Unable to load CSV file in postgresq due to column of relation does not exist - postgresql

I have a csv file :
I am trying to upload this file using the command:
copy public.shares(SrNo,TradeDate,TradeTime,SettlementNo) from 'C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/report_jul2018.csv' with csv header;
It is giving the error:
ERROR: column "srno" of relation "shares" does not exist SQL state: 42703
Any solution?


ERROR: could not open file "file_name" for reading: Operation not permitted SQL state: 42501

I'm using pgAdmin and can create the schema and table.
I then right click on the table, open the import tool, choose the file, set the format to csv, click the header check box, set the delimiter to ',' and click 'Import', and get an error
ERROR: could not open file "file_name" for reading: Operation not permitted SQL state: 42501
1.) Tried importing the file manually by right clicking on my table and then using the import/export method.
Did not work
2.) Used the ---> copy 'table_name' from 'file_path' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER <---
Did not work
3.) Went to the file itself and granted postgresql permission to read and write on my file
Did not work
4.) Made sure the CSV was not opened while doing all these methods
Did not work
5.) Used the \copy method
Did not work, error said
ERROR: syntax error at or near ""
SQL state: 42601
Character: 1
6.) What are other ways around this?

How do I import inet or uudi data as null from csv file?

I am using DBeaver tool for import csv file into postgres database. When Iam trying to import csv file which is having column (inet datatype) as null. Then I am getting the below error. Please let me know how to fix this in excel ?
Error occurred during SQL query execution
SQL Error [22P02]: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: ""
Position: 468

Error while copying data or importing data from CSV into PostgreSQL

I have a CSV file -- > named -- myWidechar1.csv and the data in it is as follows:
Copy Command in PostgreSQL is as follows:
Copy dbo.myWidechar From 'D:\temp\myWidechar1.csv' DELIMITER '~' null as 'null' encoding 'windows-1251' CSV; select 1;
But problem is I am getting the below error while importing data into PostgreSQL:
ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "WIN1251": 0x00 CONTEXT:
COPY mywidechar, line 3 SQL state: 22021
I need the data to remain same even in PostgreSQL as I am migrating data from SQL Server 2000 instance.
Can some one please help me in resolving this issue ?

PSQL Copy CSV data to postgres DB

I have an empty table in postgreSQL :
CREATE TABLE public.tbltesting
"ID" integer,
"testValue" numeric
TABLESPACE pg_default;
I have a CSV file with the following data :
The file is huge and requires a bulk copy and so I am trying to run the following command from PSQL :
\copy tblfoodnutrients FROM 'C:\temp\tbltestingbulk.csv' with CSV HEADER
ERROR: relation "tblfoodnutrients" does not exist
I have also tried the following :
\copy public.tblfoodnutrients FROM 'C:\temp\tbltestingbulk.csv' with CSV HEADER
ERROR: relation "public.tblfoodnutrients" does not exist
DUH! My connection was missing the database name to begin with.

Error on using copy Command in Postgres (ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: "")

I have a CSV file from which I am trying to use Postgres COPY command in order to populate a table from that CSV file. One of the table columns NEXT_VISIT is of a date data_type. Some of the corresponding fields in the CSV file which are supposed to go into this date column have null values.
The Copy command am running is like so:
COPY "VISIT_STAGING_TABLE" from E'C:\\Users\\Sir Codealot\\Desktop\\rufijihdss-2007-2010\\rufijihdss\\VISIT_TEST.CSV' CSV HEADER
When I run this command I get the error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: ""
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: ""
SQL state: 22007
Context: COPY VISIT_STAGING_TABLE, line 2, column NEXT_VISIT: ""
How can I run the copy command and get Postgres to accept that some of the fields in the CSV file corresponding to NEXT_VISIT have values ""?
Add WITH NULL AS '' to your command (COPY expects NULLs to be represented as "\N" (backslash-N) by default).
COPY "VISIT_STAGING_TABLE" from E'C:\\Users\\Sir Codealot\\Desktop\\rufijihdss-2007-2010\\rufijihdss\\VISIT_TEST.CSV' WITH CSV HEADER NULL AS ''
More details here: postgresql COPY
I was having the exact same problem, and what solved it for me was to use the statement WITH NULL ''. It is important not to have a space between the apostrophes.
I originally used the statement WITH NULL ' ' and got the same error message you did (ERROR: syntax error at or near "WITH NULL").
But when I eliminated the space between the apostrophes it worked.