so it cannot be read in both System32 & WOW64 folders
4 Upgrade .NET Framework to 4.5.1
5 Upgrade Management Framework to 5.1
6 Other machines within our environment with same image and patch level have **not** encountered this problem
7 Cannot find an associated error in the Event viewer logs
I really don't want to blow the machine away and start again so any suggestions or fix would be appreciated !
I had the same issue, I was able to fix it with recreating my user profile.
You can log as different user and try to run powershell_ise in that profile, if it runs, so more likely you can fix it. Just have somebody with admin rights delete your profile, and then just log back. Or if you have admin rights go create another account with admin, go to system properties / user profiles and remove your current profile ( just save files you need to keep)
"I renamed the C:\Users<name>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell directory and re-ran ISE and it didn't crash. Something up with that profile directory for me... –
Duncan Smart
Feb 10 '21 at 11:07"
Solved my similar issue! :D
Go to Documents C:\Users<loggedinProfileName>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell and re name from WindowsPowerShell to Old_WindowsPowerShell it will work if its crashes because for user profile.

How can the auto updater wait for an event from the launcher executable?

I am using an updater application (without version check) in unattended mode, but I need the updater to wait for an event from the launcher executable before continuing to execute the installer.
The event will typically be a user confirmation that the downloaded installer can be executed. I would prefer that the launcher executable prompt the user to update, once it knows that the downloaded installer is ready.
Is there another way to solve the problem?
There is no such communication mechanism as of install4j 6.1.
I would recommend to change your updater application so that it does not execute the installer but just writes it to a particular directory. After it has finished you can check if an executable exists in the directory and ask if it should be executed. If the user confirms the update, you then invoke another custom installer application that only contains the "Run executable" action from the original updater template.

Install4j "Browse" Button hanging the installer

I'm using install4j 6.0.3, everything works exactly like it should, however if the user tries to change the installation location by using the "Browse" button, the installer locks up completely, and you need to use task manager to kill the process.
This happens on Windows 7 & Windows 8(.1)
Does anyone have any idea of how to fix this issue?
Ok, this is extremely weird, as I was debugging according to Ingo, I checked the option "Allow new folder creation" on, made a build, then checked it off again and made another build.
That build now works for the affected users, I guess there was a latent weird option in the config file or something.

Installshield 2009 installer refuses to onfigure for a second user (did work until recently)

Since years we use installshield to deliver our software. Since the last Version of our software the following happens:
After installing the program for "all users", when a restricted user logs in, he sees our applications Icon on the desktop. When double clicking it the first time a dialog appears "Configuring ". In recent versions after a while the dialog disappeared and our program stared. Now the process is aborted with a message: "The function is hosted on a unavailable network resource". Our program does not start. But when we create a shortcut to the .exe file by hand everything's fine.
We did not make any modifications to the installer project recently (besides changing the Version number). We also denied to install updates.
What can the problem be?
How can i debug a installer?
Not so sure about Installshield (I use Wise) but you should check the following:
Set the MSI Property "ALLUSERS" to 1 in the "Property" table of the MSI database. See Windows Installer SDK documentation for more details. This ensures that all users get a shortcut for launching the application.
Call your installer with
from the command line (this sets the logging to verbose) - might help!