Compressing Sets of Integers Into Smaller Integers - encoding

Along the lines of How to encode integers into other integers, I am wondering if it is possible to encode one integer or a set of integers into one smaller integer or a smaller set of integers, and if so, how it is done. For example, encoding an 8 bit integer into a 4 bit integer, a 256 integer into a 16 bit integer. It doesn't seem possible but perhaps there is something along these lines. Basically, how to get a set of integers to take up less space. Not necessarily encoding into another sequence of bytes, but maybe even into a data structure that is more compact.

Sure, you can always encode them into fewer bits. However you won't be able to decode them back to the original bits. Though you neglected to mention that step, I'm guessing that's what you're looking for.


Decoding Arbitrary-Length Values Using a Fixed Block Size?

In the past I've written an encoder/decoder for converting an integer to/from a string using an arbitrary alphabet; namely this one:
Lookalike characters are excluded, so 1, I, l, O, and 0 are not present in this alphabet. This was done for user convenience and to make it easier to read and to type out a value.
As mentioned above, my previous project, python-ipminify converts a 32-bit IPv4 address to a string using an alphabet similar to the above, but excluding upper-case characters. In my current undertaking, I don't have the constraint of excluding upper-case characters.
I wrote my own Python for this project using the excellent question and answer here on how to build a URL-shortener.
I have published a stand-alone example of the logic here as a Gist.
I'm now writing a performance-critical implementation of this in a compiled language, most likely Rust, but I'd need to port it to other languages as well.. I'm also having to accept an arbitrary-length array of bytes, rather than an arbitrary-width integer, as is the case in Python.
I suppose that as long as I use an unsigned integer and use consistent endianness, I could treat the byte array as one long arbitrary-precision unsigned integer and do division over it, though I'm not sure how performance will scale with that. I'd hope that arbitrary-precision unsigned integer libraries would try to use vector instructions where possible, but I'm not sure how this would work when the input length does not match a specific instruction length, i.e. when the input size in bits is not evenly divisible by supported instructions, e.g. 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 bits.
I have also considered breaking up the byte array into 256-bit (32 byte) blocks and using SIMD instructions (I only need to support x86_64 on recent CPUs) directly to operate on larger unsigned integers, but I'm not exactly sure how to deal with size % 32 != 0 blocks; I'd probably need to zero-pad, but I'm not clear on how I would know when to do this during decoding, i.e. when I don't know the underlying length of the source value, only that of the decoded value.
If I'm going the arbitrary unsigned integer width route, I'd essentially be at the mercy of the library author, which is probably fine; I'd imagine that these libraries would be fairly optimized to vectorize as much as possible.
If I try to go the block route, I'd probably zero-pad any remaining bits in the block if the input length was not divisible by the block size during encoding. However, would it even be possible to decode such a value without knowing the decoded value size?

Rationale for CBOR negative integers

I am confused as to why CBOR chooses to encode negative integers as unsigned binary numbers with the value defined as -1 minus the unsigned value, instead of e.g. regular two's complement representation. Is there an obvious advantage that I'm missing, apart from increased negative range (which, IMO, is of questionable value weighed against increased complexity)?
There's only one allowed encoding type for each integer value, so all encoders will emit consistent output. If the encoders use the shortest encoding for each value as recommended by the spec, they'll emit identical output.
Picking the shortest numeric field is easier for non-negative numbers than for signed negative numbers, and CBOR aims for tiny IOT devices to readily transmit data.
It fits twice as many values into each integer encoding field width, thus making the data more compact. (It'd be yet more compact if the integer encodings didn't overlap, but that'd be notably more complicated.)
It can handle twice as large a negative value before needing the bignum extension.

Go: Rune, Int32, and binary encoding

I get that a rune is an alias for int32 because it's supposed to hold all valid Unicode code points. There are apparently about 1,114,112 Unicode code points currently, so it would make sense that they would have to be stored in four bits, or an int32-sized register, which can store an integer up to 2,147,483,647.
I have a few questions about binary encoding of UTF-8 characters and integers, however.
It appears that both rune and int32 both occupy four bytes. If 2147483647 is the highest integer able to be represented in four bytes (four bit octets), why is its binary representation 1111111111111111111111111111111, i.e., 31 1's instead of 32? Is there a bit reserved for its sign? It's possible that there's a bug in the binary converter I used, because -2147483648 should still be able to be represented in 4 bytes (as it's still able to be represented in the int32 type), but it is output there as 1111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000000, i.e., 33 1's and 31 0's which clearly overruns a four byte allowance. What's the story there?
In the binary conversion, how would the compiler differentiate between a rune like 'C' (01000011, according to the unicode to binary table and the integer 67 (also 01000011, according to the binary to decimal converter I used). Intuition tells me that some of the bits must be reserved for that information. Which ones?
I've done a fair amount of Googling, but I'm obviously missing the resources that explain this well, so feel free to explain like I'm 5. Please also feel free to correct terminology misuses.

Efficiently Store Decimal Numbers with Many Leading Zeros in Postgresql

A number like:
is difficult to store without a large performance penalty with the available numeric types in postgres. This question addresses a similar problem, but I don't feel like it came to an acceptable resolution. Currently one of my colleagues landed on rounding numbers like this to 15 decimal places and just storing them as:
So that the double precision numeric type can be used which prevents the penalty associated with moving to a decimal numeric type. Numbers that are this small for my purposes are more or less functionally equivalent, because they are both very small (and mean more or less the same thing). However, we are graphing these results and when a large portion of the data set would be rounded like this it looks exceptionally stupid (flat line on the graph).
Because we are storing tens of thousands of these numbers and operating on them, the decimal numeric type is not a good option for us as the performance penalty is too large.
I am a scientist, and my natural inclination would just be to store these types of numbers in scientific notation, but it does't appear that postgres has this kind of functionality. I don't actually need all of the precision in the number, I just want to preserve 4 digits or so, so I don't even need the 15 digits that the float numeric type offers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing these numbers in two fields like this:
1.234 (real)
-40 (smallint)
where this is equivalent to 1.234*10^-40? This would allow for ~32000 leading decimals with only 2 bytes used to store them and 4 bytes to store the real value, for a total of maximally 6 bytes per number (gives me the exact number I want to store and takes less space than the existing solution which consumes 8 bytes). It also seems like sorting these numbers would be much improved as you'd need only sort on the smallint field first followed by the real field second.
You and/or your colleague seem to be confused about what numbers can be represented using the floating point formats.
A double precision (aka float) number can store at least 15 significant digits, in the range from about 1e-307 to 1e+308. You have to think of it as scientific notation. Remove all the zeroes and move that to the exponent. If whatever you have once in scientific notation has less than 15 digits and an exponent between -307 and +308, it can be stored as is.
That means that 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000123456 can definitely be stored as a double precision, and you'll keep all the significant digits (123456). No need to round that to 0.000000000000001 or anything like that.
Floating point numbers have well-known issue of exact representation of decimal numbers (as decimal numbers in base 10 do not necessarily map to decimal numbers in base 2), but that's probably not an issue for you (it's an issue if you need to be able to do exact comparisons on such numbers).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing these numbers in
two fields like this
You'll have to manage 2 columns instead of one.
Roughly, what you'll be doing is saving space by storing lower-precision floats. If you only need 4 digits of precision, you can go further and save 2 more bytes by using smallint + smallint (1000-9999 + exponent). Using that format, you could cram the two smallint into one 32 bits int (exponent*2^16 + mantissa), that should work too.
That's assuming that you need to save storage space and/or need to go beyond the +/-308 digits exponent limit of the double precision float. If that's not the case, the standard format is fine.

Why do md5 and sha-* only use alphanumeric characters in their hash result?

I understand not wanting to use '\0', but all the rest in the extended ASCII range is usable right?
Wouldn't this provide a much better/secure/"less coliding" hash?
You're starting from false premise -- they produce a result that can (does) include all 8-bit values from 0 to 255. Just for example, one of the test vectors for SHA-256 is an input of "abc". The result from this (in hexadecimal) is:
ba7816bf 8f01cfea 414140de 5dae2223 b00361a3 96177a9c b410ff61 f20015ad
Just within that test, the result includes bytes with values from 0x03 to 0xff.
For display, that may be (often is) rendered in something like hexadecimal. For transmission in email they're often encoded with something like MIME or UUENCODE. The hash itself, however, is not limited in this way.
Transforming the result this way makes no difference to collision resistance -- you still have 160/256/whatever bits of actual data, but the representation is expanded.
The result is just hexadecimal encoded to be better readable.
In fact, those hash algorithms are outputting numbers, not strings. They use only letters a-f in combination with numbers 0-9, which makes the output a hexadecimal number.
MD5 produces an 128 bit hash. (16 byte)
sha, depending of whether is sha1 or sha256 produces either 160 bit (20 byte) or 256 bit (32 byte) hash.
Note that I'm talking about binary length/strength. The longer the less likely a collision occurs.
The fact that most users stick it into a DB field or whatnot makes it convenient to convert it to ASCII using varions binary-ascii conversion algos. This should not influence the strength of collision probability at all since you'll end up with a larger ASCII string.
FWIW I've been using SHA1, SHA256 in crypto products in binary form for over 5 years and I'd recommend choosing hashes in this following order, from the strongest to the weakest: SHA256, SHA1, MD5. There is a website that can "reverse" MD5 so I'd strongly suggest against it.