Service Fabric not starting service Error: FABRIC_E_CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND - azure-service-fabric

I am trying to publish a Service Fabric service to my local cluster, but it never goes out of this state:
There was an error during activation.Failed to configure certificate
Do you know what is this error related to?
How can I fix it?

As the error says, SF is unable to find the required cert in Cert store. You can find the missing cert info from the event error logs in Event Viewer-
Check using Certificate Manager if this cert is present and not expired. You can use this script also.
More info regarding the required certs can be found in this file. -


Azure DevOps on-premise cannot verify Kubernetess service connection

I am creating New Kubernetes service connection in Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1 via KubeConfig.
When I click to Verify that the connection it says that Verification Failed with the generic error:
Failed to query service connection API: ''. Error Message: 'An error occurred while sending the request.'
Please note that the Kubernetess instance is in the other domain.
I have the notion that the error could be with the certs are not imported somewhere on the machine, where the Azure DevOps is hosted, but I am unsure where. The MS documentation is silent about that as well.
So far I've tried to:
Import CA certs to the MMC under trusted publishers.
Import CA certs under cacerts in JAVA-HOME via keytool.
Import CA certs into azureTrustsStore.jks in JAVA-HOME via keytool.
For all 3 I've checked that the CA certs are imported correctly. But to no avail. Could you please advice or redirect me to the method, how to do it?
Additional Info:
While I cannot Verify and Save the connection, I still can Save it and then use it in the pipeline and it works OK! (sucesfully connect and execute the command).
Connection issues can occur for many reasons, but the root cause is often related to an error with one of these items: Network, Authentication, Authorization. You may refer to Basic troubleshooting of cluster connection issues for detailed troubleshooting steps.

Pods deployed in OKD4.8 are going to "ImagePullBackOff" state with "unauthorized: authentication required" error

I have successfully installed OKD4.8 and able to deploy applications. When I try to deploy a new application many days after the installation the pods are going to "ImagePullBackOff" state with "unauthorized: authentication required" error.
To reproduce: Install OKD4.8 and deploy a few applications and leave the setup for some days and deploy a new application then the pod is going into "ImagePullBackOff" state with "unauthorized: authentication required" error.
Log bundle
$ sudo podman pull image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/frontend/nginx:v1.0
WARN[0000] Failed to decode the keys ["storage.options.override_kernel_check"] from "/etc/containers/storage.conf".
Trying to pull image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/frontend/nginx:v1.0...
Error: initializing source docker://image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/frontend/nginx:v1.0: unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: authentication required
I think this might be happening due to the oc login session being expired which the podman fails to authenticate the default internal registry with the old token. So, kindly share me any process to avoid this kind of behaviour
Client Version: 4.8.0-0.okd-2021-11-14-052418
Server Version: 4.8.0-0.okd-2021-11-14-052418
Kubernetes Version: v1.21.2-1555+9e8f924492b7d7-dirty
I have installed OKD4.8 on VMWare machine using the UPI method.

Service Fabric : Failed to configure certificate permissions - FABRIC_E_CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND

I have installed all related certificates in my local system. But unable to figure-out why it is coming like this. Could you please help on this issue.
enter image description here
After spending lot of time to investigate, one of my certificate got expired. After installing new cert into my local system the error is no longer.

Deploying a Service fabric app from Team Services to Azure

I need some help with deploying a Service fabric app from Team Services to Azure.
I’m getting the following error from the Agent in Team Services (see screenshot below):
2018-06-22T13:17:13.3007613Z ##[error] An error occurred attempting to
import the certificate. Ensure that your service endpoint is
configured properly with a correct certificate value and, if the
certificate is password-protected, a valid password.
Error message: Exception calling "Import" with "3" argument(s):
"Cannot find the requested object.
Please advise.
Here is my Service Fabric Security security page, don't remember where I set up the password needed on the VSTS side but I took note of it and believe it's correct.
Here is the Endpoint page on the VSTS side:
Issue resolved with the help of MS Support by creating a new Certificate in the Key Vault and Adding it to the Service Fabric, steps:
Azure Portal:
Home > Key vaults > YourKeyVault - Certificates: Generate/Import
Generate new key with a CertificateName of your choosing and CN=CertificateName as Subject.
Home > Key vaults > YourKeyVault - Certificates > CertificateName
Select the only version available and Download in PFX/PEM format.
Power Shell: Convert to Base64 string, CertificateBase64
Home > YourServicefabric - Security: Add
Add the Certificate you created as Admin Client by providing 's thumbprint.
Build and release > Your pipeline: Edit
In the Deployment Process Service Fabric Environment click Manage for Cluster Connection and add a new connection. Besides the other information, in the Client Certificate paste the previous CertificateBase64.
Check the Service Endpoint in VSTS:
Whether it has a properly base64 encoded certificate, with a private key.
Also, check if the provided passphrase is correct.
Also, check if the service endpoint is configured as tcp://
Check if the thumbprint is correct.

Service fabric deploy failure in secure cluster

I got following error when I try to use VSTS to deploy application to Azure secure cluster
An error occurred attempting to import the certificate. Ensure that your service endpoint is configured properly with a correct certificate value and, if the certificate is password-protected, a valid password. Error message: Exception calling "Import" with "3" argument(s): "Cannot find the requested object.
I copied certificate base64 string and password to Services Endpoint config. Should I do other option to let it work?
Found the problem, the url in service endpoint should use https