Xcode Instruments : Unable to identify the memory leak issue - swift

I'm facing some serious memory-related problems in maintenance project and unable to identify the cause for the issue I'm facing. Please find the attached below image for reference.
Help would be much appreciated.

The Cycles and Roots screenshot you showed doesn't provide any information on what's causing the leak. If you want to find the leaks in your code, switch to the call tree view using the jump bar. Click the Call Tree button at the bottom of the window and select Invert Call Tree and Hide System Libraries checkboxes to make it easier to find your code in the call tree view.


How to debug infinite loop "crash" in Xcode for iOS involving CALayer and view layout during search?

My app is hanging during search in a table view.
For what it's worth, the view hierarchy is very complex, there are popovers involved as well as filters and search bars etc. I am reviewing all those possibilities.
But the non-crash - it's an infinite loop - occurs when the search results table is being displayed / updated, after a call to reloadData.
Here is what I get when I stop the program and look at the main thread:
You can see - it involves UIView, CALayer, CATransaction. I have no clue how to get back to my controller classes to find the offending code.
Any hints, suggestions, wild guesses welcome!
EDIT Here is more - some more classes appearing when I interrupt at some other random point.
This is an old question, but in case other folks arrive here: it's possible you're facing a layout feedback loop. I wrote an article about how to debug these (link: Debugging Auto Layout feedback loops) but here's a summary:
If you modify your layouts during layout, or if you have ambiguous layout, you might find yourself stuck in a loop.
Apple discussed a special debugging technique at WWDC 2016 – skip to about 15 minutes before the end, and they introduce the layout feedback loop debugger.
To try it yourself, add -UIViewLayoutFeedbackLoopDebuggingThreshold 100 to the list of launch arguments for your app, then run it again.
When the error happens next time, you should get (a lot of) debugging information that helps point you in the right direction.

How to show detail info in the "Extended Detail" panel of Leaks?

I'm checking my app with Leaks and find some memory leaks indeed.
But In the "Extended Detail" panel, I can't locate the source code directly.
There are only memory address where the leaks happens.
Here is the snapshot:
And here is the snapshot from others:
I have been looking for infomation by google, but no result.
Who can help me?
When you double click the red thick line of memory leak as shown above , in the lower portion of the Instrument you will be able to see all the leaks and related info. If u want to find detailed info about a particular leak just click the arrow which comes up in its address field.
This will refresh the window and tell you the details with Responsible Caller column in the end of the table , it gives the specific method name where the leaks has occurred. If you double click the row, it will open that corresponding .m file where that method has been implemented.
This link will be helpful for you.

detecting errors and solution for it- Xcode 4.2 - Instrument [Memory Leaks]

According to stack-over flow guidance I did my memory management things. SO I discovered memory leaks. thanks for all about it. Now how could I find memory allocation that I didn't release ?
Is their any easy way to do it on instrument on Xcode. I attached my memory leaks image below.
SO is their any easy way to catch that 3 leaks [mention on resulted image] from is tool ?
Thanks advanced.
Click on the leaks row inside of the time line (where the red bars
are) click on them, dont double click them.
This will display in Object Summary which items where leaked.
Next display the far right panel, (see the button that isn't clicked
in view)
Single click an item in the Object Summary it will display a stack
trace on the item that was leaked.
Look through the the stack trace double click on the highest item from your project
This will open and highlight where the leak has occurred

How to identify leaks objects using Leaks in XCode 4?

Can any one guide me that how to use and identify the variables that are leaking the memory?
I took the snap as following, but yet no idea to understand it
Open the right utility area (click third button next to the status info in the top bar).
when you then klick on a leaked block (and on the arrow next to the address), you can see the code blocks responsible for the steps

dismissModalView crash iphone app, but not with debugger on

I have an iphone app with a modal view. The app crashes when the modal view get dismissed.
As soon as the modal disappear at the bottom of the screen, and consequently the original view is shown behind, then the app crashes with no entry in console view.
I have tried to switch debugger on and I discovered that the app just run fine, with no crashes at all.
-First, I would like to know why such behaviour, shouldn't the debugger sit just on top without "disturbing" the app ?
-Second, without debugger, can you point out what should I look at to solve my problem ? Or if you encounter something similiar ? Please be as much specific you can, because I am not an expert in objective-c programming.
I don't know what details to give you, the app is a normal one with standard iphone component, but for start I can say the modal view (which is built with IB) is called inside a NavigationBar system.
When these types of things happen, it is almost always because of memory allocation issues. The first step I would take is to do a "Clean All" and a "Build and Analyze", and look at all the analysis warnings. Analyze is very good at finding basic "use before allocate", "use after deallocate", or "wrong number of retains/releases" types of problems.
The next step is to turn on "Zombie" detection mode, which looks for accesses on memory that has already been deleted (in other words, killed objects coming back from the dead.) To do this, get info on your executable, go to the Arguments tab, and add a "variable to be set in the environment" of "NSZombieEnabled" to value "YES". Then look in the console when you run to see if something looks off.
Finally, you might try creating a new configuration where you use all the release mode settings for optimization, but add debug symbols. Maybe that will shake up the allocation disbursement in memory enough to trigger the bug in debug mode.