Unwanted WordPress redirection - redirect

When I access my website on a computer, everythiing is okay. But when I access my website from my mobile, it redirects me on websites with hazard and p*rn. I found a malware on my website so I removed it but it still redirects me when I try to access my website on a phone. Really strange and I don´t know how can I fix this. I checked all index.php, index.html, theme files, header.php, footer.php, functions.php.....Nothing there. How can I fix this?


Facebook says my website link redirects to another website, but it doesn't

When I try to share this link (http://saeedreza.me/) on Facebook first it says it's an unsafe link:
It looks like a link you're sharing might be unsafe. If you can,
please remove this link:
Note: The unsafe link might be on the page you’re linking to.
I have checked this domain with Facebook Sharing Debugger and it doesn't show any error. I have also checked it with Facebook Open Graph Object Debugger and still no bug or error. It has all the proper meta tags and even the app ID.
I have also checked the link safety with different services and have received no sign of any malicious malware or suspicious script.
After passing a security check, Facebook allows to share/post the link anyways but when you try to click on the link it redirects you to a page with this message:
You followed a link on facebook.com that redirects to another website:
http://saeedreza.me/ You can now continue to this website, or go back
to the page that you were on before. Remember, only follow links from
sources that you trust.
I have also checked the site to see if it redirects to any other domain but nothing suspicious again!
I have tried to contact them so many different ways but still no luck.
Has anyone had this experience before? or do you have any suggestion how I may be able to fix it?
Try to shorten site URL with goo.gl, it's a link shim feature from FB giving you this warning: https://m.facebook.com/notes/facebook-security/link-shim-protecting-the-people-who-use-facebook-from-malicious-urls/10150492832835766/

iframe facebook app with woobox

I recently made a iframe app/page for my FB fan page with woobox. I have 100% SSL hosting, however, a lot of users are saying that they are unable to load this iframe site. Everything works 100% for me and many other visitors, but some are saying that page displays some server connection error. Any ideas? Manye I need to include some FB scripts in order for iframe page to work 100%?
When I load the app with this iframe, connection is secure so SSL shouldnt be the prob. I did however get very cheap SSL, can this be the problem?
Likely what is happening is that while your Facebook connection is secure, the contest in the iframe is still pointing at the http:// version of your page and not the https:// version. Most static iframe apps aren't smart enough to check this, so they serve insecure content on a secure page.
The majority of browsers will be fine with this, but some people might have their browser security settings tweaked a little bit differently and that's probably where you're seeing people unable to access your frame content.
An easy solution is to just have the static iframe app ALWAYS direct to your https:// content, that way, what you're serving is secure whether or not the user is browsing facebook on http:// or https://

Website shows sitecore login page

We just went live with a new Website that's using Sitecore. In the last couple of days, we have heard users complain that they are seeing the Sitecore login page on the live website for the links they bookmarked or just randomly. We are using a load balancer with 3 servers behind that load balancer. Also, the authoring server is behind a firewall and the authoring interface is only accessible via VPN.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Would it be possible to have a deny permission on sitecore shell directory for your main website? This way users cannot access sitecore from your main website.
You can still have sitecore enabled on your authoring server though.
This issue has happened to me a couple of times, and I figured out that at some point you must have logged in to sitecore from that browser. Can the users try accessing your website from another browser? It should work fine.
I haven't been able to figure out why this happens though, may be because of cookies.
Like techphoria414 said, opening the site in a new browser or clearing the cookies solves the problem.
But to add more detail to this, the cookie responsible for this is:
website#sc_mode with the value "edit" or "preview".
If the users with the problem have been editing the site or using the page editor mode, this cookie gets created. Even if they log out, sometimes the cookie stays there and when they try to access the live site, Sitecore answers with a 302 (redirect) to the login page because of this cookie.
They can either delete all cookies or simply this one.

vBulletin Facebook App not working from within Page

I have installed the vBulletin Facebook app for a client, and am trying to link the app page from within the sidebar on the Fan Page for the site. However, the page returned upon clicking the link is blank. I think this may be a fault on vBulletin's side (which sadly has little to no debugging facilities that I can see), possibly the referrer does not match the App URL. Has anybody come across this problem before?
Any possible workarounds via Facebook? I have tried setting the Page URL to the apps.facebook.com URL but it didn't work and through a search I've found that it's not the right approach anyway.
Edit: I have also tried iframe within an iframe, like setting the page url to a page and having an iframe in that one. It didn't work, but then again it's fairly obvious why it didn't. The last resort I think would be to see if I could reverse engineer the vBulletin code to ignore referrers or allow a different one (if it's even the problem).
Double edit: Perhaps just a way to send a link off to a new window via the app tab??
Is it coming from an SSL site? I think now all fan pages have to come from an SSL site or they will error out. -Buddy

Blank Canvas Page for iFrame App

I'm working on an iframe style app that pulls the facebook optimized page available at http://store.starrco.com/?store_mode=facebook. I've done other, admittedly much simpler, iframe apps before without issue but though I've configured this one more or less the same when I try to view the canvas url it remains blank.
My settings can be seen here: http://www.abstraktmg.com/clients/starrco/starrcofbsettings.jpg
I've tried a few different permutations of this with the same results, this is the most complete setup though and most closely matches the settings template I was given.
This page is being generated by Webasyst's shop-script, which is specifically supposed to support this. The obvious answer then is to contact their support which I did, but after assuring them that my app settings matched their template, they said I needed to contact Facebook support and this is as close as I could find to any proper support system.
I checked both http and https versions of store.starrco.com/?store_mode=facebook and both worked outside of facebook.
However, there may be some framebusting code which might prevent the site from being loaded in an iframe. And I see that your settings appear to be missing the app domain entry.
I ran into the same problem, especially in Chrome and Firefox. The problem is, when the user is surfing with https on Facebook, the https Version of the iframe is called. But the browser do not show invalid certificate problems until you to right click page information.
You need to have a signed SSL cert by a CA trusted in the browser.
If the user has accepted it without the iframe - outside of Facebook, it works.