Create Data Studio Report Table with Date and Time Column from Unix Time in Big Query - unix-timestamp

I have IOT data with a Unix time. I need to show this to the second in a Data Studio table report. Cannot make this work. In the PubSub function I have:
d = new Date();
d.setTime(res[0] * 1000); // 1000 is for JS time
console.log( d.toISOString());
and later set the field with:
Using BigQuery the table shows the field as:
2018-07-06 23:44:49 UTC
which is correct. The 'timestamp' field in Data Studio appears in the table as just:
July 6, 2018
I need to get more resolution, down to the second, for the table and eventually graphs. I've tried custom queries for the data source but cannot get Data Studio to show better resolution.
I tried creating a new field using TODATE(timestamp, 'RFC_3339', "%Y%m%d%H") but cannot that also just shows the July 7, 2018 format. Cannot get it to go to greater resolution.
Yes, I've tried all the other approaches suggested in other questions but none match what I am trying, or they don't succeed.

From what I can see on the DataStudio documentation, this product doesn't support seconds for their date output formats, it only supports up to the minute for output formats and for the 'mm' date type.
I suggest to vote on the related feature requests to support more specific time resolution. 1 2


Relative Date filtering Query Editor - Power BI

I don't understand the logic of Power Query Editor.
I have a big table with data from 2019 to 2024 (one column contains the monthly information).
I want to filter the data by the date of that column, but it has to be dynamic.
Two options:
The data I want to consider is "Current month -2". So all historical data minus current month.
The data I want to consider is a parameter extracted from somewhere (e.g. I set the latest month to consider manually somewhere in an Excel, which usually is "current month -1" but not always (best).
I would be happy with any of the two solutions.
Currently I found somewhere this formula which filters out vs last month:
= Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type",each [Month]< Date.From(Date.StartOfMonth(DateTime.LocalNow())))
But somehow I do not find the way to go 2 months back.
Thanks a lot!

Powerapps Filter Collection By Today's Date

Good day all,
I am trying to filter todays result in SQL table to a collection in powerapps. The column "dt" represents the column in sql of datetime type.
This is my powerapps filter:
ClearCollect(myCollectionName, Filter(myDatasource, Text(dt,"dd/mm/yyyy") = Text(Now(),"dd/mm/yyyy" )));
Seems like the collection is still empty even there is data for today in sql. May I know if my approach is the correct way in filtering?
Short answer: the data is likely being changed based on the client time zone. To fix it, you can update it by applying the time zone offset to the data from the SQL table, something along the lines of:
Text(DateAdd(dt, TimeZoneOffset(dt), Minutes), "dd/mm/yyyy") =
Text(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")))
Long(er) answer: the datetime type in SQL Server represents an absolute value of date and time. For example, the value '2021-12-23 09:30:00' represents 9:30 in the morning of the 23rd day of December, 2021 - at any part of the world. The date/time type in Power Apps, however, represents a point in time, typically referring to the local time where the app is being executed (or created). For example, if I selected that value and I'm in the US Pacific Time Zone (UTC-08:00), that would represent the same value as if someone in London (UTC+00:00) selected 2021-12-23 17:30:00. Since the two types represent different concepts, we may have mismatches like you are facing. To fix this, we can either use a type in SQL Server that has the same semantics as Power Apps (for example, 'datetimeoffset'), or adjust the time when it is being transferred between SQL and Power Apps.
The blog post at explains in more details how to work with date/time values in SQL and Power Apps.

PowerBI: How to display/filter row tables between 2 years dynamically

I was wondering if there's a way where I can filter out my table results based on two years. My table A has date column and many miscellaneous columns. So currently I would like the table A to display January 2018 (or 1/1/2018) and December 2019 (or 12/31/2019 --basically ongoing) information. However, once January 1st, 2020 appears, I would like my table A to display row results between January 2019 and December 2020. Is there a way I can do so? Maybe in DAX or clicking some filter option? Could someone show me? I'm still fairly new to PowerBI.
The easiest way to meet this requirement is usually using the Relative Date Slicer or Filter functionality:
Not sure if any of those options will meet your scenario. Maybe Last 12 Months (Calendar)? Your requirements description didnt make much sense to me - you probably need to explain "ongoing" and "appears".
If the Relative Date functions dont meet your needs, then you'll need to construct a column (in Power Query or DAX) that returns a static value you can use in a Slicer or Filter.

Date Format in Power BI Hierarchical Slicer

I have a Power BI file that connects to a data model via SSAS. The data model origin is a SQL Server view with some computed columns added in via SSAS.
One of the visualisations is a Hierarchical Slicer that shows dates. The field is not one of the computed SSAS columns. It displays in DD/MM/YYYY format but when I place the file on a Power BI Report Server the format is Americanised to MM/DD/YYYY. I want it to be DD/MM/YYYY.
The same field is used to populate a table visualisation but in there it remains DD/MM/YYYY. Just the slicer is affected.
This blog seemed to have the answer I needed but these settings were already applied and still the slicer shows MM/DD/YYYY.
Its not a problem when I open the pbix file locally; there, the slicer shows the dates as DD/MM/YYYY, its just when its on the server. The same problem persists in Test and Production and I have checked those settings and they are as the blog indicates. Other blogs identify this with the slicers but do not present a real solution as its not seen as a problem in those topics.
I've only spent a month working with Power BI so have no real experience to draw upon. I know that SQL Server defaults to American English when connecting to a database and I have changed that to British English but still the same problem. How do I get the slicer showing as DD/MM/YYYY as in my local copy?
Select the Date column and then go to the Modeling tab and change Format to whatever Date format you want.
You can create a calculated column using the FORMAT method in DAX to convert date format as you want.
See reference here:
Power BI is missing the formatting in their recent releases. However, the below solution works for me:
Create a Calculated Column ref. the original Date column and apply "Short Date" format for Date, example:
Transaction Date =
), "Short Date")

Having an issue with ascertaining the format of a date

I've been tasked with getting data from an existing database table and transferring it into another. Everything is fine except the date in the original table is in a format that I don't recognise. It looks suspiciously like a unix timestamp but when converting it it seems to be coming out as the year 2727 or something.
Here is an example of what's in the existing table: 1424786878240
The matching date for this on the front end of the site is 24th February 2015. I cannot seem to find any correlation between this and the number in the database - and since I have no access to the original site code I am unable to determine how it's being converted.
If anyone recognises this date format / structure I would appreciate some help.