How to move property setting in Struct initialization into another method - swift

So I have a struct, call DemoType, where I want the caller to initialize it with two properties-- however I also want to expose the ability to set the second property,
the problem is that before setting prop2, there is quite a lot of logic that needs to run first. This means that there is a lot of repeat lines of code, which I'm trying to reduce by keeping that logic in one place. I would like to keep it all in setProp2
struct DemoType {
var prop1: String
var prop2: String
init?(p1:String, p2:String) {
self.prop1 = p1
let potentialFailure = true
guard potentialFailure else { return nil }
// Like 20 lines of logic here manipulating p2
self.prop2 = p2
mutating func setProp2(_ p2:String) {
let potentialFailure = true
guard potentialFailure else { return }
// Like 20 lines of logic here manipulating p2
self.prop2 = p2
So from a logical standpoint, I could just call setProp, and everything would be cool
struct DemoType {
var prop1: String
var prop2: String
init?(p1:String, p2:String) {
self.prop1 = p1
mutating func setProp2(_ p2:String) {
let potentialFailure = true
guard potentialFailure else { return }
// Like 20 lines of logic here manipulating p2
self.prop2 = p2
Unfortunately, the compiler will complain that I have not initialized all of my properties in the init,
and also i want the init to be fallable, so it can return nil if certain checks fail, so I'm not sure how I would do that with this implementation, as I can make setProp2 just return, but then how do I make the caller (init) return nil?
I imagine what I'm trying to do must be possible, but I just don't know the syntax the compiler is looking for. Alternatively I could pull those 20 lines of logic out into it's own method and have both call it, that would be cleaner as well, but because both call self.prop2 at the end, I was hoping there would be a way to just have one place where self.prop2 is assigned

The problem seems to be because your mutating set function can return early before setting the property. I suggest creating a function that configures prop2 and returns either the successfully configured prop, or a nil for an unsuccessful configuration:
func setProp2(_ prop2: String) -> Prop2? {
// set up
return prop2
Now you can call setProp2 both from the initializer and from the mutating set function. This alleviates the duplicated code problem.


Swift : how to list fields in a struct from Type object?

I want to extract a list of the fields in a struct, having at my disposal just the Type object.
public struct CoordinateData: Codable {
var longitude: Double?
var latitude: Double?
I receive Codable.Type (at this stage, I do not know the object is CoordinateData and I want to keep my solution generic for any Codable)
I want to extract ["longitude", "latitude"] ([String])
I tried to use Mirror and it works when I know the exact type of the object and when the type as an empty initializer:
let metatype: CoordinateData.Type = CoordinateData.self
let c3 = metatype.init()
let m3 = Mirror(reflecting: c3)
for (property, value) in m3.children {
guard let property = property else {
print("no proeprty")
But this solution does not work when all I have is Codable.Type because it has only one .init() method that expect a decoder .init(from: Decoder) which I don't have.
Any suggestion ?
This could work, But you need to consider a few things.
func mirror<T: Any>(object: T) {
let c3 = object
let m3 = Mirror(reflecting: c3)
for (property, _) in m3.children {
guard let property = property else {
print("no proeprty")
Use: mirror(object: CoordinateData())
mirror(object: Foo())
You always need to pass an initialized object.
That would remove the init responsibility from the function because as far as i know, you can't initialize the generic objects because they're generic.
So bypassing the object itself this would work for you.
Update: since there is no explicit struct type parameter this could be misused also but passing any argument that's not an object it wouldn't give any result, this could be solved by changing the structs to classes and pass <T> as <T: AnyObject>.
You can alternatively do it this way too, since Mirror parameter is already Any type, so we can extension the Mirror it self to make a getProperties() function check below.
extension Mirror {
func getProperties() -> [String] {
self.children.compactMap { child in
guard let property = child.label else {
return nil
return property
Usage: var list = Mirror(reflecting: Foo()).getProperties()
This will always give you an array of strings, however if there were no properties it would return an empty array.

Can I set computed property in get block in Swift?

var myProperty: PropertyType {
get {
if let alreadyComupted = savedValue {
return alreadyComputed
return computeAndSave(someParam: "Hello")
set {
// is it possible to move *computeAndSave* body here somehow so I can call *set* method in above get definition?
private var savedValue: PropertyType?
private func computeAndSave(someParam: SomeType) -> PropertyType {
// perform computations and assign value to *savedValue*
I am fairly new to swift language, not sure if this is even standard by coding practice or not.
Basically you are describing a lazy variable. It calculates its initializer once, when the value is first fetched, and from then on uses the stored value (unless it is replaced). You can combine this with a define-and-call initializer:
lazy var myProperty: PropertyType = {
let p = // perform some expensive one-time calculation here
return p
The outcome is that the first time you ask for the value of myProperty, the initializer method runs; but after that the previous result is used, and the initializer method never runs again.

Swift memoizing/caching lazy variable in a struct

I drank the struct/value koolaid in Swift. And now I have an interesting problem I don't know how to solve. I have a struct which is a container, e.g.
struct Foo {
var bars:[Bar]
As I make edits to this, I create copies so that I can keep an undo stack. So far so good. Just like the good tutorials showed. There are some derived attributes that I use with this guy though:
struct Foo {
var bars:[Bar]
var derivedValue:Int {
In recent profiling, I noticed a) that the computation to compute derivedValue is kind of expensive/redundant b) not always necessary to compute in a variety of use cases.
In my classic OOP way, I would make this a memoizing/lazy variable. Basically, have it be nil until called upon, compute it once and store it, and return said result on future calls. Since I'm following a "make copies to edit" pattern, the invariant wouldn't be broken.
But I can't figure out how to apply this pattern if it is struct. I can do this:
struct Foo {
var bars:[Bar]
lazy var derivedValue:Int = self.computeDerivation()
which works, until the struct references that value itself, e.g.
struct Foo {
var bars:[Bar]
lazy var derivedValue:Int = self.computeDerivation()
fun anotherDerivedComputation() {
return self.derivedValue / 2
At this point, the compiler complains because anotherDerivedComputation is causing a change to the receiver and therefore needs to be marked mutating. That just feels wrong to make an accessor be marked mutating. But for grins, I try it, but that creates a new raft of problems. Now anywhere where I have an expression like
XCTAssertEqaul(foo.anotherDerivedComputation(), 20)
the compiler complains because a parameter is implicitly a non mutating let value, not a var.
Is there a pattern I'm missing for having a struct with a deferred/lazy/cached member?
Memoization doesn't happen inside the struct. The way to memoize is to store a dictionary off in some separate space. The key is whatever goes into deriving the value and the value is the value, calculated once. You could make it a static of the struct type, just as a way of namespacing it.
struct S {
static var memo = [Int:Int]()
var i : Int
var square : Int {
if let result = S.memo[i] {return result}
let newresult = i*i // pretend that's expensive
S.memo[i] = newresult
return newresult
var s = S(i:2)
s.square // calculating
s = S(i:2)
s.square // [nothing]
s = S(i:3)
s.square // calculating
The only way I know to make this work is to wrap the lazy member in a class. That way, the struct containing the reference to the object can remain immutable while the object itself can be mutated.
I wrote a blog post about this topic a few years ago: Lazy Properties in Structs. It goes into a lot more detail on the specifics and suggest two different approaches for the design of the wrapper class, depending on whether the lazy member needs instance information from the struct to compute the cached value or not.
I generalized the problem to a simpler one: An x,y Point struct, that wants to lazily compute/cache the value for r(adius). I went with the ref wrapper around a block closure and came up with the following. I call it a "Once" block.
import Foundation
class Once<Input,Output> {
let block:(Input)->Output
private var cache:Output? = nil
init(_ block:#escaping (Input)->Output) {
self.block = block
func once(_ input:Input) -> Output {
if self.cache == nil {
self.cache = self.block(input)
return self.cache!
struct Point {
let x:Float
let y:Float
private let rOnce:Once<Point,Float> = Once {myself in myself.computeRadius()}
init(x:Float, y:Float) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
var r:Float {
return self.rOnce.once(self)
func computeRadius() -> Float {
return sqrtf((self.x * self.x) + (self.y * self.y))
let p = Point(x: 30, y: 40)
print("p.r \(p.r)")
I made the choice to have the OnceBlock take an input, because otherwise initializing it as a function that has a reference to self is a pain because self doesn't exist yet at initialization, so it was easier to just defer that linkage to the cache/call site (the var r:Float)

How Can I Match Swift 4 KVO on Non-Objective-C Type?

I have a Result type that I use in asynchronous processes:
internal enum Result<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(Error)
I also have a APIDataResultContext that I use to pass data between Operation subclasses:
internal final class APIDataResultContext: NSObject {
// MARK: Properties
private let lock = NSLock()
private var _result: Result<Data>!
internal var result: Result<Data>! {
get {
let temp = _result
return temp
set {
_result = newValue
In my unit tests, I need to determine when result has been set in an APIDataResultContext instance. I can't use KVO because my Result<T> type cannot be marked as dynamic since it can't be represented in Objective-C.
I don't know of another way that will allow me to monitor when result is changed other than using a closure property or a Notification, which I would prefer not to do. I will resort to one of the two if necessary, though.
What other way(s) can I monitor for a change of result?
I ended up adding a closure property to APIDataResultContext:
internal final class APIDataResultContext {
// MARK: Properties
internal var resultChanged: (()->())?
private let lock = NSLock()
private var _result: Result<Data>!
internal var result: Result<Data>! {
get {
let temp = _result
return temp
set {
_result = newValue
I use the closure in my tests to determine when result has been changed:
internal func testNeoWsFeedOperationWithDatesPassesDataToResultContext() {
let operationExpectation = expectation(description: #function)
let testData = DataUtility().data(from: "Hello, world!")
let mockSession = MockURLSession()
let testContext = APIDataResultContext()
testContext.resultChanged = {
guard let result = testContext.result else {
XCTFail("Expected result")
switch result {
case .failure(_):
XCTFail("Expected data")
case .success(let data):
XCTAssertEqual(data, testData, "Expected '\(testData)'")
NeoWsFeedOperation(context: testContext, sessionType: mockSession, apiKey: testAPIKey, startDate: testDate, endDate: testDate).start()
mockSession.completionHandler?(testData, nil, nil)
wait(for: [operationExpectation], timeout: 2)
You've already solved this issue (and what you did is probably what I'd do), but there's probably still value in providing a literal answer for the title question: How can you use KVO on a non-Objective-C type?
As it turns out, it's not too difficult to do, although it is somewhat ugly. Basically, you need to create an Objective-C property that is typed Any with the same Objective-C name as the Swift name of the real property. Then, you put willSet and didSet handlers on the real property that call the appropriate KVO methods for the Objective-C property. So, something like:
#objc(result) private var _resultKVO: Any { return self.result }
internal var result: Result<Data>! {
willSet { self.willChangeValue(for: \._resultKVO) }
didSet { self.didChangeValue(for: \._resultKVO) }
(For the sake of simplicity, I'm assuming that result is your stored property, and removing the lock and the private property from the equation)
The caveat is that you will have to use _resultKVO instead of result when constructing key paths to observe, which means that if this needs to be observable from outside the object, you can't make _resultKVO private, and you'll have to clutter up your class's interface with it. But so it goes.
Again, I probably wouldn't do this for your particular use case (and if you did, you could obviously fire the notifications in result's set rather than having to bother with willSet and didSet), but in some cases this can be useful, and it's good to have an answer describing how to do it as a reference.

How to act atomically on a struct property?

Assume I have the following objects:
class Dog {
let name: String
var stats: Stats?
func doSomething() { /*...*/ }
struct Stats {
var weight: Double
var age: Int
func ageEquivalence() -> Int { /*...*/ }
... and that I want to perform some calculation on a Dog instance. I want to do this atomically, however. In other words, I want to guarantee that either all code is executed, or no code is executed.
To clarify the problem, first, let's assume that Stats were a class. In that case, this problem is easy to solve:
func updateAge(_ dog: Dog) {
guard let stats = dog.stats else {
stats.age += 1 // A
dog.doSomething() // B
sendNotification(stats.ageEquivalence()) // C
It's either going to going to execute lines A-C if stats exists, or do nothing.
Now let's go back to the original problem, assume Stats is a struct again. If I try to run the code above, first I must change let stats to var stats, otherwise the compiler will complain that I'm trying to update a constant.
func updateAge(_ dog: Dog) {
guard var stats = dog.stats else {
stats.age += 1 // A
dog.doSomething() // B
sendNotification(stats.ageEquivalence()) // C
But now we run in to the problem that stats is a copy of dog.stats so when I update the age on line A, I'm not actually modifying the original dog's age.
Our next approach might look like this:
func updateAge(_ dog: Dog) {
dog.stats?.age += 1 // A
dog.doSomething() // B
if let stats = dog.stats {
sendNotification(stats.ageEquivalence()) // C
The problem with this approach is that if doSomething has a side effect which sets stats = nil, we would have run lines A & B, but not the C.
What's the best way to solve this problem?
It seems that the crux of the problem is this line:
dog.stats?.age += 1
In order to modify a struct, we must act on the original object, meaning we must use optional chaining. This cannot be used in conjunction with a guard var since that would create a copy of the original struct, and the original struct might be changed due to a side effect at any point of the execution.